Police Escort - Task Two
"How many dead?" The voice questions, their sharp tone blaring through my phone.
"Three, only two were murders though."
"Supposedly." I sigh, rubbing my palm over my forehead wearily.
"Yeah, supposedly, the police have reopened the Trevino case to see if they can find a connection to Beth Rose and Matthew Jackson."
"When did the third take place?" I clench my jaw, remembering the vivid scene clearly in my head and cringing.
"Last night." I respond, hesitance making my voice sound shaky.
"That's three deaths in the span of one week, Carter Hollow is one incident away from shutting down."
"No!" I snap, a spike of alarm erupting through my tone. The voice on the other end falls silent for several seconds. Then my uncle gives a heavy sigh, the noise making the phone crackle for a moment.
"Arabella, I can't allow teenagers to keep getting murdered! That's why I've set up a deal with the local police force. They've got some graduated officers fresh from the academy that they want to place on campus at all times."
"Arabella, shut up." He growls, his tone dropping drastically, I clamp my jaw shut and bite the inside of my lip until I taste blood. Anger threatened to explode through every ounce of my being. I didn't trust cops, they'd failed me once before and they'd only get in the way now.
"Look Ari, the community is getting restless. The murders need to stop and these cops may be able to scare the murderer out into the open. So from this point forward, no student or staff member goes ANYWHERE without a police escort."
"I don't care if they're walking from the dorms to the bathrooms or from classes to the café. I want cops all around them. Curfew is at eight o'clock, no later, and dammit Ari! Do your job and observe them! Find that killer!" I jerk, holding the phone away from my ear as my uncle's deep voice sends shockwaves through my eardrum. I bite my lip and sigh heavily as the call abruptly ends, leaving me in the cold embrace of empty silence.
I run my hand through my hair wearily, my entire body sagging under the pressure put on me by so many different people. I wasn't cut out for this; not after them.
"Arabella!" A bellowing voice calls, I turn and glance down the long hallway to see Adam gesturing me into his office. A pair of police officers stride in first and a shiver of dread travels down my spine.
"Coming." I grumble, rubbing my face with my fingers and childishly popping my cheeks. This was going to be a long day, I could feel it.
"What?" I wonder as I step into the now occupied office as Adam closes the door. Adam shrugs one shoulder and jerks his gaze toward the two men dressed in uniform. Their eyes travel between Adam and I before settling on me.
"Arabella Blackwell, I presume?" One asks, his voice low and quiet.
"Yes, that's me."
"The academy will be sending over a bus load of officers very shortly, I'd like to know where they'll be staying." I raise an eyebrow, confusing etching itself into my face.
"We were told they'd be staying on campus." I glance over my shoulder at Adam's shocked expression.
"What officers?" He snaps, stepping forward slightly. I slump my shoulders forward, too tired to stand up straight any longer.
"The ones my uncle has decided to place on campus." Adam's frown deepens and he crosses his arms over his chest in frustration. He looks as if he wants to say something else but I hold up one finger and turn toward the officers.
"Look, we'll make room in the dorms. A few on each floor spread out between student dorms so they can keep an eye out. Is that all?" The officer pinches his lips together and puffs out his chest, clasping his hands behind his back.
"No, we have a new lead and we'd like to speak to some people on campus. Our autopsy report discovered a fingerprint on Beth Rose's body. We're going to need to speak to Bryn Hafer. Also, we'd like to question Lily Le again since she was the one who found Matthew Jackson's body."
"As for Arthur Knightgale, the man you called us about, we can hold him for the next twenty-four hours to see if we can find something to charge him with. But after that, I'm afraid he's free to do as he wishes." Adam rubs his hand over his chin, a displeased expression on his face.
"I don't think you need to hold Arthur, though I do feel as if he should be watched. I think we should just give him a constant police escort for the next twenty-four hours. As for Bryn and Lily, I can call them to my office but I'd like the interrogations to happen with either Arabella or myself present. Whether we are in the room or behind a one way window, I don't care." He demands, leaving absolutely no room for argument in his tone.
