Prologue: The First Meeting
I walk alone in the forest of Ishgar. I've been on my own for 7 years. The last sign of civilization I've seen was my old village before it got burned down by slavers.
My name is Chaos Dranigon. As for my magic, I am a Dragon Slayer. Type? A Flame Dragon Slayer, but my flames are more... unique. I am the Azure Flame Dragon Slayer. My flames devour other types of magc until it is down to the base form. For example, if my flames were to come into contact with wind magic, it would devour the magic and leave only wind left. My dragon was Ranigon, the Azure Flame Dragon.
Anyway, I have been on my own for a long time now. My mother died about ten or so years ago. So now, it's just me, my magic, a little short old man, and my soon-to-be-food. Wait. A little short old man?
"Excuse me boy. I seem to be lost. Do you think you can help me find my way back to Magnolia?" asked the old man. I'm gonna fuck with him and make him think that I have no idea what he's asking for. I only reply with a few grunts that only draconic creatures can understand.
The old man is about 3'3. He wears a funny striped pointy hat and a orange long sleeved shirt with a weird symbol ok the back. For pants he was wearing some normal brown slacks and some pointy boots. He has white hair on his head, but not a lot. On his sides there were some gray chops and a white mustache that, in my opinion, needed to be shaved before it looks worse.
"Uh oh. Another young lad who doesn't speak my language. Come with me. We also need to get you some clothes." said the man as he started to walk away. I didn't know where to go and he was the only other human being I've ever seen in centuries. I decided to follow him.
As we were walking, I couldn't help but notice the amount of magic power holds. He seems really powerful. I wonder...
"Well. Here we are. The capital of Fiore, Crocus!" Now that name sounded familiar to me. As I look around, I could see some high buildings that look like skyscrapers. Taller than the tallest tree. I don't think these buildings were around my old village. Even before it had been reduced to ash.
Makarov's POV
This boy... he holds tremendous amounts of magic power. Almost as if it is leaking out of him. Wanting to be released. I shake my head from these thoughts as I continue walking down towards the train station. While walking though, the boy looks around all curious. Well it is the capital, after all.
The boy's height right now seems about 5'10. Taller and tanner than most of the kids his age in my guild. He has platinum blonde hair, with a blue shine to it, that reaches his shoulders. There also seems to be a brown tail showing through his backside. His only clothing are some torn brown trousers. He is covered in dirt and there are quite a few noticeable scars on his body that are either from all of his battles or from beatings. The color of his eyes is crimson red and from the looks of it, have seen too much. From the looks of it, he seems about 15-16 years old. About two years older than Mira.
"Excuse me sir. But can I have two tickets to Magnolia please?" I ask the attendant.
"Anything for the Master of Fairy Tail!" The man says with a grin. He hands me the tickets and says that the last train there is about to leave so if you want to get there then that's your stop.
As I head towards the train, I made sure to grab the boy and drag him in. I am assuming that he is a dragon slayer because of how he first communicated with me was similar to how Natsu did. Though, Natsu knew of some English when we first met, but this boy, he knew none. Almost as if he was isolated away from humanity for his whole life. Well I hope he doesn't have motion sickness.
Scene Change
As we were making our way to Magnolia, according to the old man, I try my best to not throw myself out the train and I am actually holding my own pretty well. Thank god.
"Next stop: Magnolia Train Station. We will arrive in five minutes." says the engineer over the intercom.
"So my boy, want to stop messing with me and tell me about yourself?" the old man asks with a mysterious look on his face. How did he know?
"Sigh... let's just say that I've been on my own for a long-ass time." I tell him, not fully trusting him yet. And by judging the look on his face after I told him that, he understood completely.
"Very well. I will not pry to get information out of others. We are going to the wizard guild, Fairy Tail. I want you to be part of the guild for a little bit before you decide whether or not you want to join. But let me tell you this. Do fairies have tails? Do they even exist? Like them, this place is an eternal mystery. An eternal adventure that starts as soon as you walk into the guild. I hope you enjoy your stay there. Now. Let's get you some clothes though and maybe a place to stay for a little while till you get back on your own two feet." the man tells me while exiting the now stopped train.
'An eternal mystery? Sounds like me.' I think. As we are walking down the... streets? Is that what they call them now? As we were walking down the path, he stops I front of a store that seems to holds clothes made for all men and women. "Hey old man. Where are we?"
"Why. We are at a clothes store. Have you never been to one?" he asks as we walk in.
"No. This is the first time I've been to a town like this. I make my own pants from the remains of the animals I've hunted."
After an hour of shopping, I only settled with a pair of the same brown pants that I'm wearing except they aren't torn up to oblivion. And also a black over coat. I decided to grab what they call a hat as well. Nothing special, just white with a duck bill worn forwards.
"You seem to pack light, huh?" the old man asks. I looked at him with a look that says 'well what'd ya expect?'
"Old man. I never got your name." I simply said as we start heading down to the guild. From the looks of it, he seems pretty well-known and well-liked as well-liked.
"Seeming as I can trust you with that, my name is Makarov Dreyar, guild master of the Fairy Tail guild." the man now known to me as Makarov said.
"Guild Master? Fairy Tail? Well that explains the immense power seeking from you." I say in shock of what I've just learned.
"Why yes. Now since I've told you my name, tell me yours." The guild master suggests.
"Name? Don't have one. It was always just boy or monster." I answer. It's the truth though. I've always been called boy by my dragon and monster by other villagers who feared me because of simply being there with any type of magic. "What type of magic do you use?"
"I use Titan Magic. Magic that allows the caster to grow certain parts of their body or their body in whole. I also use Fairy Magic. Magic only gained by being one of the masters of Fairy Tail. And you, my boy?" he answered with the question at the end. Should I tell him? Yeah I can seem to trust him enough.
"I am an Azure Flame Dragon Slayer. Raised by the Azure Flame Dragon Vegvísir."
"Another one eh. Well that's cool. C'mon kid." He said as he walked towards the guild.
"Actually gramps, I don't want to join just yet. I'll come back in a year. I have more important matters to attend to. But I will return. Don't worry." I said as I turned on my heel and left. Not looking back. I only heard the old man say bye and have a good trip and that was it.
Oh how I wished I knew that this was the start of a new journey for me though.
A/N: Well. Not my longest chapter, but it's close. Thank you for the wait. I will try to update faster. Thank you.
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