Chapter 8
I woke up with a gleaming smile. The light shining brightly and everything in my world is finally falling into place. I sat up and stretched out my eyes as far as I could and my whole body was in sync. The cave still looked beautifully undisturbed and Iwas still safe. I was able to relax in here as long as the beast doesn't find his way to me but that was highly unlikely by this point in time.
My diamond in the rough was still in its spot, performing in its beauty. My body was feeling so much better now and it was no longer aching. I got up and started to mentally calculate the height of the Ruby from my position. It wasn't that high and it can be possibly knocked down with a rock or something. I scanned the ground and there were some stones that could knock it without breaking it( if I catch it in time that is).
A particular rock caught my eye. It was the right size and it didn't look too rough. I smiled and picked it up and examined it properly. Yep it was just right.
My eyes took in front of the wall. I took a deep breath and aimed as best as I can as I released the rock from my hands. It knocked the Ruby Heart from the bottom and I caught it just in time. I was amazed and overjoyed as I held the precious jewel in my hands. As I was drowning in pure happiness something caught my eye.
Where the Ruby was in place, a tiny green diamond was glowing. I was very confused and suddenly the wall opened itself up and out came a glowing figure that almost blinded me. I became very afraid and started to back away.
When the light disappeared, it revealed a young girl. She had olive skin and dimples. Her hair was a wavy chestnut-brown and she had the most gorgeous emerald green eyes. I noticed she also had faerie wings.
"Hello, welcome to the Cave of Wonders, I'm Athena, the keeper of the cave and you are?"
I blinked and for some reason I couldn't speak. The little girl looked at me weirdly and repeated her question.
"Sorry I was just in a bit of shock, I'm Bella".
She smiled and brought out her hand, I shook it and smiled.
"So what brings you here Bella?" she asked.
"Well it's a long story. My family got killed by this beast and it's been chasing me ever since. I'm trying to get to my cousin's house and I thought I was almost there but I was at the wrong forest then the beast caused an earthquake and the earth opened up and now I'm here".
She had a sad face as if she felt sorry for me. "I'm so sorry to hear that, you must be exhausted".
"Yes very, I've been there for 2 nights and i was just starting to get my strength back. You can't even imagine what I've been through".
"Would you like me to show you around?"
"Please do!" I said happily. She smiled and took my hands then started to fly. We went to the three entrances I saw yesterday.
"The middle one is for food, the one on the left leads to a big waterfall and the one on the right is forbidden," she explained. Hmm I wonder why the one on the right was forbidden. We went back and then I had a question.
"Hey is that water clean?" I asked pointing at the lake.
"Oh yeah definetly, it gets cleaned everyday by the magma that passes under it," she said.
"Cool," i said.
We sat down next to the lake.
"So how did you get down here?" I asked curiously. She then had a sad look on her face and looked down.
"Me and my family came from Venus. We were living in a little cabin until there was a violent earthquake and we were forced down here. We made this into our home until they got into an accident and I was the only one left," she sighed.
"Aww its okay," I pulled her into a hug. She gladly returned it. We sat there like that for a couple of minutes before we pulled away.
"So how do you plan on getting back to the surface?" she asked.
"Honestly I don't know," I said blankly.
"Maybe we can cause a volcanic eruption and shoot you out," she said. I had never thought of that but it sounded crazy.
"Can that really happen?" I asked leaning more closely.
"Yep and i have a way that you won't get hurt," she said smiling brightly. Oh i can't believe this was actually possible.
"Thank you so much," I've never felt so happy right now. "No worries".
Suddenly my stomach let out a loud growl.
"Can you get some food please?" I asked nicely.
"Sure, wait here," and she flew off. I sighed with relief, I was so glad I made a new friend!
Soon Athena came back with berries, fruits, bread and more! My eyes went wide with excitement considering the fact that I've not eaten anything proper in ages. She laid everything down and we ate.
"By the way, is the Red Ruby Heart yours?" I asked taking a bite out of a loaf of bread.
"No it used to belong to my mother but you can have it if you want," she said munching on a banana. I suddenly felt guilty having it now. "Have it back," i handed her the ruby.
"Its fine, keep it," she slid it back to me. I reluctantly took it and put it on the side. As I picked off a few grapes, I suddenly got an idea".
"Hey why don't you come with me? Then you wouldn't be all alone down here". She looked up and gave me a weird look. "I don't know, I've sort of got used to it now".
"Yeah but we can keep each other great company," I said.
"Hm okay I'll think about".
We continued eating and talked some more before we went to sleep.
A/N: OOoh im loving this book! So what do u all of you think? :)))) i can't believe i went from writing suspense to including aliens XDD
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