Chapter 5
Hello, my bitches! Rare early update, cherish it. Anygays, I do plan for them to kiss/make-out, so just a lil warning if that makes you uncomfortable. I'll probably get carried away again like I did last chapter, so it might be a bit long of a chapter. Anygays, on with the chapter!
|3rd Person POV|
"Yeah, you're right! I'm gonna tell him tomorrow!" Naruto responds ecstatically.
"Yeah, go ge- tomorrow? I think it'd be best if you got to know him a bit better, y'know?" Kushina reminds her son how he just met him this morning. "I mean, there's little to no doubt he'd say yes, but maybe let it draw out. Let both of your feelings grow until they eventually burst out of you like "Boom" and "Whoosh!" Y'know?!" Geez, the two had so much in common, no doubt they were mother and son. (Iykyk)
"Oh. Yeah, yeah! That makes a whole lot more sense! Thanks mom!"
"No problem, always happy to help out with anything you need! Though, it's important to be independant sometimes, y'know." She reminded him.
"Yeah, I know! Love ya'!" The fox ran off to his room to think about how the next few weeks of school would go. Meanwhile, Sasuke was keeping the situation to himself as he hid in his room. Mikoto, though now knowing the secret from a certain red-head, keeps to herself as she respects her youngest son's privacy.
|Sasuke's POV|
Shit. I've fallen in love. With another guy. A guy I just met and I learn he likes me back?! I swear, being 'special' is a curse sometimes.
I'm curled up on my bed, contemplating my every life decision and all I can think of is him. His bright smile, bright hair, bright blue eyes, his weird yet appalling whiskers, FUCK! I try and try as hard as I can, I'm straight, this is just some silly, very long and realistic dream. No, nightmare.
But is it really a dream? I mean, I can't get him out of my head and the way his hand felt when he pet me... I wanted him to continue...but I couldn't. We had to get to class. Fuck...
|3rd Person POV|
Sasuke fell asleep a few minutes later, upset at himself, not knowing what to do with his feelings. Meanwhile, Naruto could barely sleep at the thought of getting to know Sasuke better, and maybe, just maybe, being able to feel those soft looking lips against his one day.
The next morning, Naruto tries to talk and engage more with Sasuke, trying to grow their friendship.
"Hey, Sasuke!" The raven flinched at his name and blushed as he looked behind him and it was Naruto calling out his name. "What class do you have next?"
"Chemistry I think." He says, looking down at his paper schedule. "What about you?"
"I think I have..." He pauses to look at his schedule. "Ugh, math." He pouts, and Sasuke chuckles slightly at the action.
"Damn, that sucks."
"You're damn right it does! Though the worst part is you won't be there." He winks at the blushing raven, whom's eyes were wide at the sudden statement.
"Y-yeah, whatever..." Though his face shows embarrassment, his tail swayed at the blond's compliment(?). "I-I've got to get to class." Sasuke fastly speaks, earning a chuckle from the blond boy.
"Okay then, see ya later? Lunch maybe? Or after school?"
"Y-yeah, after school works. Bye!" The raven runs off to his class, leaving behind a snickering blond to walk to his class by himself.
"He's so cute.." He mutters to himself as he gets to class.
-|Timeskip to lunch|-
|3rd Person POV|
As usual, Ino was trying to get everyone to 'Spill the tea' while Sakura protects Hinata from Ino's bold assumptions, causing the shy girl to turn a bright red. Shikamaru and the others mostly sit back, listening in on their conversations. Naruto can't help but chuckle at the sight of the arguing girls. However, he was deep in thought about something else.
Ino notices the blond in a trance and calls it out. "Hey Naruto," Ino speaks, snapping the blond boy out of his trance. "What were you thinking about just now? Was it that Sasuke??" She wiggles her eyebrows to tease and hopefully get an answer from the blond boy.
"O-oh, I-I mean, y-yeah..." He barely whispered the last part.
"Why don't you tell him how you feel?" Shikamaru asked.
"Yeah, why not?" Sakura agrees. Suddenly everyone is nodding, agreeing with the two.
"W-well, I just wanted to get to know him better, I guess. We were going to hang after school anyways." Naruto told the group. They understood and continued with their small talk and teasing.
Meanwhile, at Sasuke's table, Suigetsu is trying to convince Sasuke that sharks are decent pets to have.
"No, you don't understand, I bet sharks could show love if they wanted to! Like, how cool would it be to have a pet shark that could show you affection?"
"If getting torn apart limb by limb is cool, than yeah, I guess it would be pretty cool." Sasuke retorts, chuckling at the statements his 'friend' is making.
"Really dude? Okay, what about a small shark? Like... a Ghost Catshark. Those are pretty cool, and can fit in an aquarium."
