Chapter 15- Well Played Destiny.
"Nothing ever beats a sandy beach, sun and sea anytime!"
Dinner with family was well, I was enthralled that these people had so many stories to tell.
My cousins, Farhaan (Aaiyla's youngest brother of 24), Umair (Fua's only son of 25, I think) and Urwa (Fua's only daughter of 17) were here. My chachi's kids, Raha and Ruhayna were not here. And Samran, my oldest cousin was also not here. She is married so probably will be late.
All my cousins are pretty close to each other. We hardly talk but we do, at least once a month for hours!
And my brothers are overprotective.
"We have so much to talk about!!" said Farhaan and everyone nodded in agreement.
"Kids, don't stay up too late" said Fua and everyone nodded again.
"They won't, I will stay with them" said Amma and we smirked.
We knew she wanted latest gossips from around the world!
"Alright, lets go to the terrace and have a chat, shall we?" asked Amma and we nodded before slowly heading there.
I had a loose hijab over my head since I practically grew up with these monkeys!
We set in the shed at the terrace in a crazy tangled and scattered manner.
There were like..... *counts them* 7 of us here yet we are scattered.
I called dibs on the swing with Aaiyla while Amma took the other couch, the boys littered around the floor and Urwa and Azidah di set on the chairs beside each other. We did make a circle though, just a disorientated one.
"So what's the news?" asked Amma and we grinned.
"I think we might have another wedding soon" cooed Azidah di and I turned to Aaiyla.
No one knows about this courting thing.
But Aaiyla was smirking at Farhaan.
"Ooooo who is it?" I asked, leaning towards him.
"Its nothing major, really. Its just..... I don't think her family will agree to, well me." he explained and I turned to Aaiyla.
"Why not? Aaiyla got accepted here" I winked at her and she slapped my hand. Oww!
"I am a different case. Please huh, no one can refrain from my pout face" she said, making an ugly face.
"You call that a cute face?" I asked her incredulously and Farhaan began laughing hysterically.
"Thats actually cute" said Urwa and Umair laughed with Farhaan.
"Thats mean" she poked her tongue out at me and I mirrored her actions back.
Soon we were playfully trying to headlock each other, and then..... collapsed.
On the cold hard floor.
I am so glad that the floor was wooden.
We both laughed and crawled to the boys.
We set on the rug and soon, stories began exchanging.
"Whats her name?" I asked Farhaan.
"Her name is Waradah" he replied, smiling slightly.
"So you like her, does she like you back?" I asked him and he shrugged.
"There is no wedding soon, he has to court her first!" stated Amma and the rest nodded.
We chatted until after midnight, when I went back to the room and just slept.
I was really tired.
"GET YOUR LAZY ARS**E OFF THE BED THIS MOMENT!" yelled a voice in my ear and I set up with a start.
What even?
"What time is it?" I asked, as I tried to adjust my eyes to the brightness.
"Its 10am! And we are heading to the villa's soon so get up and get dressed!" said Fua and I sighed.
"Fine" I muttered.
My Fua married a Rotuman man who converted to Islam before she married him. It's so sweet that her love made someone revert to Islam.
"Oh and wear something sexy" she winked at me and walked out of the room.
"Aarrrgghh" I muttered, running my fingers through my hair.
No wait, it did not even end.
My fingers were tangled with the knots.
I let out a frustrated sigh and got out of bed groggily.
Walking into the bathroom, I brushed and bathed and wrapped a towel around my body before walking out.
No one entered the rooms without knocking.
I took out my grey short dress and paired it with leggings before getting dressed up.
It took me almost half an hour to get rid of all the tangles of my hair.
(Yes thats my favorite dialogue)
And yes, I do own lots and lots of black leggings that I have to number them as soon as I buy them!
Literally, no kidding.
"Myra, you done?" Aaiyla entered the room and I nodded at her.
"Alright, get your hijab on because girl, we going to DENARAU!!!!!" she grinned at me and I grinned back.
We both had a thing for water and beach walks and all that jazz.
I took my grey hijab and wore it before talking my flip flops and walking downstairs.
"Farhaan, do me a favor!" I called out to him.
He ran to me and nodded.
"Just help me with my luggage"
He nodded again before we both walked back upstairs and took two bags each.
"Di, you carried your entire closet here?" he asked me and I shrugged.
"Maybe?" I winked at him and he laughed.
We put the luggage in the trunk of the van and I walked to the area the boys were playing.
"Salaam Di" they called out and continued playing with the kids.
I smiled.
Guess Samran di is also here.
Samran Di hugged me tight and I almost lost balance.
"Jeez di!" i laughed and she kissed my cheeks.
"How have you been?" she asked me.
"Alhamdulillah, you?" I raised my eyebrows playfully and she laughed.
"Have you met my son, Yasrib?" she asked me and I shook my head.
"I thought you had only one daughter, and that was Yamina!" I told her and she shook her head, laughing.
"I have a 6 month old son, Yasrib" she replied and i grinned.
"You never told me that!"
"I thought you knew!!!"
We laughed and then she guided me towards where jiju set with a baby in his arms, looking over the kids.
"Oh Salaam Amyrah, how are you?" asked Sean Jiju.
"Was salaam, Alhamdulillah I am good. But jiju, I am disappointed that you did not get my sister and my nephiece to Canada recently" I said and he laughed, showing me his little baby boy.
"Come here baby!" I cooed and took Yasrib in my arms.
I swear he was the next cutest thing to fluffy bunnies!
