Chapter 6
Don't really have much to say so here you go. Enjoy
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Naruto's point of view
Time had literally stopped for me.
My whole world slowed down when Gaara announce a new hokage instead of Granny Tsunade.
But my heart dropped when I heard him say the new hokage was my old teammate and friend, 'Sakura Haruno'.
I looked up to the balcony where the kages were at to see her standing there wearing the hokage robe with the hat in her hand. She looked mature and her hair grew longer but she looked even more beautiful than when we were younger.
"I am Sakura Haruno-Uchiha, sixth hokage, we would like to wish you all luck and may the best one win" she looked down at all of us.
I couldn't say a word and neither could anyone else.
The only reason I was competing in the exams was to become a chūnin, to get closer to my dream, but now it's been taken away by someone I used to love.
"Now the rules will be explained to you. I hope each one of you have a good fight" Ay yelled to us.
The referee started to explain the rules to all the teams. I whispered to the others to get their attention.
Everyone looked to me and I started to whisper talk.
"Guys I didn't know that sakura-chan became hokage and her last name changed to Haruno-Uchiha, she married an Uchiha....teme's the only uchiha left" I looked towards them serious to see that they're all confused like me.
"You don't think it's Itachi....that's the only uchiha I can think of" sai looked at us with his fake smile face.
"That's impossible I killed itachi and his spirit came and helped me when I fought against kabuto" sasuke looked angry at sai as he was listening in on the conversation while paying attention to the referee.
"Yeah I saw itachi reanimated then his spirit was set free of kabuto's control, obito died and we defeated madara after the war so..." I looked at sasuke who was in his own thought.
"But how come we didn't know that bitch became hokage and got married" ino budded in to the conversation.
"Ino we were in the woods this whole time and only stopped at villages that weren't developed fully" tenten looked at ino seriously while trying to get the rules.
"Whatever I bet she's still a weak crybaby" karin gave ino a high five and looked back at the referee which everyone else followed.
I couldn't just let this go, I needed to talk to sakura-chan and soon.
"Well we need to win our matches to ask sakura-chan up close about her being hokage and anything else we need to talk about" everyone nodded and I turned my attention back to the referee.
"Alright now that the rules have been explained the board will now randomly pick who will be fighting" the referee yelled for everyone to hear.
"First up is Shisui vs. Ino Yamanaka" the referee announced.
The child named shisui was walking down to the arena when he heard his name. He looked somewhat similar to someone I've seen, teme looked confused at the child. He was very young to be in the chūnin exams and ino was laughing at him.
"That's my opponent, a child. *scoff* This will be a piece of cake" ino walked down to the arena with a cocky grin on her face and then took her stance.
"Ino don't doubt your opponent no matter the size or age" I yelled to her but she just ignored me.
"Are both fighters ready" the referee yelled to both of them. Both nodding but ino looked too cocky while the child took it very seriously.
"Begin" and the match began.
The child took out kunais and shurikens and threw them at ino which she deflected. "Come on, is that all you got kid" ino said with a smirk on her face.
Out of the crowd all of us heard a woman yell "Go shisui, you can do it, we believe in you".
Ino looked to the crowd to see who had yelled.
'Focus ino'.
While ino was distracted the kid closed his eyes then opened them again to show that he had the sharingan.
"Hey teme that kid has the same eyes as you" I pointed to the child for sasuke to see.
He looked at the child named shisui to see that I was right about the his eyes. "Only Uchiha's have the sharingan so that must mean he's an Uchiha" he looked at me with his blank face then back to the arena.
I turned my attention back just in time to see the child get behind ino and knock her out with one hit. Once she fell on the floor unconscious the crowd went dead silent.
"The winner is shisui" the announcer yelled to the crowd which they cheered for the kid.
The child jumped up to the balcony where we waited and went to another kid that had blonde hair and two whiskers.
'He looks kind of like me'.
I was going to go over to the blonde hair kid and ask his name but then gaara came up to where we were to talk to the two kids.