"Okay, more reasonable than a Great White, but I still don't understand how it'd show you love." Sasuke listens to his friend ramble on about sharks and how they show love, but Sasuke ends up zoning out, thinking about Naruto.
"Yo, you good?" Sasuke's snapped back to reality. (Oop there goes gravity)
"Huh? O-oh, yeah I'm good." He reaches an arm to scratch the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Are you sure?" Jugo chimes in, genuinely concerned for his friend. (Big but soft [THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID-])
"Yeah, I'm good. Just... thinking."
"About what? Or is it a someone?" The accusation, though it was correct, had Sasuke a blushing, stuttering mess.
"I-I-No, i-it wasn't a p-person j-just a- just zoning out for no reason! Y-yeah, that." He mutters the last part.
"Okay bro, who is it?" Suigetsu knew that Sasuke was just lying, I mean, was it really that obvious??
Giving up, Sasuke sighs, knowing he didn't stand a chance. Suigetsu would find a way to get him to spill. Fists balling in his lap he looks down and mumbles, "Naruto..."
"Hah? Who the hell is this Naruto girl?" Karin shouts, obviously jealous. (Fuck off Naruto's [and my] man bitch)
Blushing even more, he speaks barely just above whispering. "...It's a guy...."
"HAH??!? But Sasuke-kun isn't g-" Karin is being a bitch.
"Karin, get the fuck off of Sasuke, you're really being a bitch." (A/N No hate to Karin, just making her a bitch because we need that kind of drama and Sakura is not the one for it.)
Karin has shut the fuck up, finally. "Anyways dude, mind telling me more about this Naruto dude? I wanna know who's got my bro lovestruck."
"W-well, I guess he's like me. You know, with the ears and tail. He has bright, yellow hair like the sun, beautiful blue eyes, and weird yet charming whiskers on his cheeks. He wanted to hang out after school, so I guess I'll get to know him better then."
"Wow, no wonder you're head over heels for him! He sounds handsome." Sasuke shot an evil glare at him. "Whoa, alright, yours, got it." Suigetsu shoots his hands up in defense.
After a bit more small talk, the groups headed to their classes after lunch.
-|Timeskip to after school|-
|Naruto's POV|
I waited for Sasuke under the bleachers.
"Hey." I hear a voice behind me and I turn around to see Sasuke.
"Hey! What's up?"
"You called me here?" He answers, confused, tilting his head slightly. So cute!
"Well yeah, but I meant, like, how was your day?"
"Oh, it was fine. You?"
"Same. School sucks when you don't understand shit." I joke, hoping to get a chuckle from him. And I did, and he's so adorable!
"Anyways, why'd you call me down here?"
"Oh, I wanted to see if you wanted to hang at either mine or your house on the weekends, y'know, when school isn't a huge pain."
"Sounds good. Should we exchange numbers to keep in touch until then?" He says, a slight pink blush crawling onto his face.
"Yeah, sounds good! See ya' Saturday? Friday maybe?"
"Hmm, Saturday my parents leave for work and my brother a business trip, so maybe then? It'd be nicer for everyone to be out of the house so we can hang without any interruptions."
I blush at the fact we'd be alone. Together. Just the two of us. "Yeah, sounds great!" We pull out our phones and exchange numbers before going to our own houses until the next day.
|Sasuke's POV|
Oh my god. Why did I pick the one day the house was empty? Now I'm just going to be even more tempted to do..something! I mean, would it really be all that bad even if I were to..? I know he feels the same, at least I think. Whatever, what happens, happens.
-|Sasuke's house|-
|3rd Person POV|
"I'm bringing someone home on Saturday," Sasuke announced to the house.
"Oh? Who is it?" Mikoto asked, wanting to know who he was bringing over, secretly hoping it was Naruto.
"Just a friend. Nothing to worry about. We'll just play some games and chill." He said, fighting off the blush on his face.
"Hmph. The one day you're home alone? How do you suppose we're able to trust you alone with a 'friend'?" Fugaku chimed in, a slight tone of anger in his voice.
"Oh please. How do you expect he could get anyone to fall for him?" Itachi said sarcastically.
Sasuke sighed.
"Itachi, can you shut the hell up for once? Like you could pull anyone but that loud blond guy. And you're not even t-"
"ALRIGHT! I get it, I'll butt out of your personal life if you butt out of mine." Itachi frantically answered, not willing to spill the fact he was a bottom to his parents.
"Ahem." Fugaku cleared his throat, reminding the arguing brothers of his presence.
"Anyways, you'll have nothing to worry about. If we make a mess, me and him will clean it up. The house will be spotless when you come back." He explained, his long black tail swishing in annoyance at the fact he had to explain this. As much as he hated getting wet, he was a certified neat freak.
"Tch. Alright then. Mikoto?"
"I think Sasuke getting a new friend is great! What's his name?"
"Naruto. Why?"
