a/n : blaize has pushed the nonbinary patton agenda on me, and who am i to resist?
Virgil fitted the purple mask on his face, tying the thin strings on the back of his head. He sighed, inspecting his outfit. It was normal for a prince to be dressed in the best clothes, but what he had on was too much, at least for him.
He heard the door open from behind him and a voice soon accompanied it.
"Hi Virge! How are you holding up?"
"As well as I can, I suppose. I've cancelled this ball for three years, I can't escape now." he sighed, running a hand through his hair.
Patton tilted their head with a soft frown. "I guess so.." Their expression soon turned into a grin "But, I'm sure you'll be awesome, though!" Virgil sent his sibling a weak smile.
Patton made a few steps forward, then stopped suddenly. They pressed their lips together firmly, in a pout. "I want to hug you but I..." they gestured to the fluffy light blue dress they were wearing. "...can't"
"Thanks, Pat. I.. I appreciate it."
"Anytime, Virge!" they grinned, sitting down on the bed. "Do you need some help with... anything?"
Virgil sent him grateful look : "No, not really. Other than moral support, I'm good."
Patton nodded, then tilted their head : "What in the world are you wearing?"
Virgil sighed, screwing his eyes shut. "Father made me wear it."
Patton got up indignantly, holding their dress tightly. "That simply won't do!" They pushed the door of Virgil's closet open far more aggressively than they should've and grabbed Virgil's day to day suit. The rich purple and silver embroidery looked shockingly beautiful above the black material.
They looked it up and down with a firm nod, before grabbing a soft purple cape and a white dress shirt. Pat turned to their brother, handing him the clothes.
"Well Father has to learn that whatever atrocity he used to wear when he was a teenager is simply ridiculous now! Get inside the dressing room. This is fancy enough for a ball."
Virgil looked at them skeptically.
Patton blinked at him a few times. "Virgil, if you're not going to be comfortable now, with me, how will you survive in a room with countless people?"
The other sent out a sigh and gave a small nod. A ball sounded terrifying already, but one were he didn't feel comfortable with himself? That would be much worse. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
Patton gave Virgil one of their dazzling grins : "Of course I am! Now hurry!
They shooed Virgil into the dressing room, who complied with a roll of his eyes. "I'm going, I'm going, geez"
Patton giggled, closing the door behind them.
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