On a bright and sunny regular Monday morning I was getting ready for work. My name is Daniella Wrestling and I am the most skilled detective in the state. My job consists of me traveling around the world to solve mysteries. I am a wife and a mother to three wonderful children. My daily life consists of getting ready for work and taking my three children to school.
"Kids hurry up and get in the car!" I yelled as I put my coat on.
"We're coming mom." My eldest daughter Daisy yelled as my kids ran down the stairs.
"Good. I packed your lunches, now let's get into the car." I said.
As we got into the car I took my kids to school and then I went to my job at Trenton State Mysteries. When I walked into my nice and cozy office I sat down and did some work. A couple of minutes later my boss Ryan walked in here to congratulate me on completing my latest mystery.
"Good morning Dani. Congratulations on completing your latest mystery." Ryan said.
"Thank you boss. It was really no problem." I said.
"Well then you'll be getting a raise in no time." Ryan said.
"Thank you boss. You're too kind. You didn't have to do that." I said.
"Well I wanted to because you're the world's greatest detective." Ryan said.
"Oh boss. Why thank you again. But I'm not the world's greatest detective, you're over exaggerating. But I'm probably the best in the state." I said.
"No. Thank you and you really are the best in the world. That's final. Well anyway I have to get back to do some work. I'll be in my office if you need me." Ryan said and then left.
The day went by so fast and relaxing until it was time for me to pick up the kids.
"Hi kids. How was school?" I asked.
"School was good. Today we read books, did some drawings, did some boring old math and then went outside for recess." My youngest Diana said.
"Oh that sounds like a fun day. What about you two?" I asked.
"We just learned and learned and learned." My middle child Donna said exhaustingly.
"Well then maybe you'll have a better day tomorrow. Daisy?" I asked.
"Just work." Daisy said.
"That's all?" I asked.
"Yeah that's all." Daisy said.
"Oh. Ok." I said.
My three wonderful daughters are my three beautiful mini me's. Daisy is 9, Donna is 7 and Diana is 5. I usually let my mom or my husband pick them up from school but I decided to pick them up and spend some time with them.
"So do you guys want to get ice cream?" I asked.
"Yeah! Ice cream! Ice cream!" Diana yelled excitedly.
"Ok. We'll get ice cream." I said.
"Yay! Ice cream!" Donna yelled excitedly.
"Oh thank goodness ice cream. I could really use a cone right about now." Daisy said.
I laughed.
"Alright, we'll get ice cream." I said.
We got ice cream and then went home. When we got home it was very quiet.
"Daniel! Daniel! Are you home?!" I yelled and there was silence.
"Daddy! Are you home?! Diana yelled and still no silence.
"Hmm. I'm guessing he's not home yet." I said.
"Maybe he's stuck in traffic." Daisy said.
"Yeah maybe." I said.
My husband Daniel works as a photographer and was sent to New Orleans for a wedding. Daniel was supposed to come back home today. He normally calls someone if something was wrong but he didn't.
"Let me call him." I said
I picked up my phone and called Daniel but didn't get an answer.
"Did daddy answer ma?" Diana asked.
"Did you hear her talking to him?" Donna asked.
"No." Diana said.
"Then there's your answer." Donna said.
"Maybe his phone died and he forgot to charge it." Daisy said.
"Maybe. If he's not home tonight I'll try and call him again." I said.
"Ok." Daisy said.
Soon it got dark and I called Daniel again but didn't get an answer.
"What are you gonna do ma?" Daisy asked.
"I'm gonna call grandma and ask if she heard anything from him." I said.
"Alright, let's hope that she heard anything from him." Daisy said.
I dialed my mother-in-law's number and called her.
"Hello." Desiree said.
"Hi Desiree." I said.
"Daniella, how nice it is to speak to you. How are you doing?" Desiree asked.
"I'm doing good. Thanks for asking. How are you?" I asked.
"I'm doing ok. So what made you call me?" Desiree asked.
"I was wondering when you last spoke to Daniel?" I asked.
"I spoke to him before he went to New Orleans. Why?" Desiree asked.
"Because he was supposed to come home today and he didn't. I tried calling him and he didn't answer." I said.
"Oh no. My poor baby." Desiree said.
"Yeah and I'm starting to get worried. What should I do?" I asked.
"I think you should wait 24 hours and then report it to the police." Desiree said.
"Ok thanks." I said.
"Just keep in touch with me if you hear anything from him. This is usually not like him." Desiree said.
"Alright. Thank you for your help." I said.
"Anytime. Bye." Desiree said.
"Bye." I said and then hung up the phone.
"So, what did grandma say?" Daisy asked.
"Grandma said to report it to the police after we wait 24 hours." I said.
"But we shouldn't wait. We should tell the police now. This is really serious." Daisy said.
"I know but the rule is we should wait 24 hours. His phone is probably dead and he probably forgot about his charger." I said.
"Ok." Daisy said sadly.
"But don't worry we'll find him." I said and then Daisy gave me a hug.
"Alrighty." Daisy said.
"So, what are you going to do now?" Daisy asked.
"I'm just gonna continue the day and hope that he comes home." I said.
In the evening
"Kids, come downstairs it's time for dinner!" I yelled.
"We're coming!" Donna yelled.
5 minutes later they came down the stairs and we began eating.
"Yummy chicken nuggets and fries." Diana said.
"Yup. That's all we're having." I said.
"So, when is daddy coming home?" Diana asked.
"I have no idea." I said.
"Did you call him?" Diana asked.
"Yeah but he didn't answer." I said.
"Oh." Diana said.
"Now let's eat out dinner. We have school tomorrow." I said.
