Chapter 5
Hey guys I'm updating my story because you guys love the story so far, so arigato. Also shisui is born on October 10th like naruto but sakura forgot about it so I skipped to shisui's birthday. I hope you like this chapter so sit back and enjoy the story.
I don't own any of the characters or the media only the story line.
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Shisui's point of view
*Feet shuffling*
I started to hear noises from downstairs outside of my bedroom. I opened my eyes to hear multiple footsteps coming up the stairs. I rub my eyes to see better, then open them to see the door opening.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHISUI" kaa-san, oto-san, grandma, grandpa, aunt hinata, boruto, uncle shikamaru, and shikadai yell with party hats and confetti.
Kaa-san and oto-san brought me a small cake with candles on top. "Make a wish sweetie" kaa-san smiled as did oto-san. I closed my eyes then thought of a perfect wish.
"I wish for today to be perfect" then I blew the candles out. "Yay" everyone cheered.
"Well what did you wish for shisui" grandma asked me.
"Can't tell because then it won't come true" I grin at grandma.
"Stubborn like your parents" I grin towards my grandma since she was right about that.
"Well come on shisui let's get you bathed while kaa-san finishes decorating your party and other cake." Oto-san starts getting my clothes ready for my bath.
"Okay, bye boruto, bye shikadai, see you at my party." My two friends waved bye and I even heard shikadai say, "troublesome" just like uncle shikamaru. Everybody else left and I ran to the bathroom.
I got undress and into the bath tub quickly. Playing with my boat and duck while oto-san washed me.
"Watch out captain, there's a giant duck straight ahead!"
"I don't care! We need to get to the island no matter what!"
"Oh no it's gonna eat us, abandon ship, abandon ship. Ahhhh!"
"Alright captain shisui you're done with your bath, now let's dry" oto-san picked me up out of the bath tub and dried me off with my raven towel.
"Okay let's get you dressed with the clothes your kaa-san made" oto-san wiped my face one last time and hung my towel up to dry.
I ran into the room to see my clothes on the bed, and they looked awesome.
I wore a black shirt with my clan symbol on the back and kaa-san's clan symbol on my sleeves. Then I put my white shorts on with my black ninja sandals. I look up to see oto-san putting on his clan shirt as well.
After oto-san put his shirt on we walked to the front door and headed off to the tower where kaa-san works. I got a piggyback ride there because I was too lazy to walk.
'Oh no I'm becoming like uncle shikamaru and shikadai'.
We soon arrive at the tower. Oto-san bend down so I could get off. I ran up the steps to kaa-san's office.
Oto-san was right behind me chuckling at me all excited for my birthday. I opened the door to see everyone I knew, from the five great nations to my family. I grin so big because my wish was coming true.
Sitting at the table with oto-san and kaa-san next to me, everyone else started circling the table.
"Okay ready everyone, on 3 we sing... 1,2,3" kaa-san counted down.
As they were singing I just smiled and thought 'I love my family for everything they have done for me, I hope to repay them some day'.
Once they finished everyone clapped and cheered all saying "make a wish shisui".
(Pretend it says shisui on the candles)
'I wish that today will be the best day of my life' I closed my eyes as I cross my fingers then blew the candles out.
"My baby's already 5 and he's gonna be put on a genin team, time flies by too fast" kaa-san was tearing up since I'm going to graduate from the academy tomorrow.
"Okay shisui it's time for presents" papa started to bring some of the presents over.
I opened all my presents which were toys, clothes, and ninja tools. Boruto gave me a kunai that he made with aunt hinata, with my name on it. Grandma and grandpa gave me a sword for when I go on missions with my new team.
Shikadai, aunt temari, and uncle shikamaru gave me a shogi board. I laughed nervously since I know both lazy Naras wanted to play since they both loss to me. Aunt temari just shook her head.
Then I notice that mama and papa come up to me and looked kind of nervous.
'I wonder if it's bad news'.
"Shisui, me and oto-san wanted to know what you want for your birthday gift" kaa-san smiled and bent down to my level.
"But I thought you already gave me all my gifts" they both looked at each other with a bit of shock.
"Son we only gave you some of your presents, not the one you wanted the most" oto-san then poked my forehead and patted my head.
I thought about it until I knew exactly what I wanted. I looked to mama and papa and said "I don't want anything else except a baby brother or sister".
Both of them started to tear up a bit while hugging each other, kaa-san said "how did we get a wonderful child?"
