Adventure Winners
Hello lovelies! Shall we start things off with the winners of Adventure? Great! I would like to thank Creative_Dragon for judging this category. I have reviews for all participants within this genre, if you want your score and the Judge's comments, please let me know through private message.
PLEASE REMEMBER!: If you'd like your winner sticker for First, Second, Third, or Honourable Mention, Please contact my main account: coolcourtney5 to receive your sticker!
Now, onto the winners!
Honourable Mentions:
Perks of having an Alter-ego by: sharadhamanju
Final Score: 36/60
- Plot/Plot Development: 5/10:
The chapters don't run together the best. At the start of a few chapters, it seems like something changed and switched to something else. The plot seems to be pretty strong and well developed besides that.
- Character Development: 5/10
The author did really well in explaining some of what the character was feeling in more tense scenes. There is a slow character development as that is present as the chapters go on. It's not a bad thing for the development to on the slower side until it takes forever to have the character to change.
- Conflict: 6/10
The conflict was done very well after there was a bit of a break from the conflict in the beginning and the conflict in some of the later chapters.
- Setting/World Building: 7/10The world building at the very beginning was really good. It explained very well how this world got to be how it is. The settings, especially in the action scenes were very well written.
- Diction/Grammar/Detail: 6/10
There are better setting details in later chapters as the story progresses, which shows growth in the author's ability, which is a good thing. They would just have to go back and add more of that detail to earlier chapters.
- Creativity/Originality: 7/10
The idea behind the story is very good, it does slightly remind me of another superhero story that I had read. The characters seemed pretty unique but the did seem to talk in a similar way slightly. There are a few characters that do seem to talk in a different way based off of their dialogue.
The Knight And The Peasant by: SirTurtletheIII
Final Score: 37/60
- Plot/Plot Development: 5/10:
There was a small amount of plot development but still not enough chapters to really tell what the main plot and plot development is.
- Character Development: 5/10
There was definitely a difference in the character after the 8 year time skip but there wasn't enough mention to make the character development more clear.
- Conflict: 4/10
There weren't enough chapters to see a lot of conflict besides the beginning with the lord that murdered the main characters father and he ran away.
- Setting/World Building: 7/10
There's a lot of detail about the setting and places they go too. There is also a lot of explaining of the history of the world he lives in and how important it is to him now that he's living the life of his dreams.
- Diction/Grammar/Detail: 9/10
There was little to no grammatical/spelling mistakes, all of the ones that were there were very minor and easily fixed.
- Creativity/Originality: 7/10
It is definitely a unique spin on a traditional medieval setting. The plot works well with the familiar world of knights and lords. There is a rather familiar thing about this story about a lot of other medieval fantasy stories. A lower class leaves his home to go on an adventure of his dreams.
Congratulations Lovelies!
For our Third Place winner we have!:
Brothers In Blood by: JessicaEdelbrock
Final Score: 38/60
- Plot/Plot Development: 6/10
For the limited amounts of chapters that are out, it shows the advancement of the plot pretty well. It doesn't show a whole lot of development, but its a good start for just the beginning of the story.
- Character Development: 5/10
The character development is very well shown in the later chapters, showing flashbacks that the characters had to show where they had been before.
- Conflict: 4/10
There were only a few examples of conflict by a few of the werewolves that the MC was out to fight. Being in the early stages of the story, there probably should be a little bit more conflict.
- Setting/World Building: 7/10
There isn't really a whole lot of details about where the story takes place. A few times it is mentioned that they are passing the Germany and France borders after being in Germany. -
Diction/Grammar/Detail: 8/10
There were very few grammatical errors and spelling mistakes that could be easily resolved. One simple editing would probably fix those mistakes, leaving the story in an even better condition than before.
- Creativity/Originality: 8/10
It's a very original idea, adding a different side to a famous event like WWII. It's written in such a way that makes it almost believable that these events might actually have been real.
Congratulations Lovely! <3
Coming in at Second Place we have!!:
The Seer's Library by: Meisalwayshungry
Final Score: 45/60
- Plot/Plot Development: 8/10
The author is very good with staying true to the arch that is often in Japanese light novels. The archs stay true to the plot very well, although sometimes things get a little blurry with how the archs fit together.
- Character Development: 5/10
There wasn't a whole lot of character development in the limited amounts of chapters that were out. I believe that once the story continues, we will see more development in the main character.
- Conflict: 6/10
There only a few mentions of conflict teased in the vision/dreams and the two scenes with the ghouls and visions of the main character's family.
- Setting/World Building: 9/10
There was a map of the world the story is set in, a solid foundation of the worlds magic so it doesn't have an unlimited capability without consequences. There were beautiful descriptions of the world the main character was taken into and of the world the MC was from.
- Diction/Grammar/Detail: 8/10
There were a few spelling mistakes here and there, but never the same spelling mistake twice. There were only a few cases of compound sentences or grammatical errors.
- Creativity/Originality: 9/10
The author was setting it up as a Japanese light novel which is not easy to do. She definitely had a cast of very unique characters for us to follow which made it more enjoyable. The whole story is very pleasing to read and enjoyable.
Congratulations Lovely!! <3 <3
And now the time has come to present our First Place Winner!!!:
The First Sign Of War by: swell_michelle
- Plot/Plot Development: 9/10
The plot development is really well done, its very clear on how the story is progressing. There's no straying or plotholes within it either.
- Character Development: 7/10
How the author writes the growing paranoia in the main character after keeping the illegal bible. It shows a change in what he thinks about the world he is in. He really changes as his adventures on the run keeps going and it's very clear for the reader to see, we just won't get to see the finished product since the story isn't finished.
- Conflict: 8/10
In the beginning, there was not much conflict but the real conflict came in later. The personal conflict and then the conflict the character put itself in was very well expressed and written out. - Setting/World Building: 7/10 There's good detail explaining the world that these characters are in and the state the world is in.
- Diction/Grammar/Detail: 8/10
There could be some more detail in the area the character interacts with. Grammar and diction were very good, there was barely anything to point out besides minor spelling issues. -
Creativity/Originality: 9/10
The idea behind this story is very original. There aren't very many stories like this one with its plot, characters and overlaying theme. It is very pleasing to read and it is hard to put down.
Congratulations Lovely!!! <3 <3 <3
Thank you all so much for entering this contest. Please be sure to congratulate the winners listed above, and to thank your judge for all their hard work! Please don't be upset if you haven't won, there will be many more chances to come!
I'll see you all soon for the announcement of more winners!
Thank you! <3
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