Chapter 41: Wedding Dee Season.
"If Indian weddings are not extravagant, they are not considered Indian weddings."
| Every Indian Family out There |
Thursday came fast. With the whole wedding preparations and chaos, Amyrah had very little time to sit and actually think about her husband.
On most nights, the girls would be up simply having their own private time. They would talk of all the things, from love to life to family to even evil in laws. And these were the moments that Amyrah felt she would cherish forever.
Urwa, Aaiyla, Azzidah, Samran, Ruha and Raha would gather with Amyrah and Kulthum at the terrace with their mugs of whatever they prefer to drink and would often laugh and catch up.
Wednesday night, all of them set at the terrace which had become their own little fort.
"Okay girls, tomorrow is the official day which begins the big fat indian wedding. Who's excited?!" exclaimed Samran and the other girls held their mugs up in cheers for it.
"I am the most excited one" stated Aaiyla and everyone agreed for Aaiyla was never the shy one, it was Ehaan.
"Okay, Amyrah..... tell us what all happened with Kayan?" smirked Aaiyla and Amyrah hid her face while Kulthum groaned.
"Not my brother, please!" she whined causing them to laugh.
"Okay then, Kulthum, close your ears, dearest" winked Samran and turned to Aaiyla.
"Okay guys, hold up. We have kids here!" said Urwa, gesturing to herself.
"You are almost 18 Urwa! You would eventually have to talk to us about it" stated Azzidah and the others nodded.
Urwa shook her head.
"I am not readddyyy!" she whined, putting her hands over her ears causing another set of laughter from the girls.
"Guys, have anyone of you heard Yazdan actually talk?" questioned Raha, raising her eyebrows.
Kulthum made a face while Amyrah let out a chuckle.
"He is my brother. Of course I heard him!" snapped Kulthum, her eyes almost in slits. And as they all knew, it made no difference to Raha.
"Yes, Yes Raha, we have. I am sorry to say but he is very conservative with people." said Samran, shaking her head and the others nodded in understanding. Well they tried to understand.
"Oh did you hear that our neighbours from the town are coming to the wedding!" said Urwa and the other girls frowned.
"Which neighbours are we specifically talking about here?" questioned Azzidah.
"You know, Reet and Rohan? The twin troubles?" said Urwa and the other girls faces held horror, save for Ruha, Raha and Kulthum who had no idea what the duo were. Or rather who.
"Say what now?" spluttered Aaiyla and Urwa nodded, tucking her legs under her.
"But- But..... Oh Allah" muttered Amyrah and the rest nodded.
"And we are being impulsive why?" questioned Kulthum, looking utterly confused.
"He was someone who loved Aaiyla alot. Or so he claimed" replied Samran, smiling at the fond memory.
"And he had a row with Ehaan one day at school. We have never been the same since then" muttered Aaiyla dejectedly.
"Awww. It would be fine. I am sure Ehaan can understand"
"Ehaan, I am married to you now. He won't do a thing, I promise!!" whined Aaiyla while the other girls and boys stood there watching.
It was Thursday morning and Kayan was due to come any moment. Amyrah was busy with the florist for she was the only one would could master the art of setting up flowers using a string along with Kulthum.
"Are they still arguing over it?" Amyrah asked Kulthum, as the two attached Fushia and white orchids to the string followed by a few leafs, making sure to tie a small knot at the end of each pattern.
"I think so. I never knew Ehaan bhai was so protective" laughed Kulthum and Amyrah laughed with her.
"So how is it being married to my brother?" she questioned her after a while.
"Oh I don't know." replied Amyrah, her cheeks turning to the color of the orchids in her hands.
"Huh. I thought you would say normal" replied Kulthum and Amyrah turned her head to her.
"Normal? Why would you say that?" she asked and her sister-in-law simply shrugged.
"Maybe thats what everyone says, right?" she asked and Amyrah smiled sweetly at her. This girl was ever so innocent.
"No, life with your brother is anything but normal, let me tell you that much" she said and Kulthum smiled at her, showing her perfect pearls.
"I am happy, Kulthum. I really am. I got such an amazing family and it is everything I ever dreamt of. Its like I was pushed into a fairytale and asked to live it" explained Amyrah and Kulthum's smile widened.
"Of course it did. Did my brother happen to sweep you off your oh so delicate feet too?" she questioned and Amyrah laughed.
"Oh that I did"
The two girls turned their heads towards the owner of the voice.
Kayan entered the house and was surprised by the number of people walking around it. He had changed from his trip clothes to his usual jeans and tees. He had a smile on his face while he greeted everyone on his way to find his mother and grandmother before his wife.
He greeted his grandmother, who kissed both his cheeks.
"As salaam, Harmoni" He said and his grandmother smiled endearingly at him.
"Wa alaikum mus salaam. How was your trip?" she questioned and he shrugged.