They both looked at gaara when he kneeled down. He started to speak, I couldn't hear him but I didn't need to, to see the kids with worried on their face then they took off out of the arena somewhere.
'That's weird, I wonder why they left....I'll worry about it later'.
"Next match is Naruto Uzumaki vs.....Kiba Inuzuka.
'I feel like I've done this before'.
Sakura's point of view
After everything was announced I sat down with hina-chan since we get tired easily. Shisui was then called to go against my worst enemy.
Ino Yamanaka.
I could see shisui stay focused and take it seriously like we taught him.
"Are both fighters ready" the referee yelled for everyone to hear.
Shisui nodded with confidence and ino smirked then nodded.
'That bitch probably thinks she can take out my shisui, well she's in for a surprise' I smiled while the match started.
Shisui tried his hardest to hit her with his weapons but she deflected all of them. Then I heard her tell him "Is that all you got kid".
I got so angry but calmed myself so I won't hurt the baby. "Go shisui, you can do it, we believe in you" I yelled from my seat. Hinata-chan and the others just laughed at my mother side.
I smiled but then it turned into a painful frown. I could only feel pain in between my legs and my stomach then I heard water hit the floor.
'Oh no I'm think my water broke'.
I looked to ita-kun and he notice something was wrong. He grabbed my hand and asked "Are you alright kura-hime, what's wrong".
"The baby's coming" I squeezed his hand for dear life. His eyes widened from shock but kept his cool and nodded his head and picked me up. Itachi faced me towards everyone.
"Guys I'm going into labor. I guess the baby wants to meet its big brother. If you can come to the hospital it would be nice" I tried doing my breathing exercises to calm the pain.
Everyone decided to take off with me to the hospital. Through the streets their were some people looking at us but then notice it was me, the hokage.
The pain was unbearable I thought I was going to go unconscious.
Once we arrived to the hospital the nurses immediately rushed me to a delivery room.
"Sir I'm going to need you to sit her on the bed so she can start pushing since the baby's coming out" the nurse was putting on gloves to start. I was settled on the bed sitting up with itachi-kun by my side.
"Okay ma'am you need to start pushing on 3. Ready 1...2...3 push" the nurse waited to see the head.
I pushed with all my might and squeezed itachi-kun's hand like I was going to break it but he didn't care.
"Okay ma'am push again the baby's head is coming. Push" I pushed so hard that I couldn't feel that I started to cry.
"Another push" the nurse looked up at me to see if I was alright which I was sweating like crazy.
"Kami I'm never letting you touch me again Itachi unless you're using protection" I looked at him angry while pushing which made him a little scared.
"Okay ma'am give me a big push the baby is almost out" the other nurses were getting the cleaning table ready for the baby.
"I'm so tired, *huff* I don't know if I can push anymore it hurts so bad" I cried as the pain started to take over my whole body.
"Sakura look at me" Itachi had turned my face with his hand and looked me right in my eyes.
"I know it hurts, but a couple more minutes of pain will give you another joy to go with our family, you can do it I know you can, your strong" his onyx eyes held so much love that at that moment I knew I picked the right uchiha.
"Okay" I looked to the doctor and nodded that I was ready to continue.
"Alright when I say push give my one big push" the nurses stood by ready for my baby to come out.
I pushed and pushed so hard that everything had slowed down and that I couldn't hear anything until a loud cry broke throughout the room.
When I opened my eyes the doctor and nurses were taking the baby to the cleaning table.
The cleaning only took a couple of minutes, while they did that other nurses help cleaned me up quickly. The nurse turned around with my baby in her arms.
"Congratulations it's a boy sakura-sama and itachi-sama" she then handed us are new baby boy.
"Itachi-kun he looks so much like you" our baby's face looked so peaceful and soft.
"He looks a little like you too sakura" itachi sat on the bed and the baby opened his beautiful black coal eyes.
"Hi baby" the baby pulled his hand out of the bundle he's wrapped in to grab itachi's finger. He just smiled at the both of us and laughed.
"So have you thought of a name for him kura-hime" itachi-kun played with the baby's hands.
