The Question
Narrator: the pups were running around the lookout trying to get away from Marshall who was it. Chase ran towards the front door and Everest decided to stock him. Skye saw Chase go into the lookout and went in also.
Marshall: hey, where did everyone go?
Narrator: Chase needed to go get a snack because he was hungry. While he was eating, Everest put some truth serum into chase's water and when he went to go get a drink Everest went up to ask him a question and he was forced to answer truthfully even if he didn't want to.
Everest: hey Chase.
Chase: what?
Everest: Do you like any pup on the paw patrol?
Chase: in his mind( I really didn't want to tell Everest that I liked some pup on the team, but for some reason I couldn't stop myself). Yes, I yelled.
Everest: oh really, Who?
Narrator: Chase said that he wouldn't tell her and walked away.
Everest: Nooo, it didn't work. I'm going to check the vial again. What, only guaranteed for one use. If the victim has a strong mind, then they can resist any more attempts.
Narrator:Skye walked in and had some of the water. Everest had a sneaky idea. She called Chase in and told him to listen to what Skye had to say.
Everest: Skye, do you like Chase?
Skye was going to say yes, but for some reason she was forced to say the truth.
Skye: No, I don't like Chase she said. I LOVE CHASE AND I HAVE SINCE THE DAY THAT HE SAVED MY LIFE!!!!
Narrator: Chase was shocked, he had no idea that Skye had feelings for him!
Everest: Well guess what little Skye, Chase loves me, don't you Chase?
Chase: NO! Get it through your thick head, I don't love you, I LOVE SKYE!!!!
Everest was so mad that she took out her dagger and attacked Skye.
Skye: help me Chase, please.
Chase: Everest, get off of her, she is the only pup I love!
Narrator: Everest was overpowering Skye and cut Skye's paw with the dagger.
Just then, there was a loud boom and Everest collapsed onto the ground.
Narrator: the last words Everest heard were "thank you Chase, I love you!" Followed by "I love you too Skye!
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