Fantasy Winners!!
Hello lovelies! I'm here to present the fantastically fantastic winners of this genre! I love Fantasy! And I'm incredibly thankful to your judge: ResistanceGirl for judging this genre. Please remember to always thank your judge for all of their hard work!!
PLEASE REMEMBER!!: If you want your winner sticker please send a private message to my main account: coolcourtney5 Please include your genre and which place you won, thank you!
Now then, time to present the winners!
Honourable Mentions:
Of Caverns and Castors by: avadel
Plot 18/20
Character development 17/20
Conflict 12/15
Setting/ world building/ description 9/10
Grammar 4/5
Creativity 4/5
Title 5/5
Blurb 5/5
Cover 5/5
Pace 5/5
Enjoy-ability 4/5
Total 88/100
Review: The title is intriguing and unique. It also fits well with the plot. The cover is bold and eye catching and the blurb covers each character and gives a quick introduction to all the major plot points so I went into the book feeling confident that I understood what it was about.Descriptions are consistently vivid and easy to picture. I got really sucked into your world because your descriptions were so beautiful. You find a nice balance between description and action which sets an effective pace that's easy to read. The dialogue is also fluent and easy to read.Character establishment is effective and elegant as you provide a relevant description of them early on. I particularly liked how each character is given a proper introduction and is separated out into individual chapters to avoid confusion. Your characters are well rounded and believable as they each have realistic flaws as well as strengths. For example, Astar's jealousy and frustration come through very effectively. I was so invested, I felt it too. The character relationships are also believable and well written. For example, in the relationship between Leavi and Sean is realistic, their banter makes their friendship seem real.The backstory of how Karsix was established was given early on to avoid confusion. All information is relevantly introduced through Leavi's, or other characters', eyes so it reads like a scene rather than a data dump.Overall this was a really enjoyable read and I would definitely recommend.
The Chronicles of Mel-Luo (Book One: The Search) by: LadyWazzy
Score: 87/100
Plot 18/20
Character development 17/20
Conflict 12/15
Setting/ world building/ description 8/10
Grammar 4/5
Creativity 5/5
Title 5/5
Blurb 3/5
Cover 5/5
Pace 5/5
Enjoy-ability 5/5
Total 87/100
Review: The title is intriguing and unique. The cover is well designed and eye catching. The blurb is a little vague but successfully hooked me in.Your characters and their positions in the book are introduced early on to avoid confusion. The characters are well rounded and well established. The use of different perspectives make the characters more understandable as we can see why they do things as we are reading from their point of view. I was a bit Unsure as to why Terra doesn't get on with her mum anymore. Without explanation it's a cliche character 'flaw'. Additionally, Kenneth's death felt a little odd (how could two people beat a boy to death without any consequences?) but because of how Terra described them as being "possessed" I'm guessing it's foreshadowing.There was a slight over use of italics but it's not a major point.I was impressed that new information given read like a scene and not a data dump. Overall the book was easy to read. The good pace made it very easy to read and I was never waiting for any action to happen,The breaks in structure of flashbacks add more backstory but don't give everything away to raise the tension. Also, the breaks in syntax for (who I'm assuming is) Leon's voice in Luke's head creates suspense and is a unique point.
Congratulations Lovelies!
For our Third Place winner we have!:
When Night Comes by: xohrats
Plot 19/20
Character development 17/20
Conflict 15/15
Setting/ world building/ description 10/10
Grammar 4/5
Creativity 4/5
Title 4/5
Blurb 2/5
Cover 4/5
Pace 5/5
Enjoy-ability 5/5
Total 89/100
Review: The cover is simple but creative and has an eye catching, bold design.The title is intriguing and creates suspense before you even read the book.The blurb is far too short and doesn't say enough about the story to hook the reader.The plot moved at a good pace. I wasn't waiting for anything to happen. Although, at times, the descriptions were fairly basic, the focus was on the action which kept the pace moving. There was a nice balance of action and description which set the pace. The detailed descriptions were vivid. I like the description of the throne room; I didn't pictured it and felt the atmosphere too.Although the characters of the ancient greek myths are already established and (possibly) well known (Percy Jackson etc), the characterisation is creatively unique. It was refreshing to see a different stance taken with Helen of Troy as she was presented as a strong character rather than a minor character whose only characteristics are beauty.There was a slight inconsistency with narration. The change in perspective offers an insight into different characters other than the main character, which gives even minor characters a major role. However, a change in narration needs to be sign posted in some way as I was confused as to who was actually narrating at times. In particular in chapter one, after the prologue, as your main character wasn't mentioned in the prologue.The characters are well rounded and relevently described. For example, the main character's physical appearance is introduced as a comparison with her mother so this information reads well rather than just being dumped in. Your dialogue also serves a purpose as it effectively shows the characters' personalities through individual mannerisms.