After we finished dinner we cleaned up, the kids went upstairs to get ready for bed and then I went upstairs to my room to watch tv while getting ready for bed.
"Hello, welcome to channel 7 news. There has been a murder in New Orleans at a wedding." The news reporter said.
I stopped what I was doing and looked at the tv.
"Here is the list of the victims." The news reporter said.
I looked at the list and saw my husband as one of the victims. I turned off the tv and sat on my bed hoping that it wasn't true.
"My husband is not dead. My husband is not dead. My husband is not dead." I kept repeating to myself until I heard the doorbell ring.
I went downstairs to open up the door and I saw three policemen.
"Hello, are you the wife of Daniel Wrestling?" The police officer asked.
"Yes, I am." I said.
"Well then... we're sorry for your loss." The police officer said with a grave look on his face.
I got on my knees and started sobbing.
"Again we are very sorry for your loss." The police officer said.
"Mommy?" Diana asked.
I turned around wiping my tears away and saw Diana standing on the stairs.
"Yes baby." I said.
"What's going on?" Diana asked.
"Umm can you do me a favor?" I asked.
"Sure. What is it?" Diana asked.
"Can you go upstairs and grab my phone off of my bed please?" I asked.
"Yeah." Diana replied.
When Diana gave me my phone I told her to go back up to her room and then I called my mother in law who lives close by.
"Hello." Desired said.
"Hi Des." I said.
"Daniella, did you hear anything from Daniel?" Desiree asked.
"I need you to get to the house asap." I said.
"Oh ok. Is everything ok?" Desiree asked.
"The police are here." I said.
"Oh no this can't be good. I'll be on my way." Desiree said.
"Ok thanks." I said.
"See you soon." Desiree said.
"See ya." I said and then hung up.
About 10 minutes later I got off my knees and then Desiree showed up at my door.
"Hello officer." Desiree said.
"Hi. Do you have a relation to Daniel Wrestling?" The police officer asked.
"Yes. I'm his mother. What's the matter?" Desiree asked.
"I'm sorry for your loss." The police officer said with a grave look on his face.
"No. This can't be true." Desiree said.
"Yes it is." I said in a sad tone.
"What happened?" Desiree asked.
"I was watching the news and there was a murder in New Orleans and Daniel was one of the victims." I said.
"Oh no my baby. No, not my poor little baby boy." Desiree said in a sad and slow tone.
"Again we are very sorry for your loss. We'll call you if we have any more information on the situation. Have a safe night." The police officer said and then left.
"Did you tell the kids yet?" Desiree asked.
"No, but Diana came downstairs and saw me on the floor." I said.
"Oh. She was probably wondering what was going on." Desiree said.
"Yeah she was. Come on in. I'll prepare us some tea and get warm milk and cookies for the kids." I said.
"Alright, thank you." Desiree said.
I prepared the tea, warm milk and cookies, brought it to the living room and went upstairs to grab the girls then came back to the living room.
"Grandma, I missed you." Diana said as she gave Desiree a hug.
"I missed you girls too." Desiree said.
"What are you doing here grandma? It's a school night. We have school tomorrow." Donna said.
"Ooh is that milk and cookies I see there?" Diana asked.
"Yes it is and it's even warm too. I know that you girls like this." I said.
"Why?" Daisy asked.
"Why what hun?" I asked.
"Why did you make this? You never made this. Daddy always made this. What's going on?" Daisy asked.
I sighed.
"Girls, we have some news to tell you." I said.
"Sure what is it? You can tell us anything." Diana said.
"Thanks Di. Anyway we found out what happened to your father." I said.
"What happened?" Donna asked.
"Your father has become an angel now and will be watching over you girls from now on." I said.
Daisy gasped.
"He died?" Daisy questioned.
"Yes, he's dead." I said.
"No, this can't be happening." Daisy said and then ran away.
"Oh dear. This must be very hard on her." Desiree said.
"It is. She's a daddy's girl." I said.
"How did he die?" Donna asked.
"I have no clue." I said.
"So can he see our every move now?" Diana asked.
"Yes he can. He will be protecting you from all the bad things in the world." I said.
"So, are we going to school tomorrow?" Donna asked.
"It's up to you girls. Do you girls wanna go?" I asked.
"No." Donna and Diana said.
"Ok. You girls don't have to go." I said.
"Yay no school!" Diana yelled excitedly.
"Now drink your milk and cookies. I'm gonna go talk to your sister." I said as I took a glass of warm milk and two cookies then left.
In Daisy's room
"Daisy, I brought you some milk and cookies." I said.
"I don't want it." Daisy said sadly.
"Honey, I know exactly how you feel. Losing a loved one is very sad but we will always be together. You are not alone because remember your father is watching over you and you have people to talk to." I said.
"Thanks mom. I feel better already." Daisy said and then gave me a hug.
"Do you want your milk and cookies now?" I asked.
"Of course." Daisy said and then ate her milk and cookies.
"Do you have any more questions?" I asked.
"Are we going to school tomorrow?" Daisy asked.
"No. I think I'm gonna keep you guys out until after the funeral." I said.
"Ok." Daisy said.
"Now let's go say goodnight to grandma." I said.
"Is she spending the night here?" Daisy asked.
"I don't know. Do you want her to?" I asked.
"Yeah it's too late for her to go back home. She can sleep on the couch." Daisy said.
"Ok." We can make that happen." I said.
"Can you make us cinnamon rolls for breakfast tomorrow?" Daisy asked.
"Yeah I can make that." I said.
"Yay. Thank you." Daisy said.
"No problem. Now come on, let's go." I said and then we left Daisy's room.
Word Count: 2011
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