A brother's mourning
(A/N): REMINDER: ".." This is for when a charchter talks, and this '...' is for when a character thinks.
(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
Since I left the priest in the bedroom, my heart and brain are restless. I should have eliminated him. I had the perfect opportunity, so why I didn't? My head is like a yarn ball of contradictory thoughts and my heart is torn. I feel like I betrayed my master, but I couldn't brought myself to end his miserably human life.
I needed a safe place where I could relax and sort my inquietudes out. The feeling of being a traitor did not let me enter the secret room where my lord laid, so I went to the old, dusty and dark library.
Trying to not alert anyone of my presence, I reached the big wooden door.
Opening the rusty lock, I was greeted by one of the best smells in the world, the smell of an ancient library. It's a smell of old paper, leather, a bit of humidity, wood and a smell that I only could describe as the smell of wisdom, a smell of centuries of knowledge poured in black ink on those books. Years and years of dedication that monks spent into creating fine pieces of history. This was my favorite place, a maze of words hidden from the exterior.
Letting my imagination fly, I watched through the book-shelves, caressing the spines of the rows of the historical jewels that my hands reached.
Passing the area of the medical books, I reached my favorite spot. An old big seat was situated by a book-shelf that was older than the rest. That was my master's favorite spot as well. He had told me that the seat was his father's, and that (by what the monks that had raised him told him), the old Lord Dracule used to spend whole nights reading there under the light of a candle.
When I was a child I enjoyed playing around here. Over all I liked the dragon figure that was carved into one of the stone walls. To my younger self, it seemed terrifying but beautiful at the same time.
Sitting on the comfy seat I remembered my old days glancing at the fantastic scaled beast.
-"I always wanted to have a dragon"- I whispered to myself caressing the aged creature.
Straightening the folds of my nightgown, I tried to not to cry thinking about the past, and selected one of my preferred books, one that Mihawk used to read to me.
~~~~~~ In the kitchen~~~~~~
-"Frankie! Did you see the priest?"- called out Urouge.
-"Yes, when I went to his room to search for him, he was there. He was SUUUUPER asleep".
-"Let him be please, he needs to rest. He has been overworking himself with healing all the people and trying to stabilize Sacchi and Penguin's health."- pleaded the kind hearted Bepo.
-"That's OK. But where's the freckled bottomless pit?"- asked the First Monk.
-"Oi Sabo! Where's your twin? He will miss his food. That's SUUUPER weird"
-"He's not here? He wasn't at our bedroom either. ..Oh, well, he must be passed out
somewhere else"
-"Still SUUPER weird"
La princesa rogó a la gran bestia que le concediera la llave al pasaje.
-"Te lo imploro, oh noble y sabia criatura, permíteme el paso a las profundidades de esta tierra, pues he de hallar la solución que ponga fin a mi desdicha."
-"¿Cual es, pues, esa miseria que atormenta tu alma, pequeño ser?"- La voz del dragón hizo vibrar las estalactitas del techo de la gruta.
-"Es la maldición de la ignorancia. Ignoro quien soy, ignoro la historia de mis antepasados, desconozco los hechos que me llevan a estar hoy en tu presencia, oh majestuoso sabio."- La princesa se arrodilló ante el gran reptil alado- "Permítame encontrar la luz que me guie en mi camino"
-"Ya que en tu alma no es morada de la impureza y tus palabras no esconden ruindad, pequeña niña, trepa por mi brazo y arranca la primera espina de mi espalda. Esa es la llave de la oscura gruta".
Obedeciendo al gigante alado, la doncella trepó por sus duras escamas hasta alcanzar la espina. Y tirando, de un golpe seco la arrancó. Deslizándose por la larga cola de la bestia, llegó a la puerta del pasadizo donde, con ayuda de la espina, abrió un hueco de su tamaño.
-"Antes de despedirnos debo, ya que mi posición es la de sabio, advertirte sobre tu futuro. Pasarás por grandes pruebas y penurias, deberás confiar tu corazón a tu asesino, deberás descubrir al farsante escondido, y deberás acabar con la vida de tu amante. Solo así lograrás vivir en paz."
Con la espina del dragón, la doncella se adentró en la oscuridad.
-"Mmm... ¿Podría yo alcanzar tal paz?"- (Y/N) asked to the stone dragon, holding the fantasy book wrote by a fellow referred as L.D.-" ¿Me concederías una de tus espinas?"
