Short Story Winners!
Hello everyone! Welcome to the announcement of the Short Story Winners! I would like to thank: stressed-to-impress for all of their hard work! Thank you so much for judging this genre!
PLEASE REMEMBER!!: If you'd like your winner sticker, please send a message to my main account: coolcourtney5
Judge's Note: First of all, I just want to say that the point system was more for me in helping identify the winners and all criticism is meant to be constructive and is not intended to be hurtful. Each and every story I have read was completely different and different narratives and formats made some of them harder to judge. Some stories have been marked down because of certain layouts not fitting all of the judging criteria but that does not mean they aren't great!
This whole judging experience introduced me to new books that are now favourites and I would never have found them without this!
So congrats to those who won and keep up the hard work everyone!
Claiming Third Place we have!:
The Scars Underneath My Skin by: Faith_Johnson03
P L O T/P L O T D E V E L O P M E N T - 4/5
Being an anthology of sorts, there isn't necessarily a plot so-to-speak. The theme of mental health and- more accurately- the death that follows the people who lose the fight against their mental illness is portrayed so beautifully that it actually made me sad and feel remorse for the characters involved.
C H A R A C T E R D E V E L O P M E N T - 3/5
After a brief interaction with the author, it makes sense that the characters are relatively nameless and faceless. With each short story being a depiction of the author's emotions, it makes the fact that the protagonists are nameless more effective because it shows how present these emotions are. It makes the stories seem like fleeting memories or a confession of sorts in which there is no need for character development.
C O N F L I C T - 4/5
Oh man, all of the internal conflicts in this were so beautifully constructed and sensitively executed. The forbidden love, the self resentment, the frustration towards others and battling with their own mind to survive. Just- wow. Of course, in To The One I Love... there was a brief moment of physical conflict between Evelyn and her bullies that was recalled by the narrator in such a way that instilled so many emotions in me, as a reader. A little more description on the fight or a lingering but brief description of the immediate aftermath of the conflict would build more excitement but it's not necessarily needed for the nature of the story.
S E T T I N G/W O R L D B U I L D I N G - 3/5
The lack of world building really does personalize the stories even more. However, the few nods to a setting do little to place the stories. This can make the reader struggle to visualize the stories in such a way that makes them connect with the characters.
D I C T I O N/G R A M M A R/D E T A I L- 3/5
There are a few simple spelling errors but aside from that, the author's choice of words and phrasing made each short a gripping and beautiful story. A simple edit could fix this easily, try reading it aloud so that some sentences make sense.
C R E A T I V I T Y/O R I G I N A L I T Y - 5/5
Because each of these short stories come directly from the author's mind and emotions, it immediately makes them original because everyone thinks differently. The nature of the stories and execution of them is truly mesmerizing and gripping.
If I'm perfectly honest, this helped me realise that I'm not completely alone when it comes to thoughts of this nature. Each of these short stories and the poem at the end resonated with me deeply and I feel privileged to have read them.
Congratulations lovely! <3
Coming in at Second Place we have!!:
My Birthday Present by: NoctusFury
P L O T/P L O T D E V E L O P M E N T - 4/5
In itself, the plot can be narrowed down simply to an outcast going insane. Yet, there's much more. This plot follows Sméagol's adaptation to his new life. He evolves into Gollum, a creature capable of protecting himself with no memory of who he used to be. A little more action would make the plot more exciting but the chilling and overall sense of foreboding it gives substitutes that need slightly because it builds anticipation in the reader.
C H A R A C T E R D E V E L O P M E N T - 4/5
At the start, the mc is Sméagol, a Hobbit who appears to be innocent. His thoughts are blaming the mysterious 'they' which victimises his character. It suggests that he had no control of what he did and therefore creates an overall sense of him being innocent and wrongly accused. Throughout the story, however, he grows into a seemingly insane creature called Gollum. The imagery of him eating other animals and creatures raw creates an image of Gollum being a monster of sorts, completely opposing Sméagol, who is introduced to us initially.
