Chapter 46: Blessed day turned to cursed day.
"Being married is blissful"
| A N O N |
The following morning, Kayan was up before Amyrah. He knew she would feel like death itself thus he let her sleep as he wondered around the place, before finally settling in the kitchen to cook breakfast. It was a blessed morning indeed. The sun was up and shining, the clock told him that it was past 10am and the temperature was that of love. He smiled when he reminisced the previous night.
He happily made breakfast that consisted of pancakes and coffee. He was frying the last pancake when his phone rang on the counter. He switched the gas off and wiped his hands on the apron as he walked to pick up his call.
"Hello, This is Kayan Zaeef" he said in the phone as he held it at his ear.
"Good morning, Mr. Zaeef. I am sorry to disturb your peace but please switch on the news. You'd be astonished to find the things there" an unfamiliar voice spoke on the other line and Kayan furrowed his eyebrows. He then walked into the living room and switched on the TV and flipped the channel to CNN.
In the bottom headline, Kayan Zaeef was mention along with the words secrets revealed. It was enough for Kayan to cut the call and make another one to his PA in Australia.
"I heard it just now sir!" he said, panicking.
Kayan rubbed his temple and growled.
"Get every shareholder of my businesses on line. NOW!" he roared, before hanging up and calling Yahyah. Yahyah connected his call to Shumayll Edris who then assured him that he was in his system that very moment.
Amyrah wore a long dress shirt with shorts and pulled her hair up before walking downstairs to where Kayan was. She had heard noises and curses when she was in the bathroom.
She walked into the living room to see a stressed out Kayan. His usual fair skin was red and he was on call, his hands moving up and about in a frustrated gesture.
She turned to the TV and saw the headlines scrolling at the bottom.
"Blogger introduced the secrets of the life of Australian Billionaire, Kayan Zaeef"
Amyrah's eyes widened and she frantically opened her phone and searched it up. Sure enough, google found around a thousand article about this. The main one was the blog where it was published. Every news channel had access to the upcoming project of Kayan, the large business, Fujiton, that was failing and he was buying it to improve and put it under his wing. Fujiton, was a business of camera's mainly, along with other digital photography materials. And Kayan was supposed to sign the contract with the CEO this coming October.
"Kayan" Amyrah said, walking towards him. He turned to her with glassed eyes.
"Its alright bubbah, we will solve it together, okay?" she whispered as she hugged him and kissed the side of his head.
"A-Amyrah, I worked hard for this. My entire family relies on me to support this hard earned business. If I fail....." he left the words hanging. Amyrah caressed the side of his head.
"Shhhh.... its okay. Allah has a reason for everything"
"I know"
"Lets go pray a 2 Rakaat Nafil prayer and in sha Allah everything will be fine" She told him and he nodded. The duo walked back to the bedroom where they showered and changed before praying.
Amyrah prayed for Kayan's happiness, his family's health and happiness and hoped with all her heart that his problems be solved.
Kayan prayed for guidance and guidance only. He needed his Allah to help him through whatever he is going through.
After prayers, the two set in the living room, making calls and responding to emails. Kayan called his press alliance team to deal with whatever is going on. He wanted answers. This was a violation of privacy and whoever was part of it has to face the music.
The entire day was spent in this and when evening came, Kayan was ready to leave for Melbourne. They did not know that this would come up so they were patient with the business mergers. And since Amyrah could not leave just yet, they had to work something out. And that was that Kayan returns to Melbourne while she stays back in Vancouver until she can set the things right here. Kayan was already risking his business stakeholders and if Amyrah does not turn up for work soon, she would also lose her clients. Something the duo could not afford.
Amyrah saw him off at the airport where his private jet had arrived.
"Be careful" she whispered in his arms and he kissed the side of her hijab cladded head.
"I will" he muttered.
"Now leave me and go. Don't forget to tell Max, I said hi" she said, pushing him away slightly and Kayan smiled.
"Sure. Don't wander around by yourself. Make sure to take the guards with you, alright?" he said and she nodded, placing a kiss on his cheeks.
"Allah Hafiz"
Amyrah watched Kayan's large frame retreat into the terminals. She knew she would miss him and she knew she would have to deal with it because she can not just throw away her hard work earned empire for a mere fact that she missed him.
"Oh Allah" She whispered to herself before turning around and walking outside the airport.
The temperature had dropped a little from the previous day, with the sun out shining bright and it was warm and not too hot like the other days.
Amyrah walked to her car and got in before switching on the Radio to listen to some music. She was exhausted from the jet leg and this entire scandal did no good to her. Her phone rang and she answered it on the car bluetooth.
"Amyrah" she spoke out loud, putting the volume of her Mercedes down.
"Salaam bhabhi! Its Safwah. I was wondering if Bhai has left Canada yet?" he questioned and Amyrah sighed, pulling into the busy streets.
"Was salaam, Safwah. Yes, he just boarded the jet. Should be with you guys soon" she replied.
"Why could you not make it?" he questioned and Amyrah heard other voices telling him to shut up and a loud slapping sound. She knew one of them had slapped the other. Children!
"Well darling, I cannot come because I have work. You know that I was away for the wedding for over two months and I cannot take any more breaks now. If I do, I would lose many of my merits as a businesswoman" she explained, knowing fully that her husbands siblings understood little to nothing of what she spoke of.
"Oh okay then. Allah Hafiz. Take care bhabhi"
"Alright. Salaam to all. Allah Hafiz"
Safwah hung up and Amyrah sighed, turning the music up. As Home of Nick Jonas played in the background, she lost herself in her windswept of a mind.
She always thought that finding love was hard, being in love was easy and life after marriage was a bliss. She always thought that perhaps being married would mean a happy ending, being married would mean all your problems would have a solution, being married would mean you have someone with you all the time and that being married would make her feel like she is the world's luckiest woman.
She was right about certain things on being married. But she was wrong about most. She met Kayan, who gave her a new meaning of life and love. She was able to completely trust him to not cheat on her. She was certain she would not be hurt with him. And she was right so far.
She married Kayan and thats when she began to see things in a new light. She saw why her mother and sister put up with the traitorous acts of their husbands, even though she never fully understood why. She saw herself in a new light too. A strong single independent woman was not a strong married woman, but was she still independent?
She was no longer just Amyrah Saleh, she was Mrs. Amyrah Kayan Zaeef. Every of her moves would be monitored by the paparazzi two times more than it usually since she is linked to Kayan Zaeef.
She realized at that very moment that being married was not as easy as people made it look. It was not the life as Pinterest, Instagram and Snapchat shows. Its much more.
But the main question that lingered in her mind was:
Was she ready for it?
(How many of you got THAT reference? haha)
I updated because...........MY BOOK IS #3 ON SPIRITUAL HOT LIST!! Thats massive deal for me!! THANK YOU YOU ALL LOVELY READERS OF MINE!!!!
*Throws kisses and Hershey's at ya'all*
So....... you all know what to do.. :)
| R . C . V |
P.S: hows my new cover?
♥ aalihha.
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