Chapter 2: Y/N
(That's what you look like.)
I am the Cheshire Cat but my name is Y/N.
I live in wonderland (play music.)and yes it's a real place if you are wondering.
I love playing tricks on Alice and the mad hatter.
The Mad Hatter hates it when I play tricks on her and Alice but that's why I do it is to anoy them.
I know the mad hatter is a girl shocking isn't it? I remember when I first met Alice.
Alice was lost in the darkest part of the forest that's where I live.
I appered out of no where naturally.
She gasped for she hasn't seen a floating being before.
"You lost girl?" I asked politely.
"Yes I am and my name is Alice."
She had blond hair and light almost pale blue eyes I how ever have green eyes that were cat like and she was wearing a light blue dress with a white apprin on it and wore black stockings with red heels.
"If you are looking for him he went that way." I said pointing.
"Who did?" Alice asked.
"The white rabbit." I said.
"He did?" Alice asked.
"He did what?" I asked.
"Went that way?" Alice said pointing.
"Who did?" I asked.
"The white rabbit." Alice said annoyed.
"What rabbit?" I asked.
She gave me a sour look like I insulted her by calling her names or something.
" Alice i know who you are referring to." I said.
"Cheshire Cat quit pestering Miss. Alice." White rabbit said scowling me.
"It's what I do white rabbit and you know that." I said smiling.
"White rabbit I've been looking everywhere for you." Alice said.
"My apologises Miss. Alice but the mad hatter wants to see you." White rabbit said.
"Of course she does." I said.
"She?" Alice asked with her head to the side.
"Yes the mad hatter is a girl my dear." I said sweetly.
"Oh we're late we're late for---" White rabbit was trying to say but I interrupted him.
"An important date!" I said laughing.
White rabbit glared at me for making that joke but I didn't care.
We've arrived at the place where mad wanted to meet.
(That's what Alice looks like.)
"Pleasure to meet you Mad." I said smiling big.
"Pleasure is all mine Cheshire Cat." She said smiling back.
"Come out Alice dear and meet the mad hatter herself." I said.
She came out shyly.
"Come on Alice dear it's only mad." I said steadily.
She can out with more confidence this time and said "Helo mad hatter my name is------" She was going to say but got interrupted.
"Alice." Mad said.
"Yes how did you kn--" Alice was going to say but got interrupted again.
"Did I know?" Mad asked.
"Yes." Alice said.
"Cheshire Cat has been my eyes and ears since you have got here my dear sweet Alice." Mad said scratching her neck.
"Oh." Alice said.
"Care to join me for tea?" Mad asked.
"I know I would mad." I said with a wide grin on my lovely face.
"I know you would Cheshire Cat but I was asking Alice before you interrupted." Mad said.
"So sorry mad won't happen again." I said bowing my head.
She smiled.
"White rabbit get the tea,sugar,milk,cups,and some tea biscuits." Mad ordered.
"Right away hatter." White rabbit said.
He ran off to get the things for the tea party.
He came back with the things for the tea party.
"Cheers to my dear sweet Alice." Mad said.
"Cheers to to you mad hatter." Alice said.
"Cheers to Miss. Alice and mad hatter." White rabbit said.
"Cheers to wonderland and to you my dear Alice." I said with a wide grin on my lovely face.
We all clicked out tea cups together.
"So my sweet Alice what has brought you to wonderland?" Mad asked.
"Oh yes Alice was really lost in the darkest part of the forest." I said.
"Haha very funny Cheshire Cat." She said with a stern look on her face.
"Alice dear call me Y/N." I said.
"Is that your real name?" Alice asked.
"No of course not it's my stage name yes it's my real name." I could tell that she could sence my sarcasm by the look on her face.
"I just followed the white rabbit I saw at my party. Although I didn't know he had a human form." Alice explained.
"He always been a human just with white rabbit ears and tail my dear." I said smiling big and wide.
"Well when I saw him he was a white rabbit truly." Alice said protesting.
"Quit talking about me like I'm not even here." White rabbit stated.
"Oh but it would be mad if we didn't white rabbit." I said smiling.
"Nice one Cheshire Cat." Mad said.
"I live to please thy." I said smiling.
Mad chuckled at my bad pun. Now I know what you're thinking. Oh I get it. It was a bad pun. In the matter of fact it was.
White rabbit was hopping mad. Yes I know what you're thinking what's with you and the bad puns? To tell you the truth I don't know.
He turned to me with a angry look on his face.
"Aw did I make the rabbit hopping mad?" I said gigging.
Alice and Mad were laughing at my bad pun.
White rabbit hopped away angry Mad at me I didn't care white rabbit can't be mad at a person forever.
One day Alice left us to go back to her world.
Before she did tho she gave me a flying cat.
I named her Midnight because she was black and dark blue.
She had purple eyes.
Then that's where I smelled a scent and had a strange feeling.
The scent smelled like a dragon and a boy.
I don't know why but it smelled sweet yet tough and strange.
The scent was like a love drug to me. It filled me with happiness,love,confirt, and hope and it made me feel warm inside and out.
Mad sent me to the world of the normal. That sent chills down my spine the good kind tho.
I entered the portal that mad had created for me and Midnight. We entered the portal together. Here goses nothing. I thought as me and Midnight entered the portal together.
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