Congratulations Lovely! <3
Coming in at Second Place we have!!:
Legend of Antalasia by: Celemenia
Plot 18/20
Character development
Conflict 13/15
Setting/ world building/ description 9/10
Grammar 5/5
Creativity 5/5
Title 5/5
Blurb 3/5
Cover 4/5
Pace 5/5
Enjoy-ability 5/5
Total 91/100
Review: The title is unique and engaging as well as relevant to the plot. I did, before reading, think that Antalasia was the name of your world (because of the Asia in Antalasia). The cover is simple but effective as the image of Antalasia on the cover relates directly to the plot. Her stance also hints at her 'legend'. The blurb successfully hooked me in while not giving too much away about the plot but just enough that I felt like I knew what I was about to read.Descriptions are generally consistently detailed and vivid. However, the descriptions of the monsters are a bit factual e.g "one monster had the body of an elephant with the head of a tiger". Maybe consider how this would look for someone fighting against it as they wouldn't know what animal it was at first. This was also the first time that Antalasia had seen them so I was expecting a bigger reaction from her.Word choice is expressive and imaginative such as the archaic speech in the prologue. It added a bit of backstory to the kingdom and established that it was set a long way in the past but was confusing to read at times. It read a bit like you'd just stuck "ith" on the end of normal words. You could, instead, add in the odd word that is unique to your kingdom (like in The Maze Runner, their community has their own curse words like "shank" which isn't widely used in our society), this would help with world building.New information, such as the prologue and construction of the wall, is introduced relevantly. The new information about the Dragon Kingdom is introduced relevantly as well by Antalasia telling it as a story to her brothers. This is elegantly slipped into the plot so doesn't read like a 'data dump' and more like an actual scene.
Characterisation is sometimes a bit factual. Writing from the point of view of the characters would help convey their emotions easier rather than simply stating how they were feeling in third person narration. On the other hand, you could continue with the third person narrative but turn your narration into a character (like the narrators in Jane the Virgin and the Series of Unfortunate Events. Both these narrators have opinions on the action as well as being able to state what's happening).The establishment of characters are also done elegantly. You present each of their characteristics and personality very smoothly so it becomes embedded in the plot. Characters are generally well rounded and even minor characters have a 3-D personality. The relationship between Antalasia and her brothers was really realistic too, as well as the family dynamic which is powerful. The parents' characteristics come through and their relationships with their children are shown impressively.
Congratulations lovely!! <3 <3
Annnnd Now! For the Announcement Of The First Place Winner!!!:
Grendilton: Rise of the shadows by: amyrobinnz
Score: Plot 18/20
Character development 18/20
Conflict 13/15
Setting/ world building/ description 9/10
Grammar 4/5
Creativity 4/5
Title 5/5
Blurb 5/5
Cover 5/5
Pace 5/5
Enjoy-ability 5/5
Total 91/100
Review: The title is intriguing and relates well to the plot. The blurb effectively hooked me in and gave a good overview of the major plot points without revealing too much, this way I felt like I knew what I was getting into before reading. The cover is bold and eye catching.Your descriptions are consistently vivid and easy to envisage. They are complex and artistic but they can be a bit lengthy at times. Sometimes chapters are full of information that was confusing to process. That being said, your physical descriptions of characters was subtle and gives the reader an idea of what they look like without distracting from the plot.Your characterisation was really enjoyable to read. I thought the character development was excellent, for example, Macey and Connor learning to get on a bit and Connor actually being able to utter the words 'I'm sorry'. Your characters are also well rounded because the have flaws as well as strengths e.g. Macey's anxiety and both of their unyielding pride.There are a few minor spelling errors like missing the s of plural words but nothing major.The sentence structure and syntax are high quality and reads very nicely. A suitable pace is established, I was never waiting for action to happen.Very enjoyable, would definitely, 100% recommended!
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