Chapter 2
Hey it's your girl spongebob comin at you (lizzza, love her). This is one of my stories so hope you like it. Now sit back at enjoy the story.
I don't own any of the characters or the media only the story line.
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Hinata's point of view
After me and shika-kun left kura-chan at her apartment we took off back to the hokage tower. Tomorrow is her birthday so we're planning her a surprise party along with the ceremony.
"So shika-kun what should we do for kura-chan, maybe we could get her oto-san to come with us to get her a present" I look towards the lazy Nara looking up to the sky as if he's thinking of something.
"Shika-kun, are you listening" I give him a little poke on the cheek. He looks at me then smirks.
"Hai, I was thinking what we should get for her, I'm sure yamato already got her something".
"Yeah that's true" I looked down at the ground to see my belly getting big.
Out of nowhere yamato-san then poofed in front of us causing us to stop.
"Well shikamaru your right as usual, I did get sakura a present, look what I got her".
"Wow, that looks expensive yamato-san" i say looking at the sword and outfit.
"Not really I had a buddy make it for me for a low price" he smiled and then put it away in his bag.
"Well yamato we wanted to know if you could come with us to find kura-chan a present for her birthday and the ceremony" shika-kun looked to the sky then back to yamato-san.
"Sure let's go look around" yamato-san started to walk to the shops and we followed behind.
As I was walking I saw a beautiful kimono that had sakura petals on it and it was black so it was perfect for kura-chan.
"I'll be right back shika-kun I found a gift" I walked into the store and payed for the kimono. As I came out I saw shika-kun also get something.
"What did you get shika-kun" I looked at the bag then back at him.
"A necklace that has a locket on it. You can place pictures in and it has a small mirror in it too" he showed me the necklace and notice it had a sakura tree. I gave it back and he put it back in the bag.
"Alright since both of you have gifts let's head to the tower, I know about the party since I thought of it but tsunade-sama stole my idea" he looked at us both with a smile.
We both laughed then headed off.
As we arrived at the tower all the people were leaving from around it and went back to work. Guess tsunade-sama announced about the new hokage.
We went upstairs to her office and notice her doing her work and not drinking. 'Is she sick' I thought.
She looked up and then asked "did you get the decorations and a present for her" she looked back at her work and continue signing papers.
"Yes m'lady, all we have to do is set up everything and we'll be done" shika-kun said.
"Good, now we invited everybody in the village and the other villages to see the new hokage and wish sakura a happy 18th birthday, they will be arriving in the morning, so it's gonna be a big party. We have to make sure no one fights at this party or I will be upset, understood" she looked up with a smirk.
"Hai" we said in union afraid of what she is going to do. 'She can't do anything to me since I'm pregnant' I smile inwardly.
"Also we have to make sure she doesn't suspect anything about the party so keep her busy till the afternoon" tsunade-sama got up and looked out the window.
"Your dismissed" she looked back at us then sat down.
We all went home and prepare for tomorrow.
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The next day
Sakura's point of view
When I woke up I had to rush to the bathroom because I had to puke. I have been puking for the past week and I feel weak to where I can't heal others. I told myself to concentrate later to see what it is.
Then I remembered that today is the ceremony and got in the shower to get dress. I felt today was gonna be perfect even though I was feeling a little sick.
After I got out i got dress in my new outfit bāchan got me last week.
Now that I look at myself in the mirror, I look kind of like my grandma, my body has definitely matured a lot like her's. I brushed my hair and put it like her too since it keeps my hair out of the way.
After I was done with that I went down stairs and made breakfast for me, oto-san, hina-chan, and shika-kun. They usually come in the morning to get me for training so I make breakfast for all of us.
As I set the plates with food at the table I hear the doorbell ring. 'Speaking of my angels' I thought as went to the door.
I opened the door and was met by my team/family. "Ohayo kura-chan" hina-chan smiled.
"Ohayo hina-chan, shika-kun, oto-san" I gave them all hugs and let them in.
"I made breakfast for us before we train so we can be full of energy" I sat down and started to eat. Everyone sat down and started eating but oto-san ate quickly that I didn't notice.
