Chapter 22- The Birthday Treat.
'Your character shows over how you handle a lady'
«A N O N»
"Happy birthday, my lady"
Amyrah was beyond shocked. Her eyes widened and lips formed an 'O'.
He smiled slightly, showing his canines (which was weird according to Amyrah).
"H-how did you know?" She asked him, slowly gaining her posture.
"I just did" he winked, leaning on the fence again.
"Your gift" he extended his hand with the black bag and urged her to take it.
Amyrah raised an eyebrow, silently questioning him what it is.
"Its something you will like. And no, its not some cheesy ring or necklace or expensive" said Kayan, putting the bag into her face, causing her to go back, chuckling lightly.
"Thank you" she said, taking it.
"Open it!" he said and she shook her head.
"No thank you. I'll open it later. Now you go!" she said, smiling with joy.
"Okay then, Allah hafiz" he said, as he put his hands into the pockets of his jeans and began walking backwards.
"Go in so that I can go home in satisfaction" he said and Amyrah sighed.
"Fine" she muttered, walking towards the door.
She got in, locked it and waved at him from the window.
The following morning, everyone had received a message about the postponing of the round the island trip. The first reason was that they had to go see the halls and finalize the catering that day and second was that the Zaeef grandparents were coming to Fiji!!
"Kayan, You will have to go pick Daadi and Daadu up" said Qaidah, dishing out the breakfast.
Kayan looked up from his laptop and nodded.
"Can I go with him?" questioned Karmaan and all eyes turned to him.
"What?" he shrugged and everyone else did too.
"Its just that you never want to go anywhere" said Aahil, smiling at his son.
"Abba! Its not that. I just don't like going places"
"So why do you want to go to the air port?" shot back Qaidah and Karmaan sighed.
"Mum, I wish to meet Daadi and Daadu as soon as I can!" grinned Karmaan.
"Tell them you want your new phone as soon as you can!" commented Kulthum, walking into the room.
Aahil face palmed, literally and laughed.
"I had totally forgotten about it!"
"Hey, let him live it down!" said Yazdan, looking up from his phone.
"Yeah, plus he did not have one until now, so........." added Sahl.
"And hes almost 18 dearies!" said Safwah.
Karmaan rolled his eyes at his siblings.
Sure his siblings backed him up but sometimes they were too dramatic.
"Guys, I think he still is a baby!" said Qaidah, walking to the dining hall with a dish of what looked like steaming hot potato.
"Mom, you always say that for all of us! and Kayan bhai is 29!" retorted Kulthum and the other siblings nodded.
Qaidah laughed before resuming her work. Kulthum and the boys went to her aid and in no time, breakfast was served.
It was always a rule in the Zaeef family: no phone's allowed shrug family time and on the dinner table.
So it was no surprise when the messages of the family were ignored, including Amyrah's message to Kayan.
"I was thinking....." Qaidah began and all heads snapped up to her.
The siblings exchanged a look that said trouble.
Qaidah gauged their expressions before speaking.
"-About Kayan."
All eyes turned to him.
Kayan knew he was being the goat for sacrifice but what could he do?
"What about him?" Questioned Aahil and Qaidah smiled.
"His marriage of course"
Silence fell over the table as everyone ceased eating.
"His marriage?" Questioned Aahil and Qaidah nodded smiling.
"He is 29! I cannot wait for him to find me a daughter-in- law like this!" She said and the siblings gwaked at her.
Say what?
Aahil gave Kayan a smile.
"I think Kayan can look for a bride for himself" said Aahil but Qaidah was not hearing any of it.
"No no no, I am having none of that. Plus I have seen a good girl for him. I just need to tell her that"
Now every eye turned to her.
Kayan's heart picked up speed and he felt the need to get out of the room.
"Who is she?" Questioned Aahil slowly.
"You all know her. She's a nice girl. I just need to talk to her parents"
Amyrah stood in front of the pool smiling widely.
All the girls decided to hit the pool after breakfast.
"Let's go!!!!" Yelled Urwa and everyone cheered.
Amyrah took off her sulu and coat, wearing leggings and adidas tees.
She took off her flip flops and stepped on the heated cement.
She smiled at the heat emitting from the sun and bathing her skin.
Aaiyla jumped into the pool and the rest followed.
Amyrah however, took her time.
She walked to the pool, slowly letting the water seep into her clothes and carress her skin.
Her hair was in a bun and once in the pool, she grinned at the girls.
The pool area was at the terrace of Aaiyla's villa and it was total out of bounds for the males.
"Cause you just want ATTENTION
you don't want my heart
And you just hate the thought of me with someone new!"
The girls looked at each other with quizzical look.
"Did you hear that?" Questioned Aaiyla and the rest nodded.
"Who was it?" Urwa asked curiously.
"I think it was next door" said Kulthum.
Amyrah shrugged and leaned against the wall of the pool, closing her eyes and trying to relax.
The girls jerked up in alarm.
Amyrah however, stayed calm because she knew that voice.
"As far as I know, that song does not hav such lyrics" stated Urwa.
"Must be the boys" shrugged Ruha.
Amyrah smiled and continued to relax.
"Let's play some music" said Aaiyla grinning mischievously.
And from then on wards, all there could be heard was music blaring from everywhere.
That was until Jazbah called and growled at them.
Immediately after that, Ehaan messaged a 😝😝😝 to Aaiyla.
Amyrah saw her phones screen light up and a 'clink' indicating a message.
She picked it up and opened it.
It was Kayan.
'Did you like my gift?'
Amyrah immediately smiled.
Of course she did. The small gift was not expensive nor was it something unique but it made Amyrah's happy and that's what mattered.
It was a soft plushie of a panda. It was black and white with cute button like eyes. It also had a tag on it which said Kayrah very subtly due to being hidden in between the other things on the tag.
Amyrah remembered reading the card which said she had to find something special on the tag of the Plushie and she had spent half the night doing so.
"Alright ladies, let's swim" that broke her out of her thoughts. A swim it was then.
The pool was a huge infinity one with enough space for 7 girls.
Amyrah grinned and dived into the waters. The rest followed.
They swam for a while before Amyrah felt her body tire out. Slowly she ceased swimming and leaned onto the Wall of the pool.
"Arrhhh guys, I want to go to sleep" muttered Urwa and everyone agreed.
"Lets go" muttered Amyrah.
Slowly they got out of he pool, energy drained and eyes almost dropping close.
Amyrah wore her flip flops and took her clothes before walking into one of the empty rooms, and immediately showering.
After showers, she changed I to some tees and yoga pants before putting a towel on her hair and hitting the bed.
She fell asleep two seconds later, with the intention to reply to Kayan later.
Yo!!! What up people?!!
Sorry I did not update for....reallllyyyy long. But u know, school and school and school. What to do?
I updated since many of u wanted the update. On the bright side, I have two week Break so..... Maybe a few updates but no promises.
R C V my bias!!!
Muahh 😘😘
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