Chapter 5
Hailey POV:
It seemed like forever before the school day was over and when it was I rushed out the front doors and began my long walk home. I plugged in my headphones and played 'Thanks For The Memories' by fall out boy trying to forget about today. I wasn't paying attention as to where I was going and I bumped into a wall. 'Where the fuck are all these walls coming from!' I said in my head. I looked up to see none other than Dylan. I rolled my eyes and tried to walk around him.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me to a bench that was next to us. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" he yelled in my face. I thought I was suppose to be saying this. I looked at him confused.
"Aren't I suppose to be saying this to you?" I asked. "And what do you mean what's wrong with me? what's wrong with you?" I said frustrated.
"You're not suppose to not care that I'm dating Keyanna. You're suppose to be jealous and tell me how you actually feel so we can work things out, and you could fall into my arms" he finished. I just say there. Trying to process what it was that he just said.
"Are you on drugs?" I asked.
"The only drug I'm on is the drug of love" he said with a cheesy smile.
"You're crazy! So you're just going out with Keyanna to make me jealous and so I can fall into you're arms and say, 'oh Dylan, take me away from this horrid place and make sweet love to me'" I said.
"If that's what you want, then yes" he said with a wicked smile.
"So, now that I know your plan. What's gonna happen next?" I said standing up from the bench.
"Well, if you want then I'll brake up with Keyanna and then we could be together" he said with hope. I couldn't believe it. The guy that was stuck in my mind and my dreams was going to be mine if I just say yes. Dylan, all mine.
"Sure" I replied with a smile. Dylan stood up and took my hand in his. We started walking to my house.
Once we arrived at my house, I turned to look Dylan in the face, well chest. I'm quite small compared to him. Dylan took my face in his hands and brought it to his lips. The kiss was gentle and sweet. It held love and affection. We backed away and he looked into my eyes.
"Till tomorrow my fair lady" he said with a bow.
"I'll count the minutes my dear sir" I said giggling. I walked into the house and as soon as the door closed, I fell to the floor.
Dylan just stole my first kiss, and maybe my heart.
'Can't wait till tomorrow' I thought in my head.
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