I kissed his forehead and he began laughing slightly.
I handed him to Di when Aaiyla called me over.
I walked to her and she showed me her phone.
"News update?" I read and she nodded.
"About the party you attended recently.......with the Zaeefs?" she read and my heart hammered in my chest.
"Oh the hotel opening?" I asked her and she nodded, browsing through the photos.
Suddenly she gasped.
I prayed to Allah that she does not see me and Kayan together, anywhere!
"What is it?" I questioned her, leaning to her.
We both were sitting on the benches outside under the palm trees, waiting for the rest of them to come out.
"You-Your dress!!! Its so pretty!!!!!!" she squealed and I let out a sigh of relief.
"Girls lets go!" called out Ammi and we stood up and dusted our dresses.
I got in the car with Aaiyla, Farhaan and Umair.
I got in the back seat and looked out of the window.
The suns rays hit my face, making it warm and a smile made its way to my face.
How I missed this!
Some random song was playing before Charlie Puth's Attention began.
My head jerked up and the boys grinned at each other.
And we stopped singing and stared at Aaiyla.
"Girl if you don't know the lyrics, stop singing it!!" I said and she shrugged.
"Who cares!? Plus, I know some and that makes me better than those who know nothing!" she grinned and we all stared at her.
*Cue the crickets sounds*
I sighed and turned to the boys.
"Lets not sing"
We reached the place in half an hour and straight away, I ran to find my bedroom.
Finally, I got one overlooking the beach and ocean and I was happy for it.
"I called dibs on this" I yelled the they heard or no, I have no idea.
I, then went downstairs, took all my stuff and moved it to my bedroom, on the third floor.
Yes, this place had three floors plus a terrace.
I was so happy for this place.
It was fully wooden, furnished and the color of my room was white. With purple curtains and bed sheets and grey closet and lounges. It also had a TV!
I don't know why I am this excited!
I checked the time and it was Zuhr.
Since I was good to pray again, I did my whudhu and decided to pray Zuhr.
After Zuhr, I changed into some loose long dress and leggings with hijab, before taking my flip flops and walking downstairs with my phone.
"Guys, Lets go see the beach!!" i called out to my cousins and got a few 'yes'
I wore my flip flops and walked down the marble pavement, towards the beach.
The coconut trees and palm trees surrounded the area and I could hear the clashing of the water waves.
Soon, I was standing infront of the white sandy beach.
I ran towards the shoreline where the water met the sand, and rushed away.
I smiled as I bent down to touch it.
Masha Allah, it felt so cool against my warm skin.
I took off my shoes and put my feet into the water and sighed in bliss.
"Don't go into the water, amma said!" called out Farhaan and I nodded.
Soon Farhaan, Aaiyla, Umair and Urwa were all in the water with me.
We laughed and played about until the salty water was in our eyes and we could not feel our limbs anymore.
If people saw us, they would probably think we are retarded people, who wear hijabs into the sea!
What? We are crazy!
No wait, if we are crazy, wait till you meet the family!
It was almost Asr when we were called back into the house.
We were soaking wet, the winds did not help us by blowing slowly giving us slow shivers and we tasted salty!
I quickly showered and changed into comfortable tees and sweats before praying my Asr prayer.
After Asr, we all gathered in the living room again.
"Aaiyla's in-laws are coming over tonight, they are shifting in today so you all must behave, clear?" said Jazbah mah and we all looked at each other and smirked.
Oh we will behave.
"I know that look, please don't embarrass yourselves. They will be having guests around" she said and we nodded again.
This time, Amma smirked at us.
"I remember when Jazbah and Yunus were getting married........" And amma launched into the story of how they created chaos in their wedding and what not.
Soon it was Maghrib and we retired to pray.
I plugged my phone on charger and switched it on, before going to pray magrib.
Once it was done, I was told or rather yelled at, to get ready in some good clothes because they were coming over.
Oh great!
I changed into some indian top that reached my ankles and black leggings and blue hijab before checking my phone.
I was so busy that I did not hear Aaiyla enter my room until she took my phone away.
"What is it?" I realized she had a panicked look.
"What happened?" I stood up instantly staring at her for an answer.
"They are here and its been a while since Amma had called you!" she said and I sighed.
"And here I thought something big happened! How long they have been here?" I asked her and she shrugged.
"By now, they have even had their share of juice and snacks!" She said and I chuckled.
"Alright, lets go"
We walked out of my room and walked down the steps to the first floor.
It so happened that Aaiyla, who was walking behind me, stepped on my long and extended kurti and I happened to trip, on the flat surface (Yes, thats my talent), and we both fell.
Straight onto the floor from the third step, causing a loud crash and the worst part?
The stairs was directly infront of the living room, where they were seated.
Oh Allah!
I set up and rubbed my arms, that were now sorta bruised.
I think.
"That hurt" Whined Aaiyla and immediately Farhaan came to our aid.
"You alright?" he asked us, helping us up.
We nodded and stood up.
I put on a smile and turned to Aaiyla's in-laws.
And the first thing that caught my eye was the devilish gray eyes.
Oh Allah.
Well, played Destiny, Well played!
Happy Mother's day to all mothers out there. They are a blessing and I am glad we have that.
May Allah grant our mothers youth and health and jannah!
[EDIT: Guysss. Hey. Hahha. This chapter was edited a little bit. A few things were changed and stuff. hahaa. Let me know if it doesn't match somewhere in the book ahyy. 😉❤]
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