"Same old. Where is mother?" he asked and his grandmother pointed towards the backyard.
"She is doing something there"
"Let me just go see her"
With that Kayan took off to find his mother. Upon seeing her, he repeated what happened with his grandmother before he took a stroll around the house to find his wife.
""No, life with your brother is anything but normal, let me tell you that much" he heard his wife's voice and turned towards the large pillars surrounding the open courtyard of the place.
"Awww" He stood by the pillar as he watched his wife talk to his sister.
"I am happy, Kulthum. I really am. I got such an amazing family and it is everything I ever dreamt of. Its like I was pushed into a fairytale and asked to live it" explained Amyrah and he smiled to himself. He was glad he was the one to make her dreams come true.
"Of course it did. Did my brother happen to sweep you off your oh so delicate feet too?" she questioned and Amyrah laughed.
"Oh that I did" Kayan made his presence known to the ladies and everyone around them, as he walked towards Amyrah with a huge smile.
"Of course you did" replied Kulthum before getting up and hugging her brother.
'Salaam bhai" she said and Kayan hugged her and turned to his wife with his sister in his arms.
"You both were talking about me" he stated glancing at Kulthum and then to Amyrah,back and forth.
"Phhfftt. No" replied Amyrah and Kulthum only laughed, covering it with fake coughs.
"Sure and Unicorns are real"
"HEYYY!" Amyrah, Kulthum and Aaiyla (Who appeared from lord knows where) yelled in unison.
Kayan's eyes widened and he held his hands up in surrender.
"So where are my brothers?" he questioned them and the ladies shrugged.
"Amma said that Ehaan is not allowed to meet me before the wedding day. Who made this rule!?!" whined Aaiyla and the rest laughed.
"Its called 'Saalo Purani-" Kulthum began but stopped short as she thought of the word.
"Years old traditions" supplied Amyrah and Kulthum nodded.
"But whats the Hindi word for tradition?" she questioned, looking around.
When no one answered, Kayan sighed.
"Its called Parampara" He said and the girls turned to him, astonished.
"Ah I forgot I had a linguist of a brother" replied Kulthum and Amyrah raised an eyebrow at him. He merely shrugged, smiling.
And he was gone.
Kayan worked with the boys to set the backyard for the upcoming functions. The reception would be held at Mariot Resort, half an hour or so away from the mansions.
"Bhai, I promise I am really sorry" whispered Yazdan beside him for the nth time and Kayan shrugged, acting irked.
Yazdan let out a sigh before walking to the left of his brother and placing the large white pillar down. The loin on Yazdans face made Kayan chuckle. By now, the whole lawn had pillars scattered all around. Some were large pole pillars while others were small.
"Boys, that goes there!" yelled a slender man, walking towards them with an annoyed look.
"Sorry Sir Adam!" said Kayan, smiling as he walked to the other side where the man pointed.
"Its Ad! AD!" he said rather loudly, with all sorts of exasperated hand gestures.
"Okay Ad. Calm down. Calm down. Deep breaths" jested Kayan and the man glared at him.
"Aaaaa! Where is Aaiyla? I wish to speak to her immediately!" he said, with his almost British accent.
"She is in the courtyard. That way" called out Farhaan from somewhere.
The lad nodded and walked towards the house with hurried steps. He was so exasperated that such good-looking men could not follow simple orders! He needed new helping hands and quick! These boys knew not the difference between orchid and Daisy! They claimed they were all flowers! And Ad was annoyed.
Kayan chuckled once the man was gone.
"Do you think we can out together this whole yard by ourselves?" Questioned Farhaan and the others shook their heads a no.
"We don't know what goes where. Can someone please give us the blueprints?" Said Yazdan, taking a seat in the middle of the yard while every other person stared at him as if he was crazy.
"Guys, we can't ruin Aaiyla Bhabhi's wedding for her. Let's work in unison" said Safwah and for once, all of his siblings thought he spoke something sensible.
"Yazdan, talk Ed and draw up a plan of what goes where. We simply need to put the high pipes up on the poles" said Kayan and Yazdan nodded, before walking away to find Ad.
"Guys, get your manpower ready, we are about to built an open roof" said Kayan and everyone stared at him.
After a moment of silence, Safwah spoke.
"Say what brother?" And everyone burst into laughter. Even Kayan.
Sometimes the wrong things make the right moments.
I think now you all yell "I LOVE YOU!" to me.
Haha ha. I updated but gave no Kayrah moment. Sorry people. And tell me if that ship name is wrong for I keep forgetting which one is permanent. 😂
I gave a view of life at an Indian wedding. Yes. Indian weddings are LARGE, CROWDY, NOISY AND ALOT MORE. Also people start coming over your place like a week before so the entire wedding week is hectic.
Because it gives me ideas to write. 😁 And free food. Free food.
| • R • C • V • |
🌺 Aalihha.
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