Chapter 26: A game of Truth and Dare.
"Often people who are lying deny their accusations instead of saying they are innocent, unconsciously"
/ Dr. Frost /
The Siblings took off from Lami around Asr, praying at the nearest mosque before driving to the capital city of Fiji, Suva. Tall building and people bustling about. A concrete jungle it was, in contrast to the green jungle they had just passed.
"We have our apartments here?" questioned Kayan and Ehaan nodded.
"Aaiyla and I have one, so the boys in one and the girls in the other. Don't worry, they are just separated by a huge wall with no doors." remarked Ehaan and Kayan rolled his eyes.
Yazdan was yet again, missing.
The boys and girls disappeared to their rooms for Magrib.
After magrib, they set down in the boy's apartment, being bored out of their mind. The TV was showing nothing great and the video games were not there.
"Guys lets play something!" whined Urwa, rubbing her face.
"Sure, but what? We are such smart people, we even forgot the board games!" sassed Aaiyla, leaning onto the legs of Ehaan.
"I got it! Lets play truth and dare!" yelled Safwah and everyone grinned.
"And Kayan bhai is also playing!" said Kulthum and the rest nodded. Amyrah shot a sly smile to Kayan.
Let the games begin!
Everyone set down on the rug in the living room, with snacks and drinks and an empty bottle.
"Lets do this" grinned Amyrah.
It has been a while since she played this game. Well, years to be exact. They used to play it in high school and it was the most fun time.
Farhaan spun the bottle and it created a piece of tension in the group.
It finally stopped on Raha. Guess she would start the game.
"Truth or dare?" questioned Ehaan, rubbing his hands together. (This caused Aaiyla to shoot a glare at him)
"Truth I guess"
"But before that......." interjected Yazdan, causing everyone to turn to him.
"before that?"
"Whatever happens here, stays here!" he stated firmly, so firmly that it made Amyrah question whether Kayan was the only demanding one or his entire familia was!
"Deal" yelled everyone else.
"Okay so truth" said Raha, sitting up straight.
Kayan had somehow grabbed a seat beside Amyrah, occasionally stealing glances at her. It felt like it was back in high school with the first crush!
"Tell us the truth, how many have you dated uptil now?" questioned Urwa, smirking at her.
Raha stole a glance at an uninterested Yazdan and sighed.
"Ummm 5 i think"
"Say what?" questioned Kulthum earning a slap from Sahl.
"No questions remember!" said Sahl and everyone nodded.
"Its cool anyway" remarked Raha, pushing her bangs over her head.
"Okay spin!"
the bottle stopped at Yazdan who felt his heart drop down to his stomach. He knew his siblings all too well.
"YESSS!!!!!!" The Zaeef siblings along with Amyrah yelled and they all turned to Amyrah who shrugged sheepishly.
"What? I have a very good dare for him!" she grinned.
"Okay so let me do the honors" said Kayan but Amyrah beat him to it.
"Dance on this song!" she said, pulling out her phone.
Kayan glared at her.
It was supposed to be his dare!
Amyrah played the song: 'Tu Cheez Badi Hai Mast Mast' and the siblings began laughing out loud.
"Yazdan and that song?" laughed Kayan, causing Yaz to growl.
"Fine" he muttered, standing up.
It must be admitted that Yazdan did not know how to dance. For his dancing was more like a laama in seizure!
He was great entertainment but when he had enough, Yaz set down with a frown.
"You are very bad at dancing my brother" laughed Safwah and Yaz fumed more.
"Okay spin!"
Finally it landed on Amyrah. And it was not a good one.
"Truth or dare?"
"Truth of course. I don't want to dance again, or propose to a tree, or try to sing or pole dance or-"
"Okay we get it, jeez!" muttered Urwa, smirking.
The Zaeef siblings exchanged yet another sly smile.
Now or never?
"Okay so, tell us the truth.................. do you have someone in your heart? That you wish would do the cheesiest things in the world to make you happy?" questioned Kulthum.
Kayan felt his heart stop for a moment.
It was not supposed to be that question!
Amyrah smiled slightly, knowing that everyone was guaging her at the moment. She also knew Kayan was desperate for an answer.
And thats when the roar of 'Who's he?' began!
And Kayan felt oddly satisfied with the answer!
The next spin rounded up on Sahl. And he chose truth because he did not want to be caught up in stupid dares!
"Okay so if you were given a 24 hour invisibility, what would you do?" questioned Farhaan.