"I was thinking.....maybe we could name him daisuke" I turned my head to itachi-kun to see he liked the name.
"Daisuke Uchiha.... I love it" he looked to daisuke and held his little hand.
"Come in" I said looking at the door.
The door opened and everyone came into the room, hinata-chan, kisame-kun, shika-kun, bāchan, oto-san even the akatsuki came.
"Pein, what are you guys doing her?" I looked confused.
"Konan wanted to see the baby since she got a feeling it would come while you were away. We left the village quickly but the elders are taking care of the village" the all surrounded my bed just to look at daisuke.
"Well you gonna introduce us to are new nephew" kisame-kun pulled hinata-chan close with their newborn too.
'I guess hinata-chan went into labor too right after me'.
"Well first who is this little one hinata-chan" I pointed to the little bundle that she was holding in her arms.
"This is kado hoshigaki, our new son" kisame-kun looked proud of his new son and hinata-chan was blushing.
"This is daisuke uchiha, our new son" when we turned the babies towards each other they both looked at each other and smiled.
'They're going to be great friends'.
We were all talking until we heard two loud voices.
"Kaa-san are you...." shisui looked at me in the bed holding his new baby brother. Boruto looked to his mom to see her holding his new baby brother too.
"Is that my new sibling" both of them said at the same time.
"Yup" me and hinata laughed then looked down at our sons. The boys came to look at their new siblings.
"Shisui this is daisuke....your baby brother" shisui came to look at daisuke which he smiled at him. Shisui laughed and played with his new baby brother.
"Boruto this is your new baby brother, kado" boruto went to kado and kado immediately pulled his hair but both laughed knowing they were gonna get along fine.
"So how did you boys do on your fights" I looked at the 5 year old boys with a smile.
"I won so now I can rest till tomorrow" shisui looked up from playing with daisuke.
"I'm going up next so wish me luck" boruto smiled and waved out the door to head to the arena.
"Good luck boruto, we believe in you" hinata-chan pumped her fist in the air while everyone else sweat dropped.
"What he's my son, I got to support him" I laughed while kisame smiled and shook his head.
"Alright everyone it's time for the babies and us to sleep. We'll see you tomorrow" I looked at itachi-kun to tell everyone to get out.
After everyone left itachi-kun put daisuke in his crib next to me and kissed his forehead. Then looked to me and kissed my forehead too.
He then left and I feel asleep with daisuke next to my bed.
Tsunade's point of view
After I met my new great grandson I went to the kazekage tower to rest for the chūnin exams tomorrow.
I woke up early since I had to get shisui and boruto up to eat breakfast and get them ready for their final fights.
"Shisui, boruto get up today's the day you will be chūnin if you win. Now come on breakfast is ready" I opened their door and yelled in the room to echo.
Both of them got up and rubbed their eyes to see better.
"Take a shower before you eat breakfast alright" I walked back to the kitchen to set the boys food.
Once I finished and sat down the boys rushed to the table and started fussing over who got there first.
S-"I was first"
B-"No I was first"
S-"No I was first you loser"
"Boys enough fighting you need to save your energy and strength for your fight. And after we can see your kaa-san's and brothers when you receive your jackets" we picked up our chopsticks and said "Itadakimasu" then started to eat while I drank a little sake.
After we finished breakfast we went to the arena for the final round of the exams.
"Good luck you two make your moms proud" I kneeled down to their height and gave them a kiss on the cheek.
Both boys nodded their heads then took off to the stage with the other participates.
"Alright I'm sure you know the rules from yesterday, now when you see your name on the board report to the floor" the referee yelled.
"First up is.....Boruto Hyūga vs....Neji Hyūga"
'Wait....what if neji notices something about boruto.....hopefully neji doesn't recognize him as naruto's, then we might have a problem'.
Both contestants took their stance to start the match.
"Fighters are you ready" both of them nodded.
"Begin" neji automatically activated his byakugan. The crowd cheered for both fighters but mostly for boruto.
Boruto threw kunais and shurikens to distract neji but he knew what he was doing so neji threw a paper bomb kunai in front of boruto.