"Ano.....about your bāchan said that you have today off since the ceremony for you becoming hokage is today, and she wants you fully rested" oto-san wiped his mouth since he was done with his food.
"Oh.....well I thought I could train today....but I guess we could just prepare for the ceremony" I put the dishes away in the sink since everyone was done.
"Actually, since your dressed, let's head into town to walk around a while to pass time, plus the baby would love a little walk" hina-chan and the others got up from the table and went to the door.
"Alright" I grabbed my stuff and we headed of into town.
~ In town ~
We walked around while me and hina-chan were talking about the baby since she's already 3 months. I then notice that no one is in the streets.
"Hey shika-kun do you know what time it is" I looked at him since there was nobody and it's usually the busiest time of the day. 'Where is everybody' I thought to myself.
"It's 5 minutes till noon, maybe we should head to the training grounds" shika-kun walked with hina-chan in the front.
"Why I thought you said that we couldn't train tod-.....ohhh we're having the ceremony there aren't we" I ran up a bit to face them both which they smiled at me knowing that the ceremony is there.
"Then let's go" I yelled and drag all them to the training grounds.
~ At the training grounds ~
Third person point of view
Everyone was getting into there place as they waited for sakura to arrive to the grounds.
"Alright everyone ready" tsunade asked the whole crowd behind her. Everyone responded in a whisper like voice so they won't give away the surprise.
"Good" tsunade smiled then faced forward waiting for shizune to come back.
"She's coming" shizune said running to go and stand next to tsunade. As they arrived, they stopped and saw all the people gathered there.
"SURPRISE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND CONGRATULATIONS ON HOKAGE SAKURA-CHAN" everyone yelled together and threw confetti in the air to make it more special.
Sakura just stood there shocked and happy but also a little angry since she forgot her own birthday.
"I can't believe you did all this" sakura says still shocked.
"Well believe it, this is why I made you hokage since you were gonna be an adult already and I knew you were right for the job" tsunade said as she put a hand on her shoulder and hugged her.
"Arigato bāchan" sakura said in the hug.
Tsunade pulled away and said with a kind face "Dōitashimashite sakura". (Your welcome that's what that means)
"Now let's hear it for the new hokage/birthday girl" tsunade faced the crowd and yelled with a drink in her hand.
Everyone cheered, having a great time, everyone gave her presents especially tsunade, hinata, shikamaru, and yamato.
Hinata's gift
"Arigato hina-chan" sakura gave a hug to her but not to tight, then shikamaru came and gave her his gift.
Shikamaru's gift
"Shika-kun...." she said speechless. She looked at the locket then at him.
"It has three places for you to put pictures and a mirror, I already put a picture in" he looked down and then at her with a smirk.
She looked inside and it was tsunade, hinata, her, yamato, and shikamaru together. They took a picture with her hokage outfit earlier, they were smiling their biggest. Sakura started to tear up at the sight of the picture then looked back up at shikamaru.
"Arigato shika-kun" sakura gave him a hug then look at the necklace again to see the picture then closed it. She put it on and yamato with his gift.
(You guys saw his gift so I'm gonna skip him)
She thanked him and he told her the amulet on the rope can have chakra in it and can be used as a tail.
Then her grandmother came up with shizune with their present.
Tsunade's and shizune's gift
"Wow thanks bāchan and shizune, I will use this in the future" she said then hugged them both.
"It was your bāchan's idea" shizune whispered to sakura.
"I knew that" she said back and gave a giggle.
Everyone else gave her money, blessings, clothes, or weapons. As the night went on, they partied and celebrated for sakura's birthday and being titled hokage. Sakura felt worn out and tired but pushed the feeling away and continue to enjoy herself.
Everyone set up tents to sleep in for the night, since everybody was to go back home in the morning.
That night was the most exciting and crazy night of their lives.
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So I hoped you liked it. I know I'm super late on Sakura's birthday but been busy with school since I'm home bound. Any way I hope you like it I will update as soon as possible.
Don't forget to
~ Spongebob ~
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