Avoidance Leads to Explosions
Chase’s POV:
Since that shit show of a mixer at my house a week ago, there has been this distance between Jo and I that we had never had, even after dating and breaking up. But after her telling me that she was going to move back to Georgia, I couldn't bring myself to act as if nothing in my life was changing. Truth was, everything was changing. I wouldn't admit it to anyone -hell, didn't want to really even admit it to myself most of the time- but she was the reason I came home as often as I did. It sure as hell wasn't because I missed my fucking farm. But if I’m being real honest here, the whole reason I built my farm here was because we had been riding around one day and she mentioned how it would be a good place for a farm. Said she could see a white house with fences covering the property. When I’d asked her what it would need fences since she didn't like animals bigger than her, she’d said that she could fill the property with all the stray dogs in Tennessee and give them a place to run, be free, and live a happy life. While I haven't filled my property with stray animals, I’d built the fence she’d described and I’d built the house she wanted.
It had taken me until today to get myself out of the house and back out into the real world. Since that shit show a week ago, I’d taken to camping out at the house, ignoring her calls and blaming farm work for missing them, and throwing myself into drinking and writing. In fact, the only people that I’d seen all week before today were the foreman who took care of things on the ranch while I was on the road, and the doordash driver that had been delivering my groceries and alcohol. I hadn't even allowed my house keeper inside. Which was probably a good thing considering the beer can pyramid I’d been working on since I put myself in isolation. Mrs. Jones would have a fucking stoke if she saw what the inside of my house looked like right now. So yeah, until today, I’d been my own island, reserved and steering clear of everyone.
Since I needed to go into town and handle some things at my label and meet up with BK and Tyler while they were in town, I climbed into my truck and headed out to the road. Hitting the button in the visor to make the gate swing open, I eased my truck though and checked my mail for the first time all week. Sorting through all the junk, I found the one thing that I hadn't wanted to get but knew without a doubt that it was going to come. That sole piece of mail was the reason that I had been avoiding my mailbox as well as people. Just like she showed me, the envelope was pink and had my name written on the front. Since there was no stamp, I knew that it had been placed in my mailbox and not mailed. Why had she come out here to place this in my box but couldn't come inside? As I had the thought, I couldn't begin to explain the anger that flooded my system over something so simple.
Tossing the envelope onto the passenger seat angrily, I stomped on the gas and pointed my truck towards town without a second thought. Driving too fast around some of the curves but not caring, I pushed my truck harder than usual, needing to burn up the aggression that I felt upon finding that envelope in my mailbox. Why the fuck had she placed it in my box? Why hadn’t she come up to the house like she normally would have? I didn't know but the fact that she had been to the house but couldn't bring her ass up the driveway -ok, and the fact that she was fucking avoiding me- had an evil idea springing into my mind. Can't avoid me if I'm standing on your doorstep Jolene…
Wheeling my truck into the lot of her apartment so fast that the tires screeched, I slammed it into park beside her Explorer. Grabbing the envelope off the passenger's seat, I climbed out of the truck and began stomping my way angrily towards her apartment. With each step closer to her door, I could feel my barely restrained anger threatening to rip through me. The last time I’d been this angry was when my dad died and I’d ended up punching my brother in the face when he’d tried to tell me that dad was no longer suffering. Left him with a pretty big black eye and not feeling any better about the hand that the lord had dealt us all that day.
Reaching her door, I pounded hard, waiting about 5 seconds before knocking again, this time knocking so that I was sure I’d torn the thin skin on my knuckles. Moments later, her door swung open, revealing a very pissed off Jo when she realized it was me standing pounding on her door like a mad man.
“What the-” was all she managed before I cut her off.
“What he fuck is this Jo? You send me an invite to your fucking turkey baster bash but you dont have the lady balls to hand deliever it? Let me rephrase that. You invite me to said bash, drive out to my house to slip it in my mailbox, but you don't have the lady balls to give it to me face to face?” I said, my anger with the whole situation growing with each second. I knew I didn't really have a right to be pissed at her for avoiding me because the truth was, I’d been doing the same to her. But we are not talking about me and my mistakes here.
“First of all, who the hell do you think you're talking to Chase Daniel? Because it sure as hell ain't me.” she said, her nostrils flaring, telling me that she was just getting started. Damn she looks so cute when she gets riled up like this... “Second off, you can say that you have been busy with farm work all you want. I know good and damn well you have been avoiding me since the night of the mixer. Hell, you didn't even say two words to me the rest of the night after we talked upstairs. And based on the bags under your eyes and the beer that seems to be seeping from your pores, I’d guess you have been trying to drown whatever it is that is eating at you by trying to give yourself alcohol poisoning. Oh, Oh! And don't get me started on getting left on read Chase Daniel. You know how much I hate that crap. So please pray tell me why would I want to look at you when you can't even be bothered to send a flipping text message. Thirdly, that invite shouldn't be a surprise since you knew what they looked like and you knew that I would want you there for me. But honestly, the way I’m feeling right now, I don’t know that is still the case. If you're going to act like a grade-a asshole because something in your life is changing, then I would rather you not flipping come.”
