A/N: From this point on, the book is in THIRD PERSON NARRATION, that is, it will not have any POV's because, well i wanted you all to know what happens in the background. *winks ENJOY!!
Clouds come floating into my life. No longer to carry rain or usher storm but to add color to my sunset sky!
~Robindranath Tagore~
Kayan stood at the edge of the terrace, staring at the night sky in deep thought. The dark colors of black and gray began devouring the array of colors of twilight making the night more darker, had it not been for the shining stars.
"Are you alright?" Yazdan approached his brother carefully. He knew that any wrong move and Kayan would shut himself out.
"Yeah" was his brothers only reply.
Yaz stepped up beside him and looked out to the sky.
"Beautiful is it not?" he asked, making some sort of conversation.
"Bhai, what happened?" Yaz questioned, facing Kayan.
"I know you. What happened?"
Kayan heaved a deep sigh.
"The hotel at South Asia is having some troubles, they think its some computer malfunction" explained Kayan.
"And you don't think so" stated Yaz and Kayan nodded, raking his hand through his messy hair.
"No. The manager called and said it was some technical glitch that devoured all our data, including our projects with the United Nations" explained Kayan, frustration lacing his voice.
"Yaz! Our tech systems are upgraded by the best, not in the city or country, we are in partnership with the best of the world! How can this happen under their watch?" growled out Kayan.
"Easy tiger" said Yaz, pushing him away from the railings.
"I can't! I am thinking that this might be some conspiracy" said Kayan and Yazdan sighed, rubbing his forehead.
"Does grandpa know?"
"No. I can't let them know. They are coming over tomorrow and you know Daadi, tenses very easily" explained Kayan.
Yazdan nodded in understanding. It was true. If grandmama Zaeef found out, hell would break lose.
"Come on, we can solve this later. Lets go for dinner with Miss. Amyrah" winked Yaz, before laughing and walking away.
"Wait till your turn" muttered Kayan, a small smile lingering on his lips.
Amyrah stared at herself in the mirror. For the first time in ages, she was undecided as to what she should wear.
Of course Kayan was coming, although she was still debating in her head that it was not true.
She picked up a black dress and placed it on herself, staring at it.
"Nah" she threw it on the bed.
She tried that with a few others and all were a no no.
Finally she settled on a simple grey top that fell to her knees and a huge cardigan on the top with black leggings and hijab. Done!
Taking her phone, Amyrah took careful steps to avoid falling like the last time. Not a happy moment that was.
Rushda Saleh walked through the small fenced gates into the backyard, her heels clicking on the pavement. Wearing a black long dress, her dark hair in a bun with makeup on point, she looked ever so young.
Two young girls followed suit, one slightly taller than the other. The only evidence that they were the woman's daughters was their stance and posture while walking in heels. And their makeup of course.
"Is it necessary for us to be here?" questioned the younger one and the older one sighed deeply, running her hand through her rich black hair.
"Abba!" she replied, before shrugging and walking away.
The Saleh family believed in the fact that Imaan should be from the heart and hijab is your choice.
The younger girl pouted and walked faster to catch up with her sister and mother.
Amma heaved a deep sighed and almost wanted to run out of the backyard, where everyone was sitting, chatting and waiting for dinner.
Why you ask? Because her favorite daughter-in-law was here. Rushda was here.
"Hayeh Allah" she muttered causing Jazbah to silently glare at her.
"Amma!" she whispered, before standing up to go greet her sister-in-law.
Ruhana, upon seeing Jazbah let out a smile. It was not too hard to see through her fake-ness but the family were used to it.
"Salaam bhabhi!" she said sweetly and Jazbah replied, calling everyone to meet her.
Yazdan, Kayan, Sahl, Safwah and Karman walked into the backyard in an orderly manner, smiling and greeting everyone from the house.
"I see more people?" whispered Karman and the boys looked about.
The place did looked to have a few more additions.
"Lets find our squad before things go haywire" said Safwah and the others nodded.
Just to their luck, Farhaan saw them and waved for them to come over.
Unfortunately, their mother had other plans.
"Meet grandma first before you all go there" said Qaidah sternly at the siblings who nodded. Kulthum was somewhere mingling with the crowd.
Kayan took the lead as the brothers, in their rich and perfect posture and manner, walked to the swings where Amma set.
Their almost perfection was not left unnoticed by Ruhana who eyed them with delight. Maybe this was her getaway to getting one of her daughters married?
"As salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu" they said in unison.
Wallahi! They are so melodic! thought Ruhana as she gave a big smile and replied to their salaams.
Kayan kissed Amma's hands and so did the rest of the boys as a gesture for respect and love.
"Pretty are they not?" Amma commented once they were gone.
"Indeed!" said Jazbah, sitting down on the bench. "All the genes of Qaidah Didi"
Qaidah chuckled, taking a seat beside her.
"Oh before I forget, this is my sister-in-law, Rushda, and her daughters, Raha and Ruha." Introduced Jazbah and Qaidah smiled at the girls who smiled back.
"Girls go inside the house, I think Aaiyla and them are there" said Jazbah and the two got up and walked away before the woman began talking about new recipes.
Kayan looked around for Amyrah but she was no where to be seen.
Yazdan, upon seeing his brother's distress, asked Umair where the girls were.