C O N F L I C T - 3/5
There are both internal and external conflicts here. We are initially shown Sméagol being chased by his friends and family, yet this could have been made more exciting by showing the readers what caused it. Then, Sméagol's internal conflict is stressed through his relationship with the ring and his transformation into Gollum. His actions and mutterings as Gollum show him to now be lacking in any morals or coherent thoughts that overpower his obsession with the ring.
S E T T I N G/W O R L D B U I L D I N G - 4/5
The descriptions of the silence of the cave and the mc's eventual home are truly spine chilling, I had goosebumps in some places! However, it could do with some more to set the scene. For example, at the start when the other Hobbits are yelling at him, add in some onomatopoeias or metaphors to express the intensity and danger of the situation Gollum is in.
D I C T I O N/G R A M M A R/D E T A I L- 4/5
The amount of literary devices used in this are amazing! They don't overpower the story, nor do the descriptions run off on tangents. There is a near perfect divide between effective techniques and storytelling, well done.
C R E A T I V I T Y/O R I G I N A L I T Y - 4/5
In my six years of being a part of the LOTR/TH fandom, I have yet to see a fanfiction about Gollum as a character, never mind his back story. This seems to be a very promising and unique idea.
This was a fantastically written short story about a character's past I'd never really considered before. I love LOTR and Gollum is definitely high on my favourite character list but it was really interesting to read a fellow fan's view on what happened to him after he killed his cousin. Keep up the good work!
Congratulations lovely!! <3 <3
And finally!!! The time has arrived!!! Presenting our FIrst Place Winner!!!:
In The Lap Of The Gods by: bcpratt
P L O T/P L O T D E V E L O P M E N T - 4/5
Wow. Just wow. This was beautifully developed and such a real idea! I even forgot at some moments that it was set in the 1900s! I never really considered the idea of an ordinary woman achieving her ordinary dreams to be so entertaining. This was such an emotional roller coaster I feel blessed to have been on.
C H A R A C T E R D E V E L O P M E N T - 4/5
There's nothing more refreshing than a character learning to have faith in themselves. El is such a complex character for all of the right reasons. She's hard headed but knows how to act appropriately, she's introverted but knows when to speak out and she's such a loveable character.
Eddie's change from being a character I adored to one I disliked was so swiftly written I didn't quite realise how conflicted about him I was until the very end!
Jer, Billy, Jeannie and Jack, despite being the supporting characters showed little development. Of course, Jeannie and Jack became parents but there was still little development in them.
I did, however, love Jer!
C O N F L I C T - 4/5
The conflict is established almost immediately. El wants to be a published author but her nerves get in the way. There's a point where it looks like everything's going well for her but then Eddie gives not only her, but the readers, a reality check.
I love that the conflict's resolution was a happy and peaceful one.
S E T T I N G/W O R L D B U I L D I N G - 3/5
The setting was established very loudly, yet, the descriptions of the characters' environments were very discrete and brief. I struggled to picture the office due to the lack of detail and, considering the conflict she faced with her boss, it would have been easier to picture the setting around the confrontation
D I C T I O N/G R A M M A R/D E T A I L- 4/5
There was one or two spelling mistakes but other than that, the grammar was perfectly fine.
The balance of description, actions and dialogue was executed so well that the pace of the story felt as though I was witnessing it in real life. The conflicts dragged in such a way that also drew out empathy for the characters and the office scene was as awkward as I imagine it was for Jeannie to witness.
C R E A T I V I T Y/O R I G I N A L I T Y- 5/5
I haven't read/watched/heard of anything like this before.Considering it was also set in the 20th century is a big nod towards how unique this story is.
This story, despite being short, was perfectly paced to such an extent that I like crying, laughing and cringing along with the characters. I fell in love with Eddie and back out of it along with El, I smiled during Christmas and gasped when she stood up to her boss. What a fantastic piece of work!
Congratulations lovely!!! <3 <3 <3
Thank you all so much for joining this contest, I hope you have enjoyed it so far! Please be sure to congratulate your winners and remember to thank your judge! If you haven't won please don't be upset, there will be many more chances to come!!
Thank you <3
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