"When you don't know where to go,
And you're feeling all alone.
Look inside yourself,
You're so much more than you know"
⭐ Shooting Star.
"I have decided!"
Everyone turned their heads to the queen of the house, Qaidah Zaeef, who looked radiant with happiness.
"Decided what?" questioned Aahil, her husband.
Everyone's keen ears were on her.
"It's time Yazdan also gets married"
And all eyes turned to Yazdan.
The poor fellow squirmed in his seat. He knew his mother was right but somewhere in his heart, he knew he would not marry anytime soon. Not until she says yes.
The oldest, Kayan, cheered holding up the glass of what seemed like milk, up. The little boy in his arms let out a whine. Kayan quickly placed the glass back infront of him and he smiled.
"Kayan, I think he has had enough" stated his wife and Kayan nodded, putting the glass away and then holding up the baby boy up so that he could stand up.
"Where is Kashaf?" questioned Qaidah and Amyrah turned to answer her.
"He's sleeping ma." she replied, rubbing her forehead. Qaidah smiled at her daughter-in-law. She knew that Amyrah was still young and experiencing many things at once and that it was all too new to her. She was proud that Amyrah and Kayan were able to handle business as well as family together and that their oldest son, Mohammed Kashaaf Zaeef who was two years old and the second son, Mohammed Kayvaan Zaeef, who was around 7 months old, were both given parental care and love like she hoped they would. Adding onto the fact that the two were the only kids in the family, they were pampered.
"Alright then, put Kash to sleep then we will discuss"
Yazdan set there, in the middle of conversations that would either ruin his life or make it better. He also knew that if he was to be betrothed to someone else, a certain human would create world war III. Something that he did not want.
And the more he thought about marriage and children and family, the more he became anxious about the whole ordeal. He understood what it meant. Marriage did not simply mean getting married to a girl and having children and satisfying your desires with her. No. It meant a life time commitment, a long promised love and affection, sharing his whole world with her and she would be a part of him forever, and he prayed that he was granted a good spouse.
He sighed and pushed the stray long hairs past his face.
His mother saw that and let out an aggravated sigh.
"And him. Look at him! He looks like he just walked out of some ancient city! Long hair, okay nice beard but long hair still." She scolded him.
Yazdan shrugged. He loved his hair. It was long at the top and the sides were faded. His dark beard, that was nearly trimmed, along with his hair gave him a rugged yet handsome look.
"Ammi. I look fine! What was it that you wanted to discuss? Even Amyrah Bhabhi is here" replied Yazdan, looking over his Bhabhi to save him.
Amyrah smiled at the familiarity of the situation.
"Ma, what was it that you were saying about Yazdan's marriage?" Amyrah asked, taking a seat beside her husband who was busy on his iPad.
"Yes, his marriage" Qaidah settled on the couch, quite comfortably before giving everyone a serious look.
Amyrah took the iPad away from Kayan, who glared at her who in return, glared back playfully. Kayan huffed and turned his attention to his mother. Basically the older two siblings were here, along with the parents and grandparents. Kulthum, Sahl, Safwah and Karmaan were at their respective destinations, the latter 3 at university and the former at work in Sydney.
Qaidah wanted to see how her grandkids were faring so they came over to Melbourne for it. And since Yazdan was here too, it was a must that he met them.
And currently, he was regretting his decision of coming over here.
"His marriage?" Questioned Grandmother Zaeef, coming out of the bedroom.
"Yes Amma, his marriage" Qaidah replied.
"But is Yazdan ready?" She questioned and Qaidah sighed, looking over at her second son.
"Maybe he is but he thinks he's not. He has to marry someday so why not now?"
"The final decision is always Yazdan's" stated grandmother Zaeef and Yazdan grinned at her. He knew she understood him well.
"But we will be seeing girls for marriage proposals" said Qaidah firmly and grandmother Zaeef nodded.
"Tell Aahil too. So that you both can work it out. Amyrah, I want a good daughter-in-law for Yazdan, okay?" Said grandmother Zaeef and Amyrah laughed.
"Of course Daadi Ma" she replied and grandmother Zaeef smiled brightly.
The ladies then proceeded to discuss other matters such as fashion and baking while Kayan went back to work, leaving poor Yazdan all to his thoughts.
Yazdan stood up and walked out of the apartment that was owned by his older brother and his wife, and headed to the elevator.
He got in and decided to take a walk to the park nearby.
He had alot on his mind and his mother adding fuel to it was not helping.
The walk to the park was a short one. The fresh air and the birds chirping were enough to calm him down.
He took a seat at one of the benches and looked out to the vast open park.
He watched the children play, he saw the dogs run after cats and rabbits, he saw people talking and saw a radiant glow of happiness around him.
He switched on his phone and went into gallary.
His hands skimmed over a particular photo before he tapped on it and smiled fondly at it. He did not even know he was smiling until he heard a cough beside him.
Immediately switching off the phones light, he turned to his right where his older brother stood with a smug look.
"May I?" He questioned and Yazdan simply nodded.
Kayan took his seat and smiled fondly of his little brother.
"So?" He asked and Yazdan shrugged.
"Let's not play games Yaz. Tell me who was that girl in the picture?" He questioned and Yazdan's head snapped towards him. His eyes were wide as bottle caps and his mouth hung slightly open.
"Ho-wh-How?" He managed to put his thoughts in one word.
"I stood there for good 3 minutes and you did not notice me. I saw you staring at her with a smile. Who is she? It's a simple question"
"If only it was that simple"
"Okay so it's complicated. Let's start from the top, okay?"
"Who's she?"
Just don't kill me please.
Hahaha. Salaam guys.
So it ends. Like this. I hope you all can still love me after this. Haha. ❤️
Hope you all enjoyed it.
.R. C. V.
💕 Aalihha.
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