I can say with complete and certain honesty, you aren't ready for this...
just a heads up, nothing has been edited yet lol
But as alwayssss,
Thank you
My head whipped around in Brad's direction. I hadn't meant any disrespect by this... but who the fuck was Brad calling dad?
"I'm so happy you came to see me." Vadik replied. His voice held a thick accent, much like the one my mother had when she was in the comfort of her own home. Whenever we were around company, she did an excellent job concealing it. I never understood why, but she explained that an American accent helped with business. At the time, I just took her word for it. Being much older, I understood now.
I continued to analyze Vadik from head to toe. He was tall. That was probably where Brad had gotten his height. Vadik had this relaxed expression on his face, one that irritated the fuck out of me. It was as if he expected us. Everything about this was making me sick.
"Don't be." Brad replied. My gaze turned to him. I felt that coldness to my core, when Brad said those words. It cut straight through the air. Vadik flinched from the sudden hostility. "I'm here to get some answers. That's it."
"I understand." Vadik nodded. "What would you like to know?"
"Why are you here?" I couldn't stop myself from blurting out completely. Brad glanced my way at my sudden words.
Vadik also turned to look at me. "I'm sorry, but I'll only answer Brad's questions. I won't answer yours."
Murder it is.
I was about to leap forward and get his thin neck fitted perfectly between my fingers, but Brad placed his hand on my arm before I could. "Don't." He whispered to me. I could feel the nails from my fingers digging into my knee as I resisted the sudden primal urges to kill this man. Brad gave my arm a light squeeze before letting me go, then he turned back to Vadik. "Why are you here, then?" He asked.
Vadik's lips twitched up into a small smile. "I wanted to see you."
I leant back in my chair, watching Brad as he processed this information. Surprisingly, Brad hadn't flinched. He looked calm and scarily collected. I was probably the one looking crazy. I knew for sure my face had gotten red from the sheer amount of anger I had for this monster in front of us. I could feel the vein against the side of my temple pulsating.
"Why? Why now?" Brad asked.
Vadik took a moment before he replied. His expression hadn't changed, but it was more like someone pressed pause on him. He was just staring at Brad with that small smile. I felt far past the bounds of discomfort. I was officially abhorrent.
"You're parents and I had reached an... agreement." Vadik explained. "For a period of time, they assisted with some things that I needed. In return, I kept my distance. Well recently things have really been taking off for myself, and I no longer need to keep the agreement. In fact, this was the best time to come see you."
Brad leant back against his chair, taking the same stance as myself. Vadik chuckled to himself. "She really raises you two alike. Did a damn good job, that woman." Brad's hand returned to my arm before I could even start to run through my murderous thoughts. His eyes pleaded with me to remain seated. I let out a small breath and relaxed myself. "I've got a good size chunk of wealth for myself now. I can care for you the same way your mother can. I want you to work for me."
That was when Brad straightened up. "I think I would rather die than do that." He spoke honestly. Vadik's smile faltered for just a split second, before it returned to its stature.
"I want to change all that. I want you to come see what I do. I already know that you're interested." Vadik replied.
Who... the fuck... did this guy think he was?
"And how's that?" Brad asked.
"Three months ago, you were approached by a particular tech agency known as Volodya Kolya. You were approached with one prestigious offer to loan us your law services with compensation. You had scheduled plans to come check out our offices in the next month or two here. That direct request was made by me." Vadik explained.
I glanced over at Brad, and whispered "You were planning to move to fucking Russia?"
"I wasn't planning to move anywhere. It was just a trip I was contemplating." Brad replied with the same hushed tone.
"That is a company I built from the ground up. I'm sure this less intelligent one here has never heard of us... but you, Brad? I knew you had done your research."
Brad was quiet. I couldn't tell what he was thinking as he stared at Vadik. I knew exactly what the fuck I was thinking, however. I wanted to see this man in pain. Just pure fucking agony right now. His composure said he knew more than he was letting on. It said he knew things that we didn't, and that alone terrified me. It was an eerie feeling, but something was telling me he wasn't going to be locked up for long.
"You know this would be a game changer opportunity. Working for us would probably be the height of your law career." Vadik continued as Brad remained silent. I hadn't gotten past the point where he had called me an idiot, yet I hated to admit that he was somewhat right. I had never heard of this company before. A good reason would probably be that up until recently, I really didn't give a shit about my own company... let alone others.
Brad did, however. He always gave a shit. I could understand why he would at least want to check the company out. I just didn't get why he never told me about the opportunity.
"I'm not interested in working with someone like you." Brad finally spoke. "I'd never be interested in working with someone like you."
"I understand how you feel right now. I'll need to work on building your trust, which I'm willing to spend as much time as needed to do. I'm confident your opinions will soon change for me." Vadik replied. I felt my stomach churn.
"And I'm quite confident that will never happen." Brad replied. "But I do have just one more question." Vadik leant forward, giving Brad his full attention. "Why did you hurt our mother like that?"
Vadik's smile dropped completely at that question. "That's a difficult question to answer. I can tell you know that whatever your assumptions are, are incorrect. I know I promised you that I would answer any questions you have for me, but this question will have to be saved for next time."
"There won't be a next time." I spat at him. His gaze shifted back on me. Every time it did, I could feel his coldness towards me. He looked at me with the same disgusted expression I had for him, and that just pissed me off even more.
"If you want the truth, Brad, you'll have to come see me again. I won't be here long, so make sure you do so soon." Vadik spoke, as he stood.
"There won't be a next time." Brad confirmed.
Before Vadik could respond, I cut in. "And I can promise you, I'll make sure you rot in here."
That twisted smile graced his lips again. If it wasn't for the security approaching us, I probably would have lunged at him. "I'll see you soon." He said to Brad, before allowing security to walk him out.
And those were the last words we heard from Vadik. He had left Brad and I in the visiting room, staring at the door he disappeared through.
"What the fuck did you think he meant by that?" I asked Brad. "That our assumptions are wrong?"
Brad shifted in his seat again, unable to find a comfortable position. "I don't know, but I don't like it Christian. I don't know how he's planning on getting out of here... but he was fairly confident that he would."
My mind started to do that thing where it spiraled. I started second guessing myself and everything our parents had disclosed to us. They were honest about paying Vadik off, but they must have known when he started refusing the money. They must have known what business he was now the proud owner of. There's no way any of this information would have slipped right by them.
So it now pegged the question, what half truths were our parents telling?
"Is there anything you could think of that would get the case thrown out?" I asked him. Brad shifted in his seat once again. He had been biting away at a nail so vigorously, I thought he would have ripped it clean off.
"There are a few things," He admitted, "but it's nothing you're going to like."
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