Sahl set up straight and thought about it. There was a lot he could conquer. Alot.
"Theres alot"
"Narrow it down"
"I would................. change the world"
Everyone stared at him as if he were crazy.
"How would you do that?"
"Exposure. Expose every influential person out there, follow the chain up the ladder and get them all down, one by one. If the root is shaken of the tree, the birds on the tree would eventually fly away" explained Sahl and everyone stared at him; again; as if he were crazy.
"Jeez! What I am saying is, I would expose them, they won't know who I am so it makes work easier- If people find out about them, they are out of the system and bamm, at least one place would be a better place! The chain would be formed and slowly, things will begin to change. You see, a small change can lead to an evolution"
Silence fell in the room.
"I think I came to have fun, not talk about world evolution!"
Aaiyla broke the ice.
The nth spin landed on Kayan when everyone began their cheers.
It landed on Kayan after-all!
"Okay so....... truth or dare" questioned Safwah, all serious.
The seriousness and tension between the siblings made Amyrah rethink their bonding. Its a weird way they are bonded to one another. They don't leave any opportunity to throw rocks and dirt on one another yet they live their happiest moments together.
"Dare......." the siblings exchanged a mischievous glance and this caused nervousness to creep into Kayan's system.
He was usually the calm one but at that look, he knew he was in for trouble.
"Propose!" yelled Sahl and everyone grinned at him.
"Now to who........" Safwah pretended to be thinking.
Karmaan, being the bright one yelled out 'AMYRAH DIDI!!'
and thats when hell broke lose.
Twice that night.
Everyone turned to Kayan. The Zaeef siblings were surprised.
Isn't he supposed to be happy?
Except Kayan was not. He did not want to propose to Amyrah like that.
"Yes, you can't say no to a dare!" said Ehaan, smirking. "-I wanna see how romantic our Kay can be"
The others 'pffhht' knowing Kayan was far from Romantic. Everyone knew that except Amyrah for she found it hard to believe this guy was not romantic.
Because from what she knows and experienced, he is one of the most "Asshhiiq Meezaaj" type guy. (Loving Kind)
Kayan looked at Amyrah.
"Ahh man! Can I?" he questioned her and she shrugged as if it did not matter.
But it did. The pounding of her blood in her head, the beating of her heart and the race of the pulse were all evidence of it.
"Okay, so................." Kayan stood up, looked around and into his pocket when he found a piece of wood in the corner and a sharpie in his pocket. What it was doing in the apartment, they had no idea.
He set the wood, rectangle piece down on the ground and stared at it.
Smiling, he began writing on it.
After a few moments of scribbling and sighing he stood up.
"Are you done? can you now propose?" asked Raha, desperate to get this over with.
"Nah, let him take his time" grinned Farhaan, who was slowly catching up on the duo's relationship: which had no name.
"Okay, so" Kayan inhaled a deep breath and stood up. He walked towards where Amyrah was seated and bent down to her level. He felt his pulse race and never in his life, he had felt so vulnerable.
"Uhm Miss. Amyrah............. " he looked into her eyes and when he saw the same nervousness in her, he realized they were both nervous for it. And that gave him confidence.
"Since this was a short notice proposal-" he threw a glare at his brothers and sister before turning to her. "-I have nothing to offer but this"
He held up the wood with a quote on it. Amyrah took it and smiled before giving her attention to him.
"-I think I might, no I have liked you since the very first time I saw you, from that day onwards, I knew that someone like you would be made for me. From your stupid none to like jokes to your crazy sense of humor to weird words, I love them all. I love how you are and I love who you are. I don't ever want to change that and I don't ever want to stop loving you."
Suddenly, there were only the two of them in the room. Nothing made sense. It was all blurry, all they could feel was each other's heart beats, each other's presence and nothing more.
"-And I would travel a thousand miles just to be with you. I promise to never leave your side for good and even if I do, there would be a reason. And I guess thats it. Perhaps you want to share your life with me? Miss. Amyrah Saleh, will you become Mrs. Amyrah Kayan Zaeef?"
The room went silent.
Everything seemed to have stopped.
Even Amyrah's heart.
*Does the weird crazy panda kinda dance*
This party's just getting started!!!!
How was it?
Okay so factually: The last two chapters felt boring to me, they were fillers thou- From here onwards, well- *Evil laugh*
How many of you vote they would be getting married soon?
You know the drill my fluffy sweet readers!!
~Q U E E N~
P.S: I am watching 'You are all Surrounded' (KDrama) and its hilarious!
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