Chapter 4
Hey I'm updating this story because I love writing it so I hope you also love it. I'm gonna try to write this chapter in itachi's view so here you go.
I don't own any of the characters or the media only the story line. Enjoy the story.
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A few months later
Itachi's point of view
The walk back to the village was very...peaceful. Kisame and me just finished up a mission and we're going back to report the work.
As we were getting to the gates kisame brought up subject that I can't speak about with anyone except my wife.
"So, what's the gender of the baby" he looked at me with a smirk while we walked by the villagers.
All I could do was sigh since me and Sakura were going to tell them, just not now.
We stopped at a dango shop to pick up some dangos for me but mostly for sakura-hime and the baby. "Well, we haven't told anybody the gender because it's going to be a surprise" I say getting the dangos from the old lady.
"How much do I owe you ma'am" I pull my wallet out to pay but she closes my hand and tells me "It's on the house since you're the hokage's husband and the protector of this village" she smiles.
"Arigato ma'am" I bow my head while smiling and walk off with kisame by my side.
"So you or kitten haven't told anyone the gender? Do you at least know the gender yourself" he nudges me to see if he can get a answer out of me but I'm not saying anything. (Kisame calls sakura kitten as a nickname)
"I know the gender, I'm just not telling you because you'll say something to the others, it's gonna be a surprise when we show the room to everyone" we walk up the stairs of the tower to the office.
As I was about to knock on the door until I hear hinata-chan yell "Kura-chan". I rush in to find sakura-hime pulling on the curtain and holding the wall in pain.
"Sakura-hime, what's wrong" I rush to her and hold her hand which she is squeezing very tightly.
"The baby's coming" she huffed trying to control her breathing.
"Nani, but your not do till next week" I hold on to her tighter to comfort her.
"Well, the baby wants to come out now" she yelled from the pain of the contraction. (is that what the women have I don't know I've never been in labor)
"Alright, hinata, shikamaru bring tsunade quickly and get to the hospital" my instincts kick in as I hold sakura-hime to support her from falling. They both nodded and took off. Hinata had her child, a boy.
I picked her up and rushed her to the hospital as fast as I could. When we arrived a nurse came to us.
"Kon'nichiwa is your wife in labor" she looked at sakura-hime and held on to one of her hands to walk her to a wheelchair while I supported the other side.
"Hai, the hokage to be exact" I chuckled as I set sakura-hime down on the wheelchair. The nurse rolled her into the delivery room.
The nurse that was with us called other nurses to help set the delivery room for sakura-hime. As we got in the room, I layed her on the bed but she had to sit up to push.
"Itachi-kun" she looked to me with only pain on her face, I held her hand to comfort her.
"Sakura-hime, breathe to calm yourself, okay" I look her in her eyes to show my love and support. She nodded and started to breath at a slow pace.
Tsunade and hinata-chan came into the room to deliver the baby. "Alright sakura, how far apart are your contractions" tsunade started to put on her gloves while hinata-chan went to sakura-hime's other side to wipe the sweat on her forehead.
"They're pretty much constant now" she squeezed my hand that was now turning purple.
"Well then that is your cue, I'm gonna need you to start pushing okay" tsunade stood in front of sakura-hime to prepare herself for the baby.
"When I say push start pushing, ready, 1...2...3 push" sakura-hime pushed with all her might while squeezing my hand tighter, I think she broke my hand but I didn't mind.
As the baby was making its way out sakura-hime stopped.
"I can't push anymore Itachi, I'm too tired and it hurts so bad" she started to cry and let my hand go.
"Hey, you keep pushing for me and for our baby cause once it's done we can have the most amazing lifetime with our child" I grab her hand again and kiss her forehead.
"Okay" sakura then prepares herself to push again.
"Sakura push" tsunade started to look for the baby's head.
Sakura-hime had pushed while breaking my hand in the process and screaming from the pain.
Then a cry broke through the room interrupting sakura's scream.
"Wahhhh" the baby cried in hinata-chan's arms as she cleaned the baby. I looked to sakura-hime to see her in tears once again.
"Congratulations, it's a boy" sakura-hime took our little boy in her arms to look at his face.
"What should we name him sakura" I sit on the bed next to her to look at our baby boy.
"I was thinking we should name him....Shisui" she smiled up at me then down to the baby.
" cousin's name." I looked to her and she smiled even bigger. I looked to our baby and he looked like me and shisui.
"But how do you know and sasuke were young back then" I looked to her as the baby was sleeping in her arms.
"I used to spy on you and sasuke when I liked sasuke. I always saw you guys all together and I could see in your eyes that you loved him like a brother, so I wanted to name him shisui. He's going to be just like your cousin" she looked down to the baby as he started to move.
I smiled "It's perfect".
When he opened his eyes they took my breath away. His eyes were jade green with a bit of black in them, they were beautiful.
"Hi shisui, it's me your mommy and your daddy" sakura-hime whispered as shisui opened his eyes again to look at us. When he saw us he smiled and reached his little arms out.