“Not a flipping word Chase! Not a damn word!” yelled Jo, stabbing a finger into my chest, cutting me off. “You stroll up here like you are Billy Badass, wanting what? Answers? Well let me just give you a few. I put that in your mailbox because when I tried to open the gate to go up to the house and find out why you were avoiding me, the code didn't work. And do you know how that made me feel? I’m supposed to be your best friend, the person that has had the code for that gate since the day it was put up. And you flipping changed it so I couldn't come see you? All because I told you I was going to move back home after I get pregnant. What kind of crap is that Chasey? Huh? Is that what we're doing now? Changing codes and locking each other out of one another's lives? If that's the case, I think you just leave right now and don't bother coming back. I don't need someone in my life like that!”
At her words, I felt all the anger inside me rush from my system, leaving me feeling tired, so fucking tired. Everything was starting to come back to me. The day of the mixer, I’d had to change the code to my gate because someone hacked my system and posted the code online along with my address. Hoping to avoid any unwanted guests coming to the house while I was sleeping or even when I was away on the road, I’d changed it. Obviously my mind was on other things that day so it slipped my mind that I needed to send her the new code. Mentally kicking my own ass, I leaned against the door before I began to try and explain.
“Jo, I changed the code the day of the mixer because my system was hacked. With Everything going on, it slipped my mind to pass the new code along to you.” I said with a sigh. “And you're right, I have been ignoring you after that night. But Jo, you have to understand that this is all a huge change for me. You trying to have a baby, moving back to Georgia, it all makes me think that my life is spinning out of control."
“And you dont think it's a huge change for me? My life has been here in Nashville for the past 5 years Chase. I made a life here. I thrived here and so did my business. But this -a baby, moving back home- is just something I have to do. I feel like that will fill the void I have been feeling for awhile now. I know we're both going through some stuff and I know that you don't necessarily believe in the way that I am going about this, but Chasey, it sure would make my life a whole hell of a lot easier if you were backing me on this.” she asked, her voice lowering as her anger ebbed away.
“I know it's a huge change Jo.” I said, take a chance of getting close to her. When she didn't step back, I tugged her to me and wrapped her in a hug. Damn it felt good to hold her like this. Walking us into her apartment, I sat down on the couch and pulled her into my lap before continuing. “I’m sorry I ignored you. I’m sorry I forgot to send you the code for the gate. But most of all, I’m sorry that you ever thought that I would change the code on the gate just to push you out of my life over something that you want to do with your own. I know it's going to be tough with you moving back home to make time to see each other, especially after the baby is born. But like you said that night in my guest bedroom, you're too important to me to let you walk out of my life. No matter what, you're always going to be my best friend.” Even though I wish with everything in me that you could see that I want you to be more. There was so much more I needed to say -that I wanted to say- but saying them could ruin everything. With us already on shaky ground, I decided to keep my mouth shut.
After a while and both of us were once again settled, I sat her down on the couch and turned to her, gazing into her green eyes before saying “I have to handle some things at the label and then BK and Tyler want to hang out for a while. Do you want to join us or do you want to just skip this visit?”
“I’m going to skip this one.” she said softly. “Plus, I stopped drinking because of -well, you know, the thing that seems to always make us fight and I;d rather not talk about again right now- and when those two are around, I always seem to end up bubbling a bottle of Camp. Tell them I’ll catch them next time?”
“You know I will.” I replied. “If you want, come over later. I’m going to flake out on the couch when I get back and watch some tv. After a week of self-imposed isolation, I could use the company. Plus Jack misses you.”
“He's back from duck camp? She asked excitedly.
“Came back the day after the party. Had my foreman pick him up so I didn't have to leave the house.” I said.
“Okay. I’ll think about it. B it depends on how late it is when you get back. I know how you, THub, and BK are when yall get together.” said Jo.
“Okay.” I whispered. “I’ll text you the gate code and when I’m on the way back to the house.
Taking her hand into my and squeezing it gently, I smiled down at her before turning to walk out the house. Every bone in my body was telling me to go back, plant a kiss on her lips and take her to bed. But just like the yellow belly coward I was when it came to expressing the feelings I had for my best friend, I tucked tail and left her sitting there. I’d accused her of not having lady balls when in reality, I should be asking where the hell my balls were.
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