The smoke covered the area boruto is in fully so I couldn't see him perfectly clear. Neji appeared behind boruto and kicked him hard to the opening where there was no smoke.
Boruto went flying till he skidded across the floor to a stop causing him to bleed from his head and burn his back from the skidding. Neji walked up to boruto who was barely getting up and kicked him in the stomach making him cough blood.
"BORUTO" shisui yelled from the rail next to me. I looked down at boruto with worry because I didn't know neji would do this.
"So your a Hyūga. Who is your mother, hinata or hanabi" I heard neji since my hearing is still sharp.
"Hinata i-is my *huff* kaa-san. H-How do you *cough blood* know her" boruto looked up at him scared.
"She is my cousin. She's weak and useless to the hyūga clan, she's the princess of the clan but her younger sister, hanabi, was always stronger than her, she could defeat anybody unlike your mother. Since your her child your probably just as pathetic as she is maybe even like sakura. I fought your mother in the chūnin exams and beat her like nothing. So why even call yourself a ninja, your destiny is to lose" neji was looking down and smirked at boruto which caused him to get angry. (I'm so sorry but I made neji a jerk even though he's bae 😍)
Boruto was getting up from the floor and his bangs were in the way of his face. The next thing I know boruto's eyes had changed. He unlocked the byakugan.
Neji dodged every palm boruto threw at him but then he started getting slower each time he dodge an attack since boruto was going faster every palm he threw.
'He's slowing down fast, if boruto can do the gentle step twin lion fist from his training he could win the match'.
Boruto then finally landed a hit on neji blocking off some chakra, then threw a flash bomb to blind him. Neji then couldn't see anything even with his byakugan activated and boruto got into the stance.
Boruto had gathered chakra in his hands till the became the size of lion's heads. Neji was in shock that he didn't see boruto coming at him like a bullet.
As boruto was in front of him neji tried to block his attack but it was too late. The blonde boy yelled as he hit neji in the chest with all his might.
"Gentle step twin lion fist."
Neji flew across the arena, hitting his back against the wall and wasn't able to move from the pain. Boruto was walking to him with hatred written all over his face.
"I'm not done with you yet" he then grabbed him and threw him a couple of feet away. Neji was struggling to get up after the blows that he received.
"Get up. Since you think that your better than everyone else, I wanna see if your the best. I'm gonna beat you till your dead" boruto ran to neji as the hyūga was stumbling a bit to stand up right.
Boruto punched him square in the face then took out a kunai, stabbing neji in the stomach. The hūyga held the scream in as boruto kicked him sending him flying again.
"That was for all you said about my mother and aunt. But I'm not showing mercy till your dead" a kunai was in boruto's hand ready to kill the man in front of him. As he swung down to plant the kunai in the bloody hūyga a loud voice stopped him from murdering the bloody man.
"BORUTO STOP" the blonde had stopped an inch away from neji's chest. I then realized that shisui was the one that yelled but by the time I realized it shisui was in the arena telling boruto something which he dropped the kunai.
Neji was struggling to get up to try and hit boruto from behind but he dodged the attack and knock the hūyga out in a single blow. Boruto's eyes then changed from greyish back to his sky blue ones.
"The winner is Boruto Hyūga" the announcer yelled and the crowd went wild chanting boruto's name.
He grinned happily and waved to the people for supporting him. He was then going to walk to the balcony till his legs gave out on him. As fell to the ground he started to relax but shisui caught him before he hit.
"I got you buddy" shisui smiled at him while he carried him to the balcony.
The uchiha child helped his best friend off the arena floor to be healed and the next match to start. I ran to both of them to check if boruto was alright.
"Boruto are you okay?"
Shisui set boruto on the bed they had as carefully as he could to not injure him more than what he was. The small uchiha looked at him worried while the nurse healed boruto's injuries. He just smiled back at me and nodded with pride.
"Good because I got to say you were amazing out there and you unlocked the byakugan" shisui and boruto did a small fist bump.