Shisui laughed and smiled. At that moment I instantly knew he was going to be a great kid.
We played with shisui till the others came to see him. Tsunade smiled since she was now a great grandma and yamato a jīchan. (Grandpa)
Hinata-chan and shikamaru came to see their new nephew. Even the akatsuki came and brought weapons as presents but I put them away till he was old enough to handle.
Everyone enjoyed shisui until it was time for him to sleep.
"Alright guys it's time for you to leave. The baby and mother need to sleep" the nurses escorted everyone out and sakura-hime squeezed my hand to reassure she was fine.
I went to the door but looked back to her before I left to see she was fast asleep with shisui by her side. My heart warmed at the sight of the two most important people in my life. I then left to get some rest myself.
Today was one of the best days of my life and I couldn't wait to spend time with my new family.
I got home and fell asleep with happy thoughts of the future with my son and wife.
~Next day~
Sakura-hime was out of the hospital and now in our nursery we built for shisui. She looked so happy. (This is sakura and shisui)
I walked into the room and looked to see he was fast asleep in his mother's arms. Sakura-hime looked up to me and I just smiled.
She got up and put shisui in his crib then pushed me out to close the door so we don't wake him up.
We went to our room to lay on the bed, maybe even take a nap. I look into her eyes and they were shining with happiness.
"I still can't believe we have a child, I've always wanted kids but I never expected them this early" she giggled then looked to me with her beautiful smile.
"I didn't think so either but I'm glad we did, shisui is our little blessing" I lean over and give her a kiss on her forehead. We fell asleep peacefully in the comfort of our house.
~4 years later~
Sakura's point of view
'I hate this job'
Stacks of papers we're on my desk that I needed to finish soon so I could go and pick shisui from the academy.
He was advancing very quickly for his age, I've never seen a child advance at this age except for itachi-kun, but I'm still proud of him.
When I finished signing the last paper of one stack hina-chan came into the room.
"Ah hina-chan, you're just the person I wanted to see. Would you like to accompany me to the academy since you have to pick up your son too" I pick the papers up and put them on a desk for shika-kun to finish for me.
"Sure I haven't seen my nephew in a week and the boys can play together, maybe shikadai can play with them as well" she walks down the stairs to the bottom with me right behind.
"So, I heard you're dating kisame, my husband's partner" hina-chan blushed looking away to hide her face.
"Yes I am, we've been taking it slow but I think he's going to pop the question" she smiled worry written on her face as I just was in shock.
They've only been dating for half a year, and I know she loves him but she also loves the other baka.
The academy was in sight as the kids were being let out. I saw shisui and shikadai walking together till shikamaru came and took shikadai home. We waved towards temari-chan as she waited for the lazy Naras', she smiled and waved back in return.
Temari-chan had found out that she was two months pregnant the day after shikamaru had proposed to her. Then two months later after I had shisui, temari-chan had shikadai. It was so cute, anyways back to the kids.
Boruto caught up to shisui and started to talk to him. Me and hinata smiled at the scene till some older kids came up to shisui and boruto.
"Hey losers, you don't belong in the academy. You're still little babies and your weird. Why don't you go cry to your mommy you big babies".
The bullies pushed shisui around while laughing till they pushed him on the ground. Boruto tried to fight back but the bullies held him back.
I got so angry when they pushed shisui to the ground, even hina-chan got so angry that she activated her byakugan.
I started to walk to the little bullies to scare them away from my baby.
"Excuse me, young man" the kid looked angry since he was interrupted while beating up a kid.
"Stay out of i-....oh shoot it's the hokage" he paused and notice who he was talking to.
'That's what I thought kid'.
"Hi, what's your names" the kids were still shocked but each said their names. "My name's Hako. Yuki. Pak."
"What wonderful names you have. Anyways you see here kids, that child you're beating up is my son and the other kid you held back is my sister's kid Hinata Hyūga" the only expression the had was fear when they heard I, the hokage, was shisui's mother and that boruto was hina-chan's kid.
"And shisui's father is Itachi Uchiha so if I were you I would apologize to my son and nephew and leave them alone before my husband hears about what you did to his child and nephew" I smile sweetly at the boy named hako. I wanted to laugh because his face.
"G-Gomen'nasai shisui and boruto, we promise we won't bother you again" the older kids run away scared of what was gonna happen if I told itachi-kun what happened to the boys.
"Let's go shisui, boruto" I grabbed shisui's hand and we walked back to the tower with hinata-chan and boruto beside us.
The walk was peaceful and quiet but the problem of shisui not defending himself from those bullies was bothering me.
"Shisui, honey, why didn't you fight back against those bullies" I look down to him as he looked up to me because of how small he is.
"Well because I didn't want to break their bones kaa-san" the innocence on his face was just so cute. He then looked back to the road and I smiled because he didn't want to hurt those bullies like I would have.
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Another chapter finished. Also shisui is born on October 10, the same day as naruto but sakura forgot about his birthday and boruto is the month before. I hope you like this one, and please....
~ Spongebob ~
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