My parents stopped hugging and looked back to me and said "Well we have a surprise for you but will announce it to everyone at the end of the party, okay".
I nodded my head and they smiled back.
"Alright everyone, now who wants cake" kaa-san got the knife and plates to serve the cake. There was a line of people who wanted cake and I just laughed because of how big it was.
Right when kaa-san was about to cut the cake we heard a loud boom outside. The ground shook knocking everything over. Kaa-san and oto-san went to the window to see the villagers running from a giant snake.
"Is.....Is that.....orochimaru? B-But I thought he was dead. Itachi-kun you sealed him away when he came out from sasuke's curse mark, right?" Kaa-san picked me up and held me close to her.
"I did but-" oto-san was interrupted by a scary man on the giant snake.
"Hello sakura-chan and itachi-kun, how are you?" The man known as orochimaru seemed to scare kaa-san more since she held me tighter.
"I sealed you away. Why are you here and what do you want?" Oto-san pushed kaa-san and me behind him so he couldn't see me.
"Very well then, I'll get right to the point. I came here because I heard news of the Uchiha's heir. You and sakura had a son named shisui, am I right?" Kaa-san looked at the scary man with so much hatred on her face.
"The look on sakura-chan's face tells me that it's true. I'll be going soon but the boy will be coming with me. He will make a great vessel when his sharingan comes in" the man looked at oto-san with a smirk.
Kaa-san held me closer like if I was going to be snatched out right from her arms.
"You are not taking my son, I'll kill you if you touch him" oto-san's eyes went red like the eyes he was telling me about that are clan called the sharingan.
"Very well, if you won't give him to me I'll take him by force" the man slither past papa to grab me but mama gave him a super punch.
"Over my dead body you fucking bastard" kaa-san yelled at the man. (Sorry to mention there may be cussing so yeah)
The man flew so far but then got back up to tackle kaa-san but oto-san kick him from behind. Kaa-san then pulled a scroll out from her jacket and was summoning something.
Bāchan grabbed me from kaa-san and took me to a underground room with the other villagers.
"Wait bāchan, what about mama and papa, they might get hurt, we have to go back and help them" I struggled to get out of her grip. Tears began to form since I heard bombs and the screams of people dying.
"No shisui it's too dangerous for you, your parents would murder me if you got hurt or even killed" bāchan kept pulling me with her.
I keep struggling till finally I got loose of bāchan's grip and ran back to the hokage tower where I last saw mama and papa.
"Shisui stop!" that was the last thing I heard from bāchan. I ran so fast that I could hear my heart beating in my ears. The villagers were running away from the danger as shinobis were trying to protect them.
"Kaa-san....Oto-san....Where are you!?" I ran looking under any rock or building that was crushed.
" out of here" I heard kaa-san's voice weak behind me under a pile of rocks. I ran to where I heard her and pulled all the small rocks I could out of the way.
I could see most of kaa-san and oto-san was with her but a boulder was keeping them trap. I pushed with all my might to get the boulder off of my parents.
I pumped chakra into my limbs to push the rock off of them. I saw both of them on the ground barely breathing, covered in blood. I started to cry because everything was falling apart, my wish wasn't coming true.
"Kaa-san...Oto-san...Wake up! Please! *cries* The village needs you.......I need you" All I could do was cry while I sat between the both of them hoping they would open their eyes. To tell me everything is gonna be fine and fight the bad man.
A dark shadow came behind me, the scary man stood over me looking down as he laughed at me. I looked to him and he could see the fear in my eyes.
"Your village and parents are weak. I won't fully destroy the village and kill your parents, in exchange you come with me." He held his hand out to me.
"W-What?" I was frozen in place from the fear of this man.
"You see shisui, I see so much potential and power in you. You'll be just like your father and uncle" a smirked appeared on his face while I looked up at him in confusion.
"W-What do you mean uncle? My parents told me I don't have family except for hinata and shikamaru" I looked down to the ground where my parents layed trying to breathe.
'Have.....have oto-san and kaa-san been lying to me...this whole time?'
"Oh, you didn't know. Hm, shame on you itachi, but yes your father has a younger brother named sasuke. He's not in the village since he left for power to kill your oto-san, but he didn't kill him since your here. I can see you're like itachi, born with great powers. If you come with me I'll let everyone in the village live but...if you don't I'll kill everyone, including your parents and take you by force" he looked at my parents with an wicked smile then to me.