"Next up is....Shisui vs....Karin Uzumaki" shisui looked behind him to see his name on the board and a red headed woman jumping to the stage.
"I'm gonna win this for you boruto, and for my family" he then jumped down to the arena floor where karin was waiting.
"Fighters are you ready". Both nodding their heads to signal they are ready.
I watched as shisui was fighting. He was just like his father, calm and cool but you could see the determination on his face like his mother.
"Go shisui, you can do it. Beat her up" boruto laughed when shisui landed a punch on karin.
Both pulled away when karin threw a paper bomb kunai.
"Twin rising dragons" karin pulled out a big scroll as kunais came raining down on to shisui. (Tenten taught her some moves)
Shisui was dodging each and every one of the kunais flawlessly. He activated his sharingan and saw a kunai coming straight for him. Grabbing a kunai out of his pouch he deflected the kunai that was coming for him. As he deflected it the kunai flew back to karin lady and cut her arm. The woman grabbed her arm in pain creating an opening for shisui.
"Shadow clone jutsu" 10 clones of shisui appeared and ran straight for karin.
"How can a child so young produce this many clones and have so much chakra" she held her arm trying her best to heal the cut till the clones were closing in on her fast.
She fought off all of the clones with shurikens and kunais until there were no more of them. The red headed woman then notice that shisui was nowhere insight so she decided to look for him.
*Birds chirping*
A sound of a thousand birds was heard and as soon as the woman turned around she was hit right in the stomach.
Karin coughed a bit of blood and fell to the ground breathing heavy from the pain of the jutsu. She then raised her hand slowly and said "I give up".
"The winner of the match is Shisui" everyone in the crowd yelled the boy. All he did was smile at the loud crowd then to us.
'Sakura is going to be so proud'.
Shisui scooped up the red headed woman and jumped up to the balcony where we were. He placed the woman on the bed to be healed before coming to sit next to boruto. As he sat down I started to heal the little cuts he got from the match.
"I told you I was gonna win it for you and my family boruto" shisui looked at him with a big grin on his face and I laughed.
"Well now since both of you won your matches, you'll both become chūnin after all this is finished" the two boys gave each other a high five as they laughed.
"H-Hey kid" the woman that shisui carried called him to get his attention.
We looked over to her as she was still getting healed by the medic, she sat up.
"I just wanna say that was a good match and your really strong" she smiled to shisui and he smiled back at her.
"You were pretty good out there yourself. I wish you luck after this and maybe I will see you again."
The red headed woman smiled and nodded her head to shisui.
After all the matches were done the announcer called for the crowd to quiet down to announce the new chūnins.
"Boruto Hyūga, Shisui, Sai, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Gurren Fujiwara are now all chūnin. Here are your jackets and hopefully in the future you will all become jōnin" the announcer yelled while all the kages, except sakura I took her place, gave out the jackets and shook hands with the new chūnin.
"Great job shisui and boruto, you fought just like your parents" Ay smiled to the both of them which they grin back.
"Yes, I couldn't agree more that's what you get from a Hyūga and Uchiha" Mei kneeled down to their height and gave them both kisses on the cheek.
"Well let's go you two, say bye to gurren" I looked at them both then turned to start walking to the kazekage tower.
"Bye gurren will see you back at the village" they both yelled and ran to catch up to me.
The walk to the tower was peaceful, people congratulated the boys by giving them gifts.
Once we got to the tower the boys stopped chatting about telling their parents they're chūnin now. I just chuckled until I was stopped by a voice.
"Hey tsunade-bāchan, we need to speak with sakura-chan right now. Where is she?" Naruto ran to me and the boys with konoha 9 right behind him.
"I'm sorry naruto but the hokage cannot speak with you, she is very busy right now so if you'll excuse me I need to meet with her. Come on boys" I grabbed the boy's hands and turned to go up the stairs till I was stopped by naruto grabbing my arm.
"I want to speak with sakura-chan now tsunade" I was angry that he put his hands on me and as I tried to get his arm to let go of me the akatsuki came out and got him off.
