The Change
Hailey POV:
It's been 5 years since I've seen my father, and it still pains me and my mother everyday we wake up in the morning knowing that he isn't here anymore. I still remember that day I came home from school. I was 7.
"Hey mami, I'm home from school!" I yelled with enthusiasm. I ran towards the kitchen to show her my good news. I got an A on my spelling test. I ran into the kitchen to see my daddy with bags in his hands. I scrunched my eye brows in confusion.
"Hey hon, what you got there?" he asked dropping his bags and picking me up. I handed him my test after whipping a tear from my eyes.
"Daddy, where are you going?" I asked.
"I'm leaving..."
"He is leaving to go back to the army, they called him in" my mom interrupted; finishing his sentence for him.
"Yea, I got called in" he said looking uneasy.
"How long you be gone for daddy?" I asked hoping for a good response.
"A while. But don't worry hon, you will have mami here." he responded. He placed me down on the suddenly cold floor and started walking towards the door. Not once looking back to say goodbye. Then the door closed behind him.
I turned to look at my mother with sadness in my eyes, when I locked on her eyes that were filled with disgust towards me. She walked away and didn't talk to me that night.
I'm 15 years old now and my mom still hasn't talked to me since that night.
I jumped up out of bed when my alarm clock started ringing. I quickly turned it off so it won't wake up my 'mother'. I stretched out my limbs trying to regain my strength. I got up and went to the bathroom to do all my hygiene stuff.
When I walked out of the bathroom I walked over to my closet to pick out my outfit for today. I picked out a pair of black skinny jeans, an All Time Low tee shirt, with a light leather jacket, and my black and white converse. I quickly ran down the stairs, grabbed a granola bar and ran outside to try and grab the bus. As on schedule, my bus arrived quickly, I got on and sat towards the back with my headphones in my ears listening to 1985 by bowling for soup.
As we arrived at school, I noticed the glares and disgusting looks I get every morning. I quickly put my head down and walked across the parking lot into the school and towards my locker.
I was getting the books out of my locker when my locker suddenly closed in my face. I was about to go spongiebob on this person when I noticed that it was my best friends: Janeil, and Brianna.
"What the hell is wrong with you guys?Don't do that. I was just about to go spongiebob on you" I laughed.
"We... just... saw..." they tried to say out of breath.
"What is it girls? Come on girl you can do it" I said patting their backs. They slapped my hand away and stood up straight.
"First off, don't talk to us like were your dogs. Second of all, we just saw..." Brianna started off.
"The hottest new kids on the face of the earth!" Janeil finished with a biggest smile I've ever seen on her face. The two girls turned to each other and started talking about the guys or girls they saw.
Brianna and Janeil are my best friends, since seventh grade. Sure we had our ups or down but we always solved them in the end. Unlike some people we know.
Brianna is like a tomboy with a swag on 110%. She loves dancing and hates fake people. Like hate with a passion. She likes school sometimes and loves reading urban books and dreams of dating a thug some day. She also has a new celebrity crush like every month. I think this month it's Zendaya.
Janeil on the other hand some what dresses like a girl. Yet, adds her own style to the mix. She loves school. Like math, science, history, and everything else in between. She is an artist but wants to be a nurse. She says she hates people, but isn't afraid to talk to every guy that comes around. She is also bisexual.
Brianna turned in my direction and said a quick goodbye then left to her class.
"Then there was three" I said.
"Don't you mean two?" Janeil asked confused.
"No. My ego is it's own person" I said in a duh tone. She just started at me giving me the nigga no face we all shared.
"Well, I gotta go to the library and do a drawing that's been on my mind all day" she said waving goodbye.
"It better be my ice cream and or monkey!" I yelled down the halls. I swear I've told that chick to draw me ice cream and a monkey since last year and she still hasn't drawn me it.
I walked down the hall way towards first period deep in thought about my ice cream when I walked into a wall. I looked up to lock eyes with the most beautiful hazel eyes I've ever seen.
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