Chapter Four
As the days went on by, it was almost as if time wasn't even a thing. Ichimatsu found that he was enjoying himself so much, he completely forgot what day it even was. That is, until Sunday would roll around.
People from all over the village would fill the church to worship this "God" which Karamatsu had been teaching Ichimatsu about all week long.
And despite how kind these people were, Karamatsu always told Ichimatsu to stay outside of the auditorium during the Sunday morning service. And Ichimatsu knew exactly why Karamatsu asked him to do such, but he didn't mind. As long as Ichimatsu could hear the one person he cared about, knowing they were near, he didn't care if he could see them.
But on that particular Sunday, many of the villagers began to scream and hurl insults at their priest.
"Where is the boy?!" the baker yelled.
"The murderer! You have been keeping him here, haven't you?" the village tailor screamed fearfully.
"How could such a great God allow you to shelter such a sinful man!" the village carpenter exclaimed.
"Now, now let's not get rowdy in the house of our great Lord," Karamatsu said, trying to calm down his angry audience. "Nobody is in danger. What goes around comes around. The boy will get what he deserves one day."
"Is he in prison then?!" the village fisherman yelled. "Because that's what the little rascal deserves!"
"Do you know this boy?!" Karamatsu exclaimed slightly angrily, slamming his hands on his cross shaped podium.
The entire auditorium grew silent. They had never seen their priest like this.
" you know this boy?" Karamatsu repeated more quietly.
And Ichimatsu, who was just outside the doors that lead out to the stage where the choir would sing, began to tremble in fear.
"There's so many people who fear me..." Ichimatsu thought, trying not to let out a chuckle. "They wish for my death..."
"We don't know the boy, and why would we want to know him!" the baker exclaimed, jumping up from his family's pew. "He's a thief! A filthy thief!"
"Then explain to me why you are here," Karamatsu said calmly. "Do you not believe that our God is a forgiving God? Do you not believe that the worst of sinners can be forgiven?"
The baker, whose plumb face had grown red from yelling, say his fat self back down on the blue cushioned pew.
"If any of you wish death upon this child, then please leave. You are not a true follower of the Christ," Karamatsu said calmly. And sadly, well over half of the his audience left, including the baker.
Discouraged, Karamatsu quickly went on with his sermon, speaking of the unconditional love and mercy that God had shown towards His people during His days.
Ichimatsu let out a sigh from behind the doors. He could tell that Karamatsu wasn't feeling the greatest now, but after all the people finally left when the sermon was over, he was back to his normal self.
"Ichimatsu? Are you ready for lunch?" Karamatsu asked, walking into the small closet that Ichimatsu was in.
Ichimatsu nodded his head, and Karamatsu helped him to his feet.
"Would you like to continue your studies in literature this afternoon?" Karamatsu asked once they had sat down to eat.
Ichimatsu nodded his head. "I guess so..." he mumbled.
"Excellent!" Karamatsu exclaimed, pushing away from the table. "I will go get my Bible. We may begin as soon as we finish our great meal which our Heavenly Father has provided for us one this beautiful day."
Ichimatsu left his food alone, not touching it until Karamatsu had returned with his Bible. He knew that Karamatsu might possibly grown angry with him if they didn't thank God for their meal before they began to eat.
Karamatsu sat down across the table from Ichimatsu and folded his hands together.
"Let us pray, shall we?" Karamatsu said, watching Ichimatsu as he folded his hands together and bowed his head. "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen."
Karamatsu and Ichimatsu both raised their heads and began to eat.
"I apologize for the outbreak during the service today, my boy," Karamatsu said after a few minutes. "I'm ashamed for having allowed you to hear such words spoken directed towards you."
"I've heard worse..." Ichimatsu mumbled, his mind reminding him of the cruel things his parents used to spit at him while whipping him with the whip they used on their horses.
"My boy, do not listen to what they say to you. Just remember that you are a very special human. You are loved more than you will ever know, and that's that," Karamatsu said with smile. "I'm on your side, remember? I know there is much more to you than what the villagers have seen. You are a very kind boy."
"Flattery will get you nowhere..." Ichimatsu thought, continuing to eat.
"I must say," Karamatsu said, looking Ichimatsu directly in the eye. "I don't think I've enjoyed my life this much up until you came along."
And so, as more and more days passed on, not only was Ichimatsu finally getting an education, he also found that he was beginning to grow very attached to his new friend Karamatsu.
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