Chapter 17- 'Friendly' Reunion.
Every parting is a form of death, as every reunion is a type of heaven
~Tryon Edwards~
I was startled to see Kayan and his family there but nonetheless, kept shut.
No one knew about Kayan and I's meetings and deals back in the past and I would like to keep it that way.
"So Amyrah, How was your trip back home?" asked Ayesha aunty, Aaiyla's mother-in-law. I could tell, she was an amazing woman and Aaiyla will have no problem with her. They both were alike in many aspects.
"Alhamdulillah it was good" I replied, fidgeting with my dupatta's edge.
"How did you know Amyrah, by the way?" Ayesha Aunty asked Qaidah Masi and everyone turned to them.
Kayan looked up to me and I silently begged him to keep shut about our encounters.
"She is Kayan's neighbour in Vancouver" replied Qaidah aunt, smiling brightly at them. "-I met her at the grand opening. She was a client of Kayan's"
Everyone turned to Kayan who squirmed nervously.
This was the first time I saw Kayan nervous.
"Ahum... well Miss. Amyrah designed and created our advertising billboards and that got us alot of potential customers. So she worked with our marketing team to make good publicity. Ammi met her at the grand opening" he said, carefully threading his way through.
"Our Amyrah! Ever so talented!" beamed Amma and I smiled in her direction.
"She wanted to go into graphics but we had stopped her but she still pursued her dreams and look where she is today" said Amma.
"Amma....." said Ammi and Amma smiled at her.
"Of course" with that, the discussions about me closed and the upcoming wedding discussions opened.
Soon ammi and Jazbah mah were gone to set up for dinner and the other ladies followed.
Aaiyla stood up and pulled me along with her and Kulthum followed us through.
"How was your trip here?" I asked her, picking out the plates.
"It was alright. If you don't count the fact that Kayan bhai kept whining that he has businesses to attend to in some other country" she said, laughing slightly.
I immediately felt bad. Because of me, he did not want to come here.
We set up the dinner table and called everyone for dinner. It was a large and noisy dinner, so Kayan was easily able to talk to me, since he was beside Yazdan, who was beside me.
"I told you so" He said, leaning towards us.
"Just so you know, I believe in arranged marriages. And my parents have the right to chose the groom for me." I whispered back, ignoring an annoyed homo sepian in between us.
"But you do have the freedom to chose who you marry!" He replied, plopping a piece of steak in his mouth, smirking at me after that.
I shrugged, before continuing to eat my food, which was some rice, chicket in sauce and salad.
Dinner went on and on until everyone was done and then they helped us put the dishes and everything else in the kitchen.
Ammi took over washing all the dishes, Farhaan said he would help dry them, Jazbah mah put away all the left over's while Fua helped in cleaning up the place.
Since it was almost Isha, the men left for the mosque, while the women prayed at home.
After prayers, I changed into my comfy sweats and tees that fell down to my knees, with a huge 'DAAAYYYAAMM' in front.
I wrapped a shawl loosely around my head, making sure no hair stuck out before taking my hoodie and walking downstairs.
"Lets go for a walk around this place" I said and the girls immediately nodded.
Urwa, Kulthum, Aaiyla and I told our parents we were leaving and then walked out of the house into the Chilly air of Fiji.
I donned my hoodie on top, leaving the zip open.
"I love this place!" giggled Aaiyla and I smiled.
I may love it too.
"I arrived when the sun was setting, so I did not see much of it" said Kulthum, walking slightly ahead.
My phone vibrated in my hand and I checked it.
Kayan messaged that they were heading to Maccah's and if we wanted something.
Now, this human is officially crazy. If I ask them about it, they will question me as to why he messaged me!
"Girls, I wanna eat a softcone, anyone else?" I asked them and they nodded giddily.
"Wait, I will tell Ehaan to get it for us, from Maccahs" Said Aaiyla and we nodded.
See, thats how we get things done without being suspicious!