"Oh, no reason, just curious." Meanwhile, in reality, Mikoto was squealing inside at the things Kushina had told her and the fact that her youngest son's crush is going to be coming over when they're gone.
Days pass and the weekend grows closer and our favorite pair has been growing closer and closer. They introduce their friend groups to the others and occasionally eat lunch together.
Saturday, the day after Friday, and Sasuke is waiting for him whilst reading a book and wearing a navy-blue turtleneck sweater and some black leggings.
Naruto, meanwhile, is panicking. He wants to look nice, but not business professional. He also doesn't want to look like he just put on the first thing in his drawers as if he didn't care.
A few 10 minutes or so later, he decides to wear an orange sweater and denim jeans. He said bye to his mom and pulled out his phone once he got outside.
(25 min ago) Sasuke🐱
You coming? Or did u forget :/
You (20 min ago)
didnt know what 2 wear lol
You (1 min ago)
wait what wuz ur address again i forgot😅
Sasuke🐱(1 min ago)
259 Uchiha Road. How'd you forget already?
You(Just Now)
dont be so mean, teme >:(
Sasuke🐱(Just Now)
I wasn't being mean, Usuratonkachi -_-
It was a question.
259 Uchiha road... Naruto thought to himself as he walked down the road. 257, 258, aha! 259.
He took a breath before knocking on the raven's door. Footsteps were heard from inside before the door swung open.
|Naruto's POV|
What I saw in front of my eyes was possibly the most adorable-est thing EVER.
It was Sasuke snuggled up in a blue turtleneck sweater and leggings. But that's not even the best part. The best part was he was wearing glasses! My heart!
At that point my tail was wagging like a dog when their owner gets home with food in hand and my face was salmon pink.
"...Are you coming in..?" Sasuke snapped me out of the little trance I was in. Ironic. He was the cause for it as well.
"Oh! Yes. Thanks!" I grin as I slip past him into the house. It was large and modern looking. The room you walk into is right next to a large white couch positioned in front of a moderate sized T.V. and a large coffee table. In the distance is a large looking kitchen not too far from a set of stairs leading to, what is probably, upstairs. On the other side of me was a large table with 4-5 seats.
"Woah, this is a pretty house!"
"Thanks, I guess. Here, let's sit down." He points to the couch and I gladly take a seat. He sits next to me and we start to chat for a few minutes.
"Hey, I've never seen you with glasses before."
"T-these are just my reading glasses. I was reading earlier and I guess I forgot to take them off," He says with a pink flush on his face and reaches to take them off.
"No, you don't have to take them off. They make you look cute! Well, cuter than before, though I guess you were always cute."
|3rd person POV|
Sasuke was blushing profusely. He'd no idea what to do in this situation. Say thanks? Change the subject? Well, his confused little brain decided on both.
"T-thanks, w-wanna fuc-PLAY GAMES! Do you wanna play games? I-I have video games, yeah.."
He cursed himself for fucking up so bad. His tail was almost tucked between his legs out of embarrassment.
"Sure," Naruto giggled. "Y'know, you're really cute when you get flustered like that." He reaches out a hand and places it on top of Sasuke's head, right in between his ears, and begins to scratch his scalp in a soothing way before moving to behind his ears.
Sasuke blushes at the touch but leans into his hand, ears flattening and tail wagging. A soft purring sound could be heard and this caused Naruto to blush and wag his tail as well.
He moved his hand down further to Sasuke's cheek and began caressing his thumb over the soft skin. Sasuke nuzzled against his hand and leaned closer to his face. Naruto leaned closer as well until the gap between them was closed as lips touched. Naruto's hand slithered to behind his neck and Sasuke's hands grabbed onto his shoulders, deepening the kiss further. Their tails were wagging and their ears flattened. Sasuke gasped for air and Naruto took the opportunity to slip his tongue in, exploring every inch of Sasuke's mouth. Muffled moans and gasps were heard. A few minutes and they broke apart, only a string of saliva connected their lips.
After catching their breaths, their faces turned a tomato red after realizing what they had done. They jerked away from each other, though still close.
"So... uhm, that...happened." Naruto said, breaking the awkward silence.
"I liked it.."
"I said, I liked it. What are you, deaf?" Sasuke chuckled, meeting Naruto's fazed gaze.
"So then... what does this mean for us?"
"Well, we can forever be known as the friends who kissed or we can start dating?"
"I think I'll take the second option. So we're official now?"
"I guess so. Anyways, I have some video games. Wanna play?"
"Uh, sure!" He chuckled.
The rest of the day they played video games and hung out until 6:00. They cuddled on the couch and just basked in each other's presence before then.
Okay, my gosh did I get carried away. Also this chapter took like 3 days because of my procrastinating. Anygays, hope you enjoyed, our favorite couple is now a couple!😍
Later Bitches😘✌
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