"Wait I thought all of you were dead....each and every one of you was killed....especially you pein, I killed you myself" naruto was confused but everyone else was in a fighting stance ready with their weapons.
"Boys get behind me" I pushed the boys to hide them from any harm.
"What is going on here" I turn around to see sakura come down the stairs.
Sakura's POV.
I was now out of the hospital, as was hinata, and now we started to pack up to leave for the village.
"I'm going to greet the boys outside when they get here okay" I looked to hinata and shikamaru while I headed to the door with itachi and oto-san behind me and daisuke in my arms.
"Let's go kisame-kun, I want to wait for boruto and say congrats on becoming a chūnin" she pulled kisame's hand while kado was in her other arm and shikamaru right behind them.
"Oh my gosh I can't wait for shisui and boruto to get here. I just wanna hug them for becoming chūnin" I wanted to jump up and down with hinata-chan but we had the babies in our arms.
Once we got down the stairs I saw all of the akatsuki in a fighting stance against konoha 9, our old sensei's and his team.
Bāchan had the boys behind her from the others. I was angry to see them here but I stayed calm for daisuke.
"Itachi can you hold daisuke" he grabbed daisuke from my arms as I spoke up.
"What is going on here" I yelled a bit to get everyone's attention. Everyone looked shocked to see me at a moment like this.
'Maybe it's the clothes, I mean I just gave birth and my body went back to normal, and I'm wearing this'.
"Bāchan what's going on" I looked at her with a mad face. She looked frightened since she hasn't seen this side of me.
"BĀCHAN" everyone yelled.
"Yes she's my grandma now back to my question. What's going on here?" I looked to them then back to tsunade.
"Gomen....they wanted to speak with you...but I said they couldn't since you were busy know" she looked at me while I looked back at the others.
"Is that so..." I looked towards the group and waited for they're answers but never got any since they were still in shocked. "Well....what do you wish to speak to me about" I moved from Tsunade's side to the front of konoha 9 and team taka.
I could see that the guys were getting nosebleeds because of my body but ino looked away at something else like she's better than me.
Naruto then snapped out of his gaze and immediately started talking.
" look let your hair grow out." He looked behind me to see shikamaru and the others who stayed with me when they left. "Shikamaru, yamato-sensei what are you doing here...why are you here with sakura-chan?
My eyes darkened when he said my name like that. Like if nothing happened and he didn't leave the village for that bastard taking everyone that I thought were my friends.
Naruto looked back to me and said "When did you become hokage? H-How did you marry an Uchiha since there are no other Uchihas besides teme!? Why does that kid shisui have the sharingan and that kid boruto look like me? Why are they with you?" when he was done asking his questions he looked to me with so much confusion and I just laughed.
"Well you see Uzumaki-san, yamato and shikamaru are with me as my bodyguards and family since they didn't see me as weak like all of you did" the uzumaki's eyes held guilt and regret as he knew what I said was true. He looked down to the ground to avoid eye contact.
"But how long have you been hokage and why?" He looked back up from the floor to where my jade green eyes clashed with his sky blue ones.
"I've been hokage for 6 years already, you baka. I became hokage since tsunade stepped down due to her age and I was perfect for the job. You ran off to go find him and kakashi was with you bringing him back to the village..*scoff*....I mean...I still don't understand why you gave up your dream to go after a bastard like him. You could've had everything you had dreamed of" I looked naruto and kakashi in their eyes to see the guilt in them.
"I couldn't become hokage if I couldn't even save a friend. I kept the promise that I made to you."
"Yeah a promise from when we were 13. I gave up on that promise during the war" I was angry he brought that up being that promise was made years ago.
"Fine then, now tell us about you being married to a uchiha and the kids that are with you" he looked at sasuke then to me. I chuckled softly.
"I've been married for as long as I've been hokage Uzumaki....for 6 years to the one and only.....Itachi Uchiha" itachi walked up from behind our group with daisuke in his arms. I grabbed daisuke from his arms and looked up to itachi. He kissed my temple as I saw that the others were in shock.
"Hello little brother" itachi held me close and smirked to his younger brother.
