Chapter 35: Night Swims.
"Perhaps the most important thing in life is love."
《 |anon| 》
The doors locked and Amyrah felt a familiar clenching of her chest. Bile rose up her throat and she felt the hijab suffocating her. Her breathing picked up pace to such extent that she felt the need to breath through her mouth as well to stay alive. Her hands shivered and her hand unconciously gripped her hijab, ready to rip it off in case of need.
Kayan realized Amyrah was white as a vampire. She could beat Edward Collins at his own game.
"Amyrah. ... calm down" he spoke softly and met her eyes.
She did not take the hint.
"Amyrah..... relax. Take deep breaths" he said, leaning into the backseat and grasping her hands.
"Close your eyes and take deep breaths" he whispered, gently rubbing her hands.
He was hoping this works because he had absolutely no idea what was going on with her.
Amyrah was already into the black abyss that she was used to. It happened alot before. It was a panic attack kinda thing.
She also knew she cannot be there. She was stronger than this. She was. She just had to believe.
Believe. Conquer. Own.
Believe. Conquer. Own.
Repeatedly, her mind chanted it. Slowly she felt relief wash over her as she pulled herself out of the darkness. The calling of her name by a familiar voice helped her pull herself together.
She opened her eyes slowly and through the blur tried to make out her environment.
She tried not to think of anything but the good things. Like perhaps the garden back in Canada.
Yes, that's it. Think of the gardens. The sweet morning scents, the flowers that blossomed. The happy children. The birds chirping and the bussing of the bees around, searching for food.
Somehow that calmed her down.
"You alright there?" Questioned Kayan and Amyrah turned to face him.
Giving him a small smile, she nodded.
"I wanted to give you this before we head inside but...." he said, extending his hand from the front seat.
His body was almost sandwiched in between the two seats.
"Oh thank you" replied Amyrah, trying to sound confident as she eyed the gift.
It was a small box wrapped in floral paper.
"Well.... take it then" he said and she nodded taking it from him.
Kayan felt restless as he got off the car and opened the door for her.
Something was different about Amyrah. But what?
He saw her get off, give him a smile and take two steps ahead before stopping.
He pushed the door shut and walked to her. He gestured for her to walk and she did.
But all this while, Amyrah felt lifeless. Like her spirit was somewhere else.
Kayan was hoping she was not regretting her decisions. Not yet anyway.
The entire evening was blur to both of them as both were into their own thoughts. Their thoughts were not much different though. It was on the same track except different lines.
When night fell, everyone retired to their own bedrooms, leaving Kayan and Amyrah to retire to theirs.
Kayan led her to their current room, even though she had been there once to change out of the heavy material clothing of hers.
This was what Amyrah was most afraid of. The night.
Don't get her wrong. She loves the night. She is scared of this night for its her first with Kayan.
And what scared her even more was the what ifs running in her mind.
Kayan knew she was scared. A lot scared in fact. So he put her mind to ease.
"I am not going to try anything Amyrah. Calm down" he spoke to her, standing in front of her.
She looked up to meet his beautiful gray eyes.
He smiled.
"I promise my lady! Now chill the hell out! I am not going to kill you" he joked and that out her mind to ease.
Kayan knew she was hesitant about this. The entire marriage and life after marriage thing. And he wanted to know why. But he also knew they were not that into the relationship for him to question her.
"Okay then" she muttered, taking a seat on the couch.
"I will go change. Do you sleep in those clothes or......." Kayan's question lingered in the air when he realized how he had sounded.
Amyrah peered at him from under her lashes and smiled eventually because she knew what he was trying to say.
"No, I will change. Its alright. You change first"
He nodded and walked towards the adjacent bedroom.
Opening the closet, he grabbed the first pair of sweats and tees before walking towards the bathroom to change.
Amyrah walked around the room and stood at the large french windows, staring out to the pool outside the room.
She really wanted to take a dip but she knew she shouldn't.
"You want to go for a swim?"
She was startled to see Kayan standing beside her.
He was dressed in white tees and gray sweatpants. Total hot. Period.
"Kind of"
"Then go"
Amyrah shrugged.
"You are shy?" he said, almost shocked.
Amyrah's head snapped up to him and he looked down at her, clearly amused.
"No, its not that........." she muttered, looking out to the pool again.
"Its okay. Go" he lightly bumped his shoulder to hers, though it was more like his arms to her shoulder but oh well.
"You sure?" she asked him and he nodded.
"Maybe i can join" he winked and began laughing when he saw her face.
Double meaning jerk.
"Jeez Amyrah! You need to calm down! Go change and then we hit the pool" he said and she sighed, walking away.
