Chapter 29: Oh hell no!
"제 눈에 안경이다"
/ Beauty is in the eye of the beholder /
~ K O R E A N P R O V E R B ~
By the time Amyrah reached the bungalow, it was almost magrib.
So she showered quickly and prayed, pouring her heart out to Allah. She knew she was not in love with Kayan but she admitted that she liked him. If he was the right one for her, she asked Allah for help, to show her the right path so that she knows its him, she has to marry. And he is her 'The One'.
"Amyrah, wear this dress and come downstairs okay?" Noor handed her daughter a bright blue dress with silver works, that were too shiny for Amyrah's liking.
Amyrah sighed, rushing her hands through her hair.
Noor saw this and sighed, taking a seat beside her. She put her hand on Amyrah's back and smiled.
"You know Amyrah, that it is your choice in the end, right?" she asked her and Amyrah nodded.
"Good then get ready! They are just coming for dinner and no more. Plus its not solely us, we have Aaiyla's in-laws and Qaidah's didi's family too"
At this Amyrah turned to her mother.
"You sure?" she asked her mother who nodded in reply.
"Now calm down and smile! Wear this" she handed her the dress and walked outside the room.
Amyrah sighed and looked over the dress. It was not that she did not like the dress, she did but it was just not her mood to wear bright colors. Her mood was for something darker. Perhaps maroon or black?
She was going through her temporary closet searching for dark colored clothing when the door of her room opened and Aaiyla entered.
"Amyrah?" Aaiyla walked over to the closet where Amyrah was hunched at.
"Hey Aaiyla" she muttered, standing up and pushing the lose strands of her dark hair back.
"Amyrah are you alright?" questioned Aaiyla, looking over the messy closet. It was very unusual of Amyrah to be doing such things.
"Yes, no" she said in frustration, taking a seat on the bed with her head in her hands.
"Amyrah! Whats wrong?" questioned Aaiyla, sitting beside her. To Aaiyla, it was her fault for ignoring her best friend over all her wedding preparations. She did not have time for her best friend!
"N-Nothing" said Amyrah, rubbing her eyes to prevent tears.
"Kayan likes me and I like him but the problem is that there is another family coming to see me and if things work out, it just might be the end for us" said Amyrah, so fast that the only thing Aaiyla caught on was Kayan, I and Like.
And that was it for her to make her conclusion that her best friend had hidden alot from her.
"OH MY ALLAH! OH MY ALLAH!!!" She squealed, hugging her best friend and literally jumping up and down on the bed.
"AAIYLA! Calm down!" scolded Amyrah.
Aaiyla bend down to her level from the top of the bed and smiled brightly.
"So whats the problem? Tell him to come on a white horse and marry you! I mean who would believe that the legendary arrogant Kayan Zaeef is in love!" she giggled and teased Amyrah. Amyrah felt her face heat up and looked the other side to avoid Aaiyla's gaze. Except nothing goes unnoticed by Aaiyla.
"OOOOOOOO! My baby is blushing!!!" she giggled, pinching Amyrah's cheeks. "-Okay so whats the problem?"
"The problem is that another guys family is coming over for dinner with a proposal!"
"Oh no wander so many dishes!" Aaiyla's remarked gained a slap from Amyrah.
"Its not about the food! What is abba and mom like the guy? Plus Azzi (Azaidah) didi and Ishu (Ishran) jiju will also be here" exclaimed Amyrah, throwing her hands up in the air.
"I know, I know, calm down my sister!" laughed Aaiyla.
Amyrah glared at her.
"Okay go get dressed!" she pushed Amyrah. "-I will chose your dress"
Amyrah sighed and walked into the bathroom to shower and change. She showered and changed into a white vest and leggings, walking out of the bathroom. Everything was out in the open when you live with Aaiyla!
Amyrah smiled when she saw the dress that Aaiyla laid out for her was one of her favorites. It was a black long kurti with white and black thick patterned border at the end, with a red dupatta which had a one inch of the same black and white pattern at the edges.
"Amyrah be ready in 10 minutes! They will be here by then!" called out Aaiyla, as she walked outside the room, closing the door behind her.
Amyrah sighed and got ready.
Once she had donned her dress, she stood infront of the mirror, gauging her face. Was it happy or sad? It was neither, but somewhat in between.
She applied face moisturizer and put on some liner. She was going to put on her black hijab when her mother entered.
Noor let out a huge gasp when she saw Amyrah. Jazbah and Ruwa (Fufi) followed her in.
"Masha Allah!" cooed Ruwa as she placed a kiss on Amyrah's head. "-My little girl has grown so big!"
Amyrah chuckled, taking a seat on the couch.
"Amyrah, you look so dull- Let me call Aaiyla to recreate your beauty!" said Noor and walked out without Amyrah's reply.
Jazbah and Ruwa told her one thing.
"You can say no if you don't like the guy"
Simple but hard.
Aaiyla appeared a few minutes later and grinned.
"I get to do your makeup!!"
Aaiyla glared at Amyrah for breaking her happy bubble.
"Because if he wants to marry me, he must see me"
"Isn't that why he's here for?" questioned Aaiyla, confused. "-Plus we don't like him anyway so it will eventually be a no"
"Exactly! So the make up is not so much needed anyway!"
"But just the eyeliner and lip stick!!!" said Aaiyla and Amyrah agreed. Who didn't love lipstick?
Kayan paced the front porch of their bungalow, biting the skin at the edge of his fingers. He did that when he was very nervous.