"B-But.....I I killed you. I saw you die with my own eyes right in front me....your spirit helped me fight against kabuto" the young uchiha looked confused about the whole situation.
"Well you're wrong Uchiha-san, that was just a clone that faked his death with a jutsu he cast" sasuke looked even more confused till naruto interrupted the conversation.
"Hey you didn't answer the other question I asked. Who are those two kids behind tsunade and the baby your holding?" The blonde pointed his fingers at daisuke and the kids.
'Still as dense as ever'.
"This is our son shisui uchiha, my nephew boruto hyūga, and my new son daisuke uchiha that I gave birth to yesterday" I pointed to the kids in order to introduce them.
Konoha 9 and team guy looked surprise and shocked to hear that I have two kids at my age.
"Wait a minute, when did you have your two kids with my brother, and get a nephew...boruto has hinata's and neji's last name and your a haruno, you never had a sister or brother" sasuke butted in the conversation.
"I had shisui almost 6 years ago and daisuke just yesterday, both boys are itachi's and I've always considered hinata as a sister even if we're not by blood. She even has a new son named kado with her husband" hinata-chan came out from behind us with kisame by her side. I could see the pain in naruto's eyes.
'Well if he had stayed in the village with hinata-chan they would've been married and had a family and he would've been hokage'.
"But why does boruto have hinata's last name instead of kisame's....who's boruto's father" kakashi budded into the conversation which made me angry.
"Well look who finally joined the group conversation especially when it's about someone else and not his own student" I looked at him full of hate and he was hurting by what I said.
I calmed myself down as I turned to hinata.
"Hinata I think it's time you told him and boruto the truth" I looked her in the eyes worried as I held her hand for support. She nodded and looked to the said man.
"Naruto" the blonde hair man looked at Hinata, confused written on his face. She tried her hardest not to go back to her old habit of playing with her fingers.
"Boruto your son and boruto....that's your father" hinata pulled boruto to stand by her and kisame. Naruto was shocked from the news and looked to me to see if it was true, to confirm that this wasn't a dream.
My face was serious and he could tell I wasn't joking, that this was real and that he had a son. Boruto was also shocked about the news.
"W-When.....did you get pregnant?" He looked at the ground not wanting to make eye contact with anybody as he was still in shock.
"Remember that night you came back to the village alone, we meet at the gates and talked all the way to my house. When we got there, we went to my room know....did it. The next morning I woke up to a note that you went back to look for sasuke. Then 2 months later I found out I was pregnant....I didn't tell you because I didn't know how you would react to a child....and you hurt kura-chan very much" she looked from kado to him and then to me.
The Uzumaki looked to hinata then down to boruto who was now hiding behind her long skirt but ran to me and buried his face into my back.
I turned around and kneeled down to hug him.
"Boruto I know it's hard knowing that the man that raised you isn't your real dad but your mom wants you to know who your real dad is" he started to cry and shook his head.
"I don't want to meet him".
"What if me and shisui go with you, and if you get scared we'll protect you....we're family after all" I dried his tears from his little face. He looked at me and shisui who smiled back to assure him and nodded his head.
I held his left hand and shisui held his right hand with two fingers. We walked up to naruto who kneeled down to boruto's size.
"You look like a smaller version of me" naruto smiled at boruto but he looked scared of naruto.
He let go of my hand but kept his hold with shisui.
Shisui smiled at boruto to show him to not to be afraid and boruto smiled back like his father.
I watched as boruto went to his father and touch his face while sasuke was looking at shisui.
Naruto smiled at boruto and he smiled back till boruto punched him in the stomach making him fall on the ground.
"I will discuss the arrangements for settling you and the others in the village later, Uzumaki-san. Itachi take daisuke and everyone to the village, I'll catch up with you later" I say as I walk with shisui in the direction boruto went.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Wow boruto and shisui became chunin and celebrated until naruto came and rain on their parade. Now sakura and shisui will look for him. Find out what happens next on the next chapter.
Please if you liked the chapter give it a
Tell me what point of view you want in the next chapter.
Till next time
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