"I think they are upstairs. Aaiyla didi is most probably talking to Ehaan bhai and as for Amyrah didi, I am not su-" before Umair could complete his sentence, the girls made their entrance known.
Aaiyla walked out of the large glass doors first and said her salaams followed by Amyrah, her gaze on the floor to not trip and fall.
Unknown to them, Kayan stared at her as if she was the most beautiful thing in this universe. Silently thanking Allah for her, he smiled when she tugged her dress slightly up to avoid falling head first.
"As salaam!" she said, smiling at them, cautiously avoiding Kayan.
After his confession at the mall today, Amyrah was no where near understanding why he said that and she needed time to think.
"Flowers for the beautiful lady!" smirked Sahl as he gave a single rose to Amyrah who laughed as she took it.
"Why thank you, kind sir!" she played along, causing Kayan to admire her more. A goofish smile formed on his face, no matter how hard he tried. He was not even away he was smiling until Yazdan nudged him.
Looking up to his brother, Kayan raised an eyebrow to which Yazdan nodded to his smile and immediately realization drowned to him and he shook his head, looking down at the floor.
"So.........................................................." dragged Kulthum, sitting beside Amyrah and looking at the siblings.
Before anyone of them could answer, a knock interupted them at the door.
Everyone turned to the door and Aaiyla realized who it was. She stood up and opened the door, inviting the unknown guests, Ruha and Raha outside to the terrace.
"Guys, these are my cousins, Raha, the oldest and Ruha, the younger one" introduced Aaiyla and Amyrah stood up to meet them.
They hugged and shared greetings before taking their seats.
The boys introduced themselves but Sahl has a intuition that they were bad news. Cynical Sahl as usual.
Kayan rested his head on his hands, his elbows resting on his knees and his back hunched. He knew his spine would hurt soon but he could care less for the beauty he was observing was worth it all.
"So what would you like for a guy to do?" asked Kulthum, curious about the answers. Kulthum grew up with brothers all around her so she was slightly curious on these matters.
Ignoring the looks that her brothers gave her, she asked anyway.
"Well?" she pressed, leaning forward.
"Don't ask me, I already found mine!" said Aaiyla, putting her hands up in surrender. On this Kulthum and the boys eyed Amyrah, Urwa, Ruha and Raha.
"Urwa go" said Kulthum.
"Don't you think I am a little too young for that? I mean I am not yet out of high school, for Allah's sake!" she said, causing others to laugh.
"True, True. If she even had any, I would probably kill the dude" muttered Umair and the Zaeef boys high fived with him.
"Ruha?" asked Kulthum and the girl squirmed uncomfortably.
"Don't be shy, Ruha! They are all family!" grinned Aaiyla and the girl managed a small smile.
"Umm....... I guess its the same as Urwa?" she said and the girls nodded.
"So Raha?"
And Raha had a list ready!
Tall, handsome, charming, you name it!
Karman got bored and started playing some random game in his phone, Yazdan began reading on his phone, the twins began chatting and Kayan was bored as ever.
That was until Amyrah's turn, that is.
"Woah, Amyrah didi! The best for the last!" grinned
"Me?" she asked, inching closer into her hoodie because of the chilly air around her.
"Yes you" replied Aaiyla, smirking. "-She might have a list!"
The girls laughed and the boys were more than interested.
"Okay.......... me........................................" Amyrah set thinking. Truth was, she knew what she wanted and she already had gotten majority of it but she was too afraid to say it.
Too afraid that a certain 6 foot something, gray eyed Homo sapien would hear and act on it.
But too late anyway!
"Me.. I want someone who buys me books each week so that I have something to increase my knowledge with. I guess someone to get me coffee each morning? Flowers randomly? weird colored notes stating they are around you? Or perhaps a text message of random jokes just to make your day. See Kulthum, anything that makes you happy, he will do it. If he truely likes you, he would" explained Amyrah and once she quietened down, the rest began clapping.
"Spoke like you experienced it"
Immediately her eyes met Kayan's who held it captive. They knew. They knew whatever she has just said, it was all true. It was all done because Kayan had done all of it. Even more and deep inside, Amyrah knew that maybe she is for him like he may be for her.
You Only Laugh Once. Hehe. No Its You only Live once. So 'Ja, jii leh apni zindagi Simran!'
To those who did not get that reff. Its a SRK ref. Yessssssss.
that man who's quote I used above, is my inspiration! His books are so.. *Fangirls. We do his stories in school and its so inspiring. Like........ all hearts!
So how do you all like this way to writing? If you don't like it or I am not good at writing like this, please comment and let me know!!
So I updated. I have a paper in the coming week, well two papers, on one day so yeah. And I should study but no, Wattpad has me hooked!
Anyway guys!!! I am so excited for this book because its about to get exciting! *winks.
So how many want to marry Kayan?
(I am getting married to Maxwell Arthur Everard and if you don't know him, *YA ALLAH!, he is the fictional character of@greenwriter 's historical novel that I am O.B.S.E.S.S.E.D with)
So yeah.
Haha sorry I speak alot.
I am out!
Love from me.
(P.S. I am thinking of changing my signout name to HOMO SAPIENS but then I am not really good with pen names ya kno!)
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