Amyrah skimmed though her clothes to find a suitable t-shirt and leggings for swimming. It will be uncomfortable for someone who wears a bathing suit when in the pool but this has to do for now because she was used to being in the pool with all girls and sometimes alone. Oh how she missed the private pools back in Canada.
She finally wore a white t-shirt that said 'Ma Boy JungKook' infront in black calligraphy paired with black knee length tights.
Amyrah was not shy of her body, rather proud one would say. She worked hard to attain and maintain it. Waking up at 4am to train IS no joke.
When she walked out to the pool, she saw that Kayan had also changed into some shorts and cut sleeve t-shirt that read 'ADIDAS' in blue. Ever so branded Kayan.
"Ready?" She asked him smiling widely.
He raised an eyebrow as he studied her t-shirt.
"What?" She asked him, taking off her flip flops.
"Ma boy JungKook?" He questioned her and she giddy nodded.
"Really?" He Whined and she nodded again.
"BTS is my first love. No way am I trading it for anyone" she stated and he walked towards her.
"For anyone?" He spoke, and Amyrah knew she was facing the predatory Kayan at the moment.
She smirked and nodded.
"Anyone." She stated and he came to a halt infront of her.
Amyrah did not know where the surge of confidence came from, maybe it was her inner smart Amyrah telling her to Get. Herself. Together! This is not the first time she is with Kayan, even though the circumstances are debatable but that's besides the point. She's Amyrah Saleh! The woman other girls look up to due to her success! If she can handle her hot mess of a life, she can do this too!
Or so she hoped.
"Earth to Lady Amyrah!" Kayan snapped his fingers infront of her face and she blinked a few times.
"I am on earth!" She replied turning around to search for the steps into the pool.
"The steps are this side" Amyrah closed her eyes and muttered Arabic profanities such as donkey and damn it under her breath.
Kayan laughed and turned towards the steps, while Amyrah followed him.
He waded into the water, the scent of chlorine filling his nose trills.
He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.
"Hey, Myrah, do you think the chlorine is alittle too scent-y?" He asked her as he stood in the first quater of the pool.
"No. It's fine!" She muttered, from somewhere behind him.
He shrugged and dived deep underwater, swimming towards the other end of the large rectangular pool.
While he swam there, Amyrah stood to take in the feel of the water around her body. It was a divine feeling really.
"You going to swim or simply stay there?"
Kayan's voice cut through her feeling moments and her eyes snapped open.
She nodded at him before diving into the water and swimming towards the end, making sure her path was no where close to Kayan.
When she resurfaced at the edge, Kayan smirked at her.
"Not the best way to spend the first night but want to race?" He questioned her and she raised an eyebrow.
"Race? With me?-" chuckled Amyrah "-if you must know Mr. Kayan, I am yet to master an exceptional swimming skill"
Kayan chuckled.
"Never mind, let's go" he said and Amyrah chuckled before diving into the water.
The duo battled to the other end of the 8 meter pool and back.
They did it for four rounds and Kayan had established that she was an exceptional swimmer, maybe not perfect but good.
"And you said you cannot swim" he said, pulling himself out of the water and taking a seat on the tiled edge.
Amyrah, however did not come out of the water. She kept swirling and turning around in the pool, making water swirls and bubbles in her path, simply near Kayan.
Kayan took the moment to observe the woman he had accepted as his wife. Her hair was dark with water and a few strands stuck to her neck. Her brown eyes were lit with excitement, Lord knows why but she looked beautiful none the less.
"You are the most beautiful creature I have ever laid my eyes on!"
The comment took Amyrah off guard.
"Uhhhhhhh......." she spoke but her brain decided there was nothing she had to say.
Water dripped down her eyelashes and hit her right eye and she winced. Perfect timing water!
"That's a compliment" replied Kayan and Amyrah turned to him.
"Thank you" she smiled, one eye shut kinda smile.
Kayan laughed when he saw what she had done to her eye.
"Come on, let's get some sleep" he said, extending his arms out.
Amyrah gladly took it as she walked out of the pool waters, her hands and feet skin all pruny.
Kayan felt his jaw drop when he saw his wife out the water. It was utter perfection.
Her tshirt stuck to her body like a second skin and it clearly outlined her body, Abbs and all. Yes his wife actually had Abbs!
"Holy!" He muttered and Amyrah raised an eyebrow and looked up to him.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" She questioned him.
"You have Abbs."
"No short sherlock!" She muttered, pulling the tshirt away from her body to avoid it sticking.
"Reminder, just...... just don't wear white in the pool again"
With that Kayan was gone until Amyrah realized what he said and looked down at her body.
Hahaha. Anyone caught on what he said? 😮😮
So I know, long time no update. Sorry!!!
I hope my love for you all is good enough for forgiveness? 😉
R. C. V.
🌺 Aliihah
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