Christian pulled the rest of the shirt down, and it fell to the ground. When he started in on unbuttoning my dress pants, my hands reached down to stop him.
"I r-really can do t-this myself." I stumbled over my own words. His grin only grew as he pulled me in even closer to him.
I thought he was going to dip down for a kiss, but his lips instead went to the lobe of my ear. "Do you not want me to touch you?" He growled against me. I visibly shuddered. His words alone gave me a complete hard on.
"I-It's not- that's not-" I started. When his fingers grazed against my cock, a moan escaped my lips. This was not the fucking time or place for this... and I hated the fact that my body was happily rebelling against my mind.
Before I could do anything further, Christian withdrew away from me. "It's damn near fucking impossible to tease you when you make sounds like that. I'm one moan away from taking you right here right now in this fucking closet."
All those words did was make me even hornier.
"However, our of respect for my brother and this situation, that will just have to wait." He sighed to himself. My eyes disobeyed me as Christian started to pull his own clothing off. He began rummaging through some of Brad's clothes till he found both him and myself a shirt.
The one he handed me felt incredibly soft to touch. It was a Dropkick Murphy's band shirt. The shirt Christian slipped on himself had the members from AC/DC on it. It fit Christian almost perfectly, but when I put Brad's shirt up over me, it was practically a dress on my smaller frame.
"Yikes, I completely forgot Brad's a fucking giant. I don't think he has any pants that might fit. Are you okay with staying in your trousers?" He asked me. I gave him a nod.
He then started to unbutton and take off his own pants. He found a set of sweats folded neatly on one of Brad's top shelves.
With Christian in nothing but boxers, I noticed his own arousal. "Stop looking at me like I'm a piece of meat." Christian teased. I rolled my eyes at him, and made my past him towards the door. His hand reached out last minute to pull me back towards his frame. That was when he tilted my head up for a kiss. I leant into it almost immediately.
He pulled away seconds later which left me longing for more.
"Let's make it back downstairs." Christian smiled.
I gave him a nod in return. "Especially before my mum starts finding shit to pawn."
"Brad, what is all this green shit?" Derek asked as soon as he opened Brad's fridge. Brad got up and followed him into the kitchen.
"You mean kale?" Brad asked.
"Kale? What the hell is kale?"
We all looked over at Derek and sighed.
"You're joking, right?" Joan asked.
"Is it like a boujee lettuce?" He asked in all seriousness.
"If that's what makes the most sense to you, then yes. Let's go with boujee lettuce." I replied. Christian gave me a look, and I gave him one back that said it's best not to ask.
"Were any of you hungry? I know most of night sort of went to shit at the end there. Did you all eat something?" Brad spoke as we took seats at the kitchen island. My mother had since knocked out on a couch in one of Brad's living rooms. The liquor finally got the best of her. I was just grateful that I wouldn't have to deal with the woman till tomorrow.
"Oh yeah, we had more than enough." Joan replied.
I personally hadn't eaten anything, but food was the farthest thing from my mind.
"Speak for yourself, Joan. I can always eat." Derek replied. Joan smacked the back of his head.
"Derek, you practically cleaned out the Gala's kitchen tonight. What the hell you mean you can still eat?" She scolded him.
"Listen. I'm very stressed right now, okay? Let me stress eat. Let me have this." Derek whined back. Of all the people who deserved to be stress eating tonight, Derek was at the very bottom of the list. Brad pulled out a bag of something and a jar of dip from the fridge. He set both items in front of Derek, who looked at the food awfully confused. "What's this?" Derek asked.
"Derek, stop playing. I know you know what carrots and celery look like." Joan snapped back.
"I know what carrots and celery are, but why? Where's the tortilla chips? And the Queso dip? Where's the high cholesterol, and diabetes?" Derek asked.
"Not in this house." Christian replied. "Brad's a health nut. The only unhealthy things you'll find here is this mans suit collection, and porn stash."
Brad's eyes narrowed at Christian, before he turned to Joan with a swiftness. "He's joking. I don't have a porn stash. I literally have no idea what the fuck he's talking about."
Joan's hand went up to cover her mouth from the explosive laughter I'm sure was threatening to burst out.
"Who even has stash's anymore? That's so Stacy's Mom." Derek chimed in. "The web is the new wave. Did I ever tell you about the Evolution of the Porn Industry? It's some fascinating stuff here, Brad. Society has really upped the potential. Let me take you on a journey-"
"This isn't the time." I replied quickly, trying to mask my own laughter at this point.
"No, he's seriously lying. Christian, tell them you're lying." Brad snapped at Christian. That made Christian laugh as he swung a hand around his brother's shoulder.
"I'm joking, I'm joking! I do remember the time mum found a porn magazine in your room, though. That shit was hilarious. She just set that motherfucker right on the dinner table that night and had us eat supper with a playboy exclusive staring everyone in the face. Man, I think I pissed my pants laughing that day." Christian got out in between laughter.
I couldn't stop myself from cracking up at that. Brad's face broke out into a grin himself as he threw Christian in a friendly headlock. "She kept that shit on the dinner table for days. She didn't let me touch it. We ate every meal those few days with a pornstar magazine right in the middle of us." Brad explained, full on laughing now. "Man, mum was a whole new breed of batshit fucking crazy."
I didn't understand how this could be, but I swore this was the first time I head Brad openly laugh. And He had a really nice laugh. It was wild seeing him like this.
Christian broke free of the headlock and ruffled up Brad's perfectly combed hair. "She was slightly sadistic, I swear." He replied to his brother with a grin.
I didn't get how the laughter in this room could be so contagious tonight. We probably all looked like fucking psychos cracking jokes at a time like this, but it felt good. It felt like, for a few minutes, everything wasn't completely fucked.
And I decided I was going to enjoy this little moment we had right here, before said shit truly did hit the fan.
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