"Bhai, calm down!" said Sahl for the nth time but as usual, it did not do any good.
"People lets leave!" called out Aahil from the gardens where he was on call with someone.
"Coming!" alot of voices yelled from inside.
Everyone was dressed well for Amyrah's perspective in-laws were coming.
Kulthum, Qaidah and Grandmother Zaeef wore their best Kameez and the males wore their best clothes. The siblings matched as usual with dark black chinos and black coat. The only difference between the brothers was their shoes and inside tees. The tees were different shades of gray they wore. Kayan however, had the darkest while Karmaan had the lightest, almost white. Their shoes were sneakers that complemented their tees. A picture perfect family.
"Guys come on!!"
Everyone walked into the bungalow of the Saleh family, towards the backyard where the dinner would be held since 7 families would be joining the dinner, 9 if Samran and Azzi's families were included.
Kayan checked his phone for any messages but there was none. He looked over to his grandmother who winked at him before going over to greet Noor and the others.
The siblings were called over by Farhaan and Umair who were seated with some random new guy, well two to be exact.
"Guys, meet my two jiju's (Brother-in-laws)" said Farhaan pointing to them.
"Salaam! Ishran" stood up the dark haired boy, extending his hand to the boys. Kayan was the first to shake it. He knew who Ishran was.
"Now I know them, hey guys, I am Yaqsan, Aaiyla's sister's husband" introduced Yaqsan.
"Nice to meet you two" grinned Yazdan.
The boys took their seats and soon were indulged in talks of sports and business.
"Boys" everyone turned to Noor and Jazbah.
"Salaam mah" said Ishu and the boys did the same.
"Boys meet Omar" they took a step aside, and revealed a tall man with dark hair.
"Salaam" he said almost nervously.
"Wa alaikum mus salaam!" the boys replied in unison even though Kayan wanted to snap his head into two. The feeling was animalistic.
"Guys, treat him well" with that Jazbah and Noor were gone, leaving Omar in an awkward situation.
Farhaan glanced at Kayan and realized that his instincts were right. Kayan had something for Amyrah in his heart.
"Uh-" Farhaan cleared his throat. "-Come sit"
Omar chose the wrong seat, right beside Kayan.
"So, Omar. When did you see my sister?" questioned Umair, leaning on his hands in an intimidating manner.
"Uh........ Aaiyla and Ehaan's engagement" said Omar, smiling slightly.
Kayan clenched his fist tight to avoid any mishaps. This guy was innocent!
"Okay so this is an arranged kinda thing?" questioned Ehaan and Omar nodded.
"Well thats Amyrah di. Arranged marriages are okay with her" said Umair but then let out a thoughtful sigh.
"But in this case, I doubt. I think she prefers love marriage over this" he added, looking around.
Omar felt uncomfortable over the question of Amyrah's brothers.
Amyrah was finally done and when she stood up, she realized she was really pretty.
"Lets go!" Aaiyla pulled her out of the door of her room as Amyrah tried to resist.
"Myrah" she said sternly and Amyrah inhaled a deep breath before walking downstairs.
Just when she was walking towards the living room that led outside, Kayan made an entry and he was not happy.
Aaiyla saw him and turned to Amyrah, pushing her back into the kitchen.
Just to her luck, Kayan entered the kitchen with Yazdan.
Aaiyla then pushed Amyrah into the dark corner in between the huge fridge and the corner of the counter. Amyrah growled lowly but Aaiyla whispered to keep quite. Together they listned as the brothers talked.
Amyrah did not understand why Aaiyla was doing this but anyhow she followed suite.
"Bhai, I know you are angry and frustrated but-" That was Yazdan.
"Angry? I am beyond that point! That dude will marry the woman I love and then what? And the sad part: He doesn't even know why I am beginning to hate him! He is a software engineer freaking gods sake!" Kayan said, his voice laced in frustrations as Amyrah noted.
"So what?" questioned Yaz.
"What? so what? Dude! You saw how happy her parents were! Amyrah did not want to get married for so many years and now when she said yes, you think they will give another boy a chance to win her heart?"
"Bhai" Yazdan whispered as Kayan sniffed and Amyrah felt her heart stop.
She glanced at Aaiyla who looked over to her with wide eyes.
Kayan was tearing up because of this?
Amyrah pushed Aaiyla to the side and walked out of the dark, toward where Kayan stood.
Yazdan saw her and his eyes widened in horror.
Kayan was hurt. He was not angry or frustrated. He was hurt and the pain was too much. It was just the proposal her family was considering and he was hurt so much, what will happen to him if her family says yes to the proposal?
"B-Bhai- I uh" Before Kayan could say a word, Yazdan walked out of the kitchen causing Kayan to turn around.
There stood, in all her glory and beauty, Amyrah. She was beautiful as every and the glistening and taint of her cheeks made her more enchanting.
Kayan was left speechless by his beauty.
"Why are you hurt?" she questioned him, taking a step towards him.
He sighed, running his hand through his hair.
"Because I am afraid" his voice was barely audible but Amyrah caught it.
"I might lose you"
"You won't. I promise" with that she blew him a kiss and wink before walking out of the kitchen with a smirk. Kayan watched her with astonishment.
He was doomed.
He put his fist over his heart and grinned at her leave. He was indeed doomed.
Salaam people!!!
Sorry I was late because I was so much busy!!!
Anyway: I have school in like 5 days and I have to study since I will be starting a very crucial term.
So yeah.
~Q U E E N~
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