Caressing its head, (Y/N) reached towards its spines and, just for fun, she pulled on the first one.
It came out.
-"This can't be real!.......DID I BROKE IT?!?!"
Before the Lady Dracule appeared an opening on the wall. It was wide and tall enough for her to pass through.
Con la espina del dragón, la doncella se adentró en la oscuridad.
When the monks came out of the building, they thought Hell had come to take them. The aftermath of last night's events was still on the streets and on the air. The burned houses and flesh were giving out an awful smell that made some of them throw up their break-fast.
-"A-a-a fire?"
-"This can't be possible! What a disgrace!"
-"Oh my God! Help us!"
-"Quick! We need to search for survivors! Move!"- commanded Urouge.
One by one, they found some survivors. Many of them were in a post-traumatic shock and the others were traumatized, clinging to the scarred and mutilated corpses of their loved ones, cuddling and caressing them. It was terrifying to see.
But all of them were interrupted when a screech cut through the smoky air.
Running towards him, Rayleigh found a heart-wrenching scene. Before a pale, wide-eyed, crying and kneeled Sabo, was an impaled body.
The body was burned and held up by a long metal bar. The bar was the one that the prior monk in charge of the forge (Akainu), used to move the fire.
The bar came out of his chest, it entered his back and went straight through his heart, coming out of his chest, holding him up in the air, his face contorted in pure pain.
-"It seems that not all the monks headed to their bunks yesterday after dinner..."- murmured Rayliegh."
-"Why...why...WHY!? ACE!!"- The blond monk came out of his shock and started to yell and punch the ground, making his knuckles bleed.
-"No! Stop. Sabo, I know it hurts, but you need to calm down"
Rayliegh crouched down next to him and held him by his shoulders.
-"Stop. You need to stop shouting and be strong"- He said shacking him.
'Shut the fuck up. The other monks will hear you!'
-"He wouldn't like you to make a scandal over his death"
'His death is irrelevant in my mission, less people bothering me around'
-"You know all of us loved him. We are with you"
'I would have liked to take care of the annoying freckled brat myself'
-"I-I-... y-yo-you no... y-you d-on't un-derst-ta-tan-d"
-"MY LIFE WITHOUT HIM IS MEANINGLESS!!"- the blond yelled- "I don't want to live in a world without him"
-"So that's it?"- a shadow covered the old monk's eyes, a sinister grin growing up in his chapped and wrinkled lips- " You know, you can always go to him, you could meet him again."
-"I-I want t-to be with h-hi-m"- Sabo hiccupped eyeing his palms rest on his thighs.
-"You can."- A sharp dagger was put into the younger's palm-"Go to him".
When the rest of the monks reached the burned down forge, they saw to a crying old man with a dead bloody blonde in his arms and by the feet of an impaled body.
-"R-Rayliegh?"- None of them dared to step into the forge.
-"I came too late..."- cried the old man.
The princess begged the great beast to give her the key to the passage.
- "I implore you, Oh noble and wise creature, allow me the passage into the depths of this earth, for I must find the solution that will put an end to my misery."
"What, then, is that misery that torments your soul, little being?" The voice of the dragon vibrated the stalactites of the roof of the cave.
- "It is the curse of ignorance. I do not know who I am, I do not know the history of my ancestors, I do not know the facts that lead me to be in your presence today, oh majestic wise." The princess knelt before the great winged reptile." Let me find the light that guides my path"
- "For in your soul it is not a dwelling place of impurity and your words hide no evil, little girl, climb my arm and tear the first thorn from my back. That's the key to the dark cave. "
Obeying the winged giant, the maiden scrambled up its hard scales until she reached the thorn. And pulling, with a dry blow, she ripped it off. Slipping through the long tail of the beast, she reached the door of the passage where, with the help of the thorn, she opened a hollow of her size.
- "Before we bid farewell, I must, since my position is wise, warn you about your future. You will go through great trials and hardships, you must entrust your heart to your murderer, you must discover the hidden fraudster, and you must end the life of your lover. Only in this way will you be able to live in peace. "
With the thorn of the dragon, the maiden entered the darkness.
"Mmm ... Could I attain such peace?"
With the thorn of the dragon, the maiden entered the darkness.
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