"No...I won't go like my uncle did, I need to protect the one's I love from people like you" I looked him straight in the eyes so he can know I'm serious.
"Alright then, I guess I'll be taking you by force." The man lunged at me but then my vision became very clear and sharp.
The man was blown away into a building that had already collapsed. I proceeded to where he was as he looked at me frightened of what I'll do next.
"You've hurt my village...and my now your gonna suffer the pain you made them felt" anger was the only emotion I felt while I walked to him.
"Demonic illusion: hell and darkness" I cast a jutsu that I read in oto-san's book and watched him scream out in agony. When he was dead I passed out from low chakra.
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Next day at hospital 🏥
Third point of view
The sound of beeping was all that could be heard.
Sakura and Itachi both had woken up to find them selves in a hospital room. Both lovers panicked till the saw each other in the same room that they woke up in. Sakura started to cry when she hugged Itachi, happy to know he's alive.
The married couple enjoyed that beautiful moment till they notice something or someone was missing from their moment.
Both parents ran out of the room they shared to the front desk to find a nurse and ask where their son was. Sakura then spotted her bāchan coming down the hallway.
"Tsunade-sama, where is shisui?" Itachi was holding sakura's hand to lead each other.
"He's the last door on the left, he just woke up but-" she was interrupted when sakura and itachi thanked her and ran to the door.
"Ugh, I have to tell them that shisui knows about sasuke" Tsunade could only watch the couple run down the hall to their only child.
Once they reached the room they open the door to find shisui drinking some juice.
"Kaa-san, Oto-san, your alive!" shisui got off his bed and ran to his parents to hug them since he thought he lost them.
All that was heard in the room was sniffles from the crying family, all because they thought they lost each other. As sakura and itachi let go of shisui, tsunade called them out to the hallway to discuss the problem they had with the others.
"Well be right back okay shisui" sakura kneeled down and kissed his forehead then walked out the room .
Shisui looked scared since he didn't want to be left alone but itachi went to him. "Don't worry shisui we'll be right outside the door, okay?" Itachi poked his forehead and shisui nodded his head feeling the love in the small gesture. Itachi smiled and left the room.
Once the door was closed behind itachi, tsunade got right to the point about what the anbu reported to her about shisui.
"Sakura, Itachi, an anbu told us that before they were retrieved you both to take you to the hospital they over heard orochimaru tell shisui about sasuke" tsunade said.
"Nani! Orochimaru told shisui about my brother!? I wasn't going to tell him about sasuke until me and sakura have our other child." Itachi got mad while yell whispering to not get shisui's attention.
"Wait....what do you mean 'have our other child'" hinata looked to sakura confused.
*Giggles nervous* "Yeah....about turns out that I'm pregnant again" sakura laughed nervously and held on to itachi.
"Why didn't you tell us that before the whole fight, you could of killed your baby like that you baka" tsunade hit her on her head angry that her own granddaughter didn't tell her she was gonna have another kid.
"I was gonna tell you guys after we cut the cake but then orochimaru showed up and we know the rest." Sakura rubbed her head as she explained why she didn't say anything about the pregnancy.
"How long have you know and how far are you" shikamaru leaned against the wall tired as always.
"I found out about a week ago" sakura looked down to her feet. (About a week ago, week ago jk haha 😂).
"I'm about 2 months now, I was getting tired very easily during the day so I took a test during a lunch break and it came out positive" everyone looked at her in shocked but then hinata snapped out of it.
"Wait, but when did you it" hinata's face was kind of flush since she was embarrassed to talk about this topic with men around.
"Well, itachi-kun came into my office around 2 months ago and he was being very seductive, so we went to the bedroom in the back of the office and you should know how it ends" sakura's face was red since she was embarrassed to talk about these things with her family.
"Is that why you had me pick up shisui that day you said you were busy" tsunade crossed her arms in front of her as sakura nodded her head.
"Well I have something to say" hinata played with her fingers doing her old habit again. Everyone looked towards her making her even more nervous but pushed it away.
"Me and kisame are having a baby" hinata kind of yelled out for everyone to hear. The four people standing with her we're shock but happy at the same time since they knew hinata loved kisame and they were married after all.
"Congrats hina-chan, how far are you" sakura hugged her and then went back to itachi's side.
"The same as you, 2 months" hinata full of joy since she was gonna have another baby with a man she loved with all her heart.
"We're gonna have babies at the same time that's so exciting" sakura and hinata both jumped with joy till they were interrupted.