"I think that can be arranged." The second officer speaks in response to Adam; it was just after lunch so both Bryn and Lily would be in class now.
"Can't we wait until after class?" I wonder but the look Adam throws me gives me all the answer I need. The principal nods and walks over to his desk and picks up the phone. He presses a button and his voice begins to boom throughout the building, echoing over the campus and other buildings as well.
"Bryn Hafer and Lily Le will you please report to the principal's office, thank you." Adam says gruffly and sets the phone down hard, few seconds pass before Gabby pokes her head in the door.
"Adam?" She asks, her eyes widening slightly when she sees me and the officers.
"There's a bunch of police officers standing outside..." Her gaze swirls around the room one more time. "What should I do with them?" She asks quietly. Adam drops his head back and stares at the ceiling, the weight of the situation taking a heavy toll on him.
"I'm coming, you can handle this right Ari?" He asks, I nod as he and Gabby leave the office to show our new guests their rooms. Once the door clicks shut, I turn toward the officers and resist the urge to sneer.
They were young and lively. The way they held themselves told me they thought they knew everything and that they'd probably never seen real action in their lives. They were dumb and inexperienced. But clearly, they didn't think so.
The door opens again and Jane walks in with a cute enough looking boy and a pretty yet tired girl trailing behind her. Bryn and Lily both looked scared shitless; Lily had purple bags under her eyes and played subconsciously with her fingers while Bryn held this wild, anxious look in his eyes that instantly made me wonder.
"What are we doing here?" Bryn questions, standing up just a bit taller. Lily nods her head quickly, resembling that of a bobble head, and hugs her arms to her chest. Jane lets the door click shut and stands in front of it, trapping the two teens between us four adults.
Each officer places a hand on their cuffs and steps toward the duo. Both Lily and Bryn step away, seeking comfort in each other as they stand side to side, shoulders touching.
"We have some questions for you both. You'll have to come down to the station with us, there we'll call your parents." One says and Lily bursts into tears, her hands coming up to cover her face. Bryn gulps thickly and tucks his hands into his pockets.
"No, I'm not going anywhere." He snaps, putting on a brave face. One officer raises an eyebrow and plucks the cuffs from his belt.
"Yes, you are." The cop steps toward Bryn who pulls back just one step before passing both Jane and I a fearful look as the cuffs click around his wrists. Lily gives a shrill shriek and lunges at Jane who dodges in the last second. The second cop darts forward, hugging the girl to him with her arms caught behind her back. And with that, both are led from the office with me trailing behind the cops.
"Where are you going?" Jane asks me half way down the hall.
"Adam wants one of us there during the interrogations and since he's busy..." I drop off and Jane nods knowingly. She walks with us to the door but stays behind when the officers lead Bryn and Lily to their cars and I jog over to my rental, trying not to break a heel in the process.
The cops place Bryn and Lily in the back of their cars and turn the lights on, but leave the sirens off. I jam my key into the ignition and follow the cop cars as they pull out onto the street.
This was going to be interesting.
HELLO EVERYONE! :D So, in my version the murder of Matthew Jackson has already happened. But you can write about it if you'd like. This task takes place six or so days after Beth was killed. It's a Monday.
So, this week's task is a police escort. They are everywhere and you are being watched. Write about it. How do you get around them? Or are you caught doing something bad? Be creative. You have until June 9th!
Use detail and involve other participants. Feel free to collaborate.
8Umbra, you have a constant police escort since most people do not believe you to be innocent.
CraZCanuck and FindTheSilverLining, you both have special tasks! CraZCanuck, you have been accused of Beth Rose's murder and FindTheSilverLining, you have been accused of the murder of Matthew Jackson. These special tasks will be due June 10th!
"The Painter", you still have not killed.
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