Reid Hollows - Task One
User: 1RandomPerson1
I woke up to the sound of my baby brother screaming-again. I grunted loudly so my father would very much hear. "Come on Reid get up. You need to get ready for that slack school your going to." My father said.
"Yay." I said sarcastically.
"Well after the school year I will give you some money and you don't have to come back. Deal?" He asked. "No son of mine goes to Carter Hollow."
"Ouch." I faked.
I say up and smashed my head on the roof. My little sister laughed. I grunted once again.
I climbed down from the bunk bed.
"And once again I've slept in." I smashed my hands on the table. "Ow."
I looked around for my uniform. "There it is." I picked it up and walked into the bathroom.
I pulled it on and looked in the mirror. "No no no." I moaned. There was paint all over my face.
I grabbed a washer and scrubbed my face. "Not today." I said.
After 15 minutes of scrubbing my face it all came off. "Come on Reid. You don't want to be too late." My dad knocked on the door.
"Coming." I opened the door and put my shoes on.
I went back into my room and looked for my suitcases.
My dad beeped the horn. "The bags are already in the car. Have a good time." My other sister said.
I rolled my eyes and walked out to the car. I plonked inside and put seatbelt on. I saw my bags in the backseat.
We drove towards the school. It had always been a personal dream to get into Carter Hollow ever since I'd heard about it. But my father despises the school for unknown reasons.
I drifted off into a daydream and before I knew it we were at the gates. They opened slowly. "Look at it." My father pulled a rather sour face.
"Can you at least be happy for me for once?" I asked.
My dad shrugged his shoulders. "Come on you need to go."
I nodded and got out of the car. I got my bags and walked up the stairs of the grand school.
There was silence. Not a single student walking through the halls.
"Hello?" I looked around.
I heard a scream. At first I was slightly taken aback but I ran in the direction of the scream. I saw students crying and some just siting in silence. I was confused until I saw the yellow crime scene tape.
"Wow." I gasped.
No longer was a confused but worried. Highly worried. "Um what happened?" I asked the principle.
"If only I knew." He replied shuffling away.
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