"Gomen, but aren't we suppose to be discussing the problem with shisui" shikamaru leaned in the circle they formed and everyone calmed down and went back to the subject.
"Anyway, shisui knows that he has a uncle and the anbu also said that they saw shisui unlocked his sharingan" tsunade looked down at the ground then back to the couple in front of her.
"But that's impossible, shisui shouldn't be able to cast any jutsus till he's 6, he can only do shadow clones and his limit is 4. Itachi-kun I think it's time to train him so he uses his sharingan in battle properly" sakura looked to her bāchan then to her husband.
"We'll start'll take us a year to fully train him but he won't use his sharingan for bad things. I'll make sure of it" itachi hugged sakura and looked at tsunade and the others.
Both nodded to the suggestion and the rest of the day went on. Itachi started to train shisui the next day with the help of everyone's support from the side.
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7 months later
Sakura's point of view
(Shisui is going on 6 in 5 months)
The sky was bright and blue with not a cloud in the sight. It nice to enjoy the sight and relax as I was daydreaming while looking out the window over the village.
"Sakura-chan, we need to discuss about the chūnin exams and the bodyguards that will escort you" I turned around to hinata handing me a list of the genin teams that are to participate.
"I want itachi, shikamaru, tsunade, and kisame to protect us since we're both pregnant. I also don't want you to be lonely without kisame" I was looking over the papers of the genin teams and smirked knowing she was blushing like a strawberry.
'Speaking of strawberries I want some covered in chocolate'.
"Hey papa, will you bring me some strawberries covered in chocolate, and hurry back I'm really hungry" I looked up to oto-san who was putting papers on the desk for me to look over and sign. He nodded and quickly poofed out of the room.
He came back with in a minute and I dug into those strawberries like a monster.
"The chūnin exams are being held in the sand village and shisui's team will be competing. I'm sooo excited. I've looked at most of the paperwork on the teams but I didn't finish, could you help me out shika-kun?" I pointed toward the papers that shikamaru had to look over. Itachi-kun came to my belly and put his ear on it to hear the baby.
I closed my eyes and smiled until I felt the baby kick. I opened my eyes and looked at itachi-kun with a big grin on my face while he looked like he wanted to cry.
He stood up and gave me a kiss until shikamaru interrupted us.
", I have some bad news" he was still looking at the papers and showing them to bāchan. She looked up to me anxious in her eyes but I was just confused.
"What?" I picked up a strawberry and started to eat it.
"It's about them sakura. They're going to compete in the chūnin exams since they're marked as genin in the village, especially him" bāchan looked at me sad. I dropped my strawberry in pure shock not caring about my craving food. Itachi grabbed my hand for support.
'They found him and are going to compete in the exams. Well they're going to see that I'm not that weak little girl I was before.'
"I don't care about them. I'm going to support my son only, but I know their going to be in for a surprise when they see me" I smiled at everyone to tell them I fine with them competing.
'Well now I get to show them how strong I am now.'
We started to pack for the chunin exams, it would take us two days since me and hina-chan are pregnant and can't move that fast. We headed out to see shisui and boruto leaving with their older teammate, Gurren. She was a lovely girl and great as a medical ninja too.
~Two days later~
Once we reached suna we wished shisui and the others good luck. Then headed to the kazekage tower to greet the other kages and head to the arena.
The first part of the test went by so quickly by the time we got to the arena. Shisui's team is still in the exams and I'm so proud.
It was now time for us kages to introduce ourselves and wish the teams competing good luck to start the second part of the exams. Each of us kages went up one by one.
"I am Ay, fourth raikage".
"I am Mei Terumī, fifth mizukage".
"I am Onoki, third tsuchikage".
"I am Gaara, fifth kazekage".
All the other kages introduced them selves and I was to be introduced since I had tsunade going in my place. I stepped up with the hokage hat on to cover my face.
"I would like to introduce to you the new hokage of the hidden leaf village, Sakura Haruno Uchiha" Gaara had announced to the whole arena while pointing to me as I walked to the balcony.
I took off my hat and everyone started cheered.
"I am Sakura Haruno-Uchiha, sixth hokage, we kages would like to wish you all luck and may the best one win" I looked down to the arena and see konoha 9 looking up at me in shock with his other team.
'Well this should be fun'
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Well i will try to update soon. Hope you liked it and please feel free to make suggestions. I will update soon again I know I said that again but I said it again to make sure you guys know I'm gonna update. Again hoped you like it if you did please
~ Spongebob ~
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