The legendary children
your name (y/n)
This is the world of pokemon where people and powerful creature live together in happiness but every happiness has a dark secret this is the dark secret.
???:Father!!!! no darn you (y/n) you won't get away with this "DRAGON BREATH"
As the two attacks collided the children Michael son of zekrom and (y/n) son of reshiram fell off the highest part of dragon tower destroying half of the mountain and making the children unconscious and their fathers turn to little stone rocks. But underneath the fight two armies electric and fire type pokemon. A charizard caught (y/n) and a electiver caught Michael both of their stones fell and was caught by different fire and electric pokemon. When the two type of pokemon say that they were unconscious the two armies left. the fire type pokemon heading to hoenn to the volcano for y/n and his father to rest while Michael and his father were sent to chargestone cave to rest as well but this fight was more then over. But there stood kyrem and her daughter selena watching the whole thing with selena crying.
Selena: we all used to be friends
Ash: so that really happen?!
iris: so says the legend
ash: Children raised by legendary pokemon
cylan: Truly a amazing story oh how i wish i could meet them.
iris: yeah but my family told me it's just a myth but i wouldn't mind meeting them
Ash: Man i really want to battle the fire type one that would be awesome
iris: yeah well we should head to bed night guys.
ash&cylan: night
A/n: If there are any mistakes please tell me anyways thanks for reading.!!!!!:)
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