We walked around the place abit more, taking in the serene beauty of night life. The lights glimmered in the waters, as we walked near the railings at the port.
"hey, You guys wanna go to the other city tomorrow?" asked Urwa, looking at us and we looked at each other.
"Its actually a town, Lautoka, about an hour from here. It will be fun!" said Urwa and we again shared a glance.
"We can ask bhai and them?" she offered.
I could see she really wanted to go there.
"We can but......" said Kulthum and we turned to her.
"but?" asked Aaiyla.
"Kayan bhai is over protective and a workaholic, all my brothers are and If Kayan bhai says no, the rest follow, if all my brothers say no, Its a no for me" she said dejectedly and I smirked.
"Don't worry, we will do something" said Urwa and I shared a look with the rest that said 'can-we?'
"Why don't you all try talking to him?" asked Kulthum, looking hopeful.
"Na-ah" Aaiyla, Urwa and I said together.
"He looks strict" said Aaiyla, her eyes wide.
I wanted to laugh.
"He is scary. Like he can snap anytime" said Urwa and I ceased my eyebrows together.
They turned to me.
Oh right, I am supposed to tell them something........
"He looks crazy"
Thats all I could think of! And he does look crazy.
"Oh my Allah! I thi-"
"What happened?" Ehaan and the boys were walking towards us.
Frankly speaking, they looked like a group of gangsters with good looks.
"Nothing" said Kulthum quickly.
"We were planning on going to the other town, an hour away by bus" explained Aaiyla and Ehaan nodded.
"Can we go too?" asked Karman, giddily jumping from one place to the other.
"Who all are going?" asked Ehaan ignoring Karman.
"We were planning, Kulthum, Urwa, me and Amyrah" said Aaiyla and Immediately the boys grinned.
"Can we go too? Please?" asked Farhaan and Karman and Umair followed him.
"Sure" replied Urwa, smiling brightly at them.
"Cool, but......." with that the Zaeef siblings turned to Kayan.
He looked at me, then them and smiled.
"Sure" he replied and they stared at him in horror.
"You sure? You don't have work?" asked Yazdan and he shook his head.
"Nope. I am cool. When are we leaving?" he asked.
"Tomorrow at around 9am?" asked Aaiyla, looking around and we nodded.
"Sounds good" I said.
Kayan smiled at me and I looked away.
This guy!
I knew he was going to do something stupid tomorrow and I can't have my siblings finding out about it.
"Wait a minute-" We all turned to Safwah.
It was the first time I heard him speak since he came here.
"Why are you and you-" he said nodding at me and then Kayan. This caused my heartbeat to quicken. Please tell me he knows nothing! Please, please!
"What?" asked Kayan, looking at himself and then me.
Slowly recognision masked his face and his lips twiched abit upwards.
"-Wearing the same shirt!?" Safwah completed.
I looked down at my tees and then at Kayans.
Thats when I realized we were almost identically dressed. Black unzipped hoodie, 'Daaayyyaamm' tee's and I was wearing black leggings while his was washed blue jeans.
"Okaaayyy" said Aaiyla, looking at me and I shrugged.
"Coincidence" said Kayan but the look he gave me said it all.
'Its-not-coincidence-it's-fate-telling-us-we-belong-together!' look.
"Guys, how about we head in now? I think we have a long day tomorrow" said Yazdan, breaking the awkward tension in the air and the others nodded.
Kayan turned and began talking to Farhaan and soon they were engrossed in their conversation, as we walked back towards the mansions.
"Goodnight, Allah Hafiz" we called out to the boys before we headed inside.
As soon as we entered, I sprinted to my bedroom and lay on the bed.
I know I am supposed to change into some pj but meh.
I was too tired.
Slowly I felt the jetleg hit and I was soon drifting off to sleep.
Trust me, the chapters ahead is supposed to be exciting so........ *Fingerscrossed*
Thank u all for commenting on the last chapter!
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