Lily Le - Special Task
User: FindTheSilverLining
I open the door of the shed and step into something sticky. The stench of iron is very strong and I know that what I am stepping in is old blood. But I don't have the time to think about that. It is already past curfew and if I am found walking around campus with Clove's weed, there is no doubt I will get in a hell lot of trouble. I have to get rid of it fast.
The shed is dark, so I have to feel my way around. My hands brush over various objects on shelves. Suddenly, I stumble on something. I look down and see that Matthew Something-or-other, his face illuminated by the moonlight which shines through the small shed window....
He is staring up at me and his mouth opens up to speaks. "Bryn Hafer and Lily Le, will you please report to the principals office, thank you."
Some idiot kicks my chair, which causes me to hit my face on the desk.
"Thanks a lot, f*** face. I'm awake now."
I wait for some sort of retort from the kid behind me or a scolding from the teacher, but it never arrives. The silence is quite unnerving, and I look up. All around the room, multiple pairs of eyes look straight at me. It is just so silent in the room and the eyes seem to be trying to bore holes into my body. Looking at my clothes, staring at the back of my neck. Examining my face for any signs of emotion. It takes a while, but it finally registers itself into my brain. I feel my throat tighten and my chest constrict. A sharp uncomfortable feeling in my gut makes itself known. I'm a suspect. How troublesome. I can't stand it in this room anymore, so I jump out of my seat as fast as I can and run out of the classroom.
Apparently I wasn't watching where I was going and the moment I find myself in the hallway, I bump into someone. They quickly push me away, and it is then that I see their face. Bryn Hafer. The kid in sophomore year. Bryn looks down at me and gives a disapproving tut before continuing on his way to the office. Where I am supposed to head as well. So I follow.
As we walk into the principals office, a rush of cold air meets out skin. I hear the click of the door as some lady who's name I don't care to remember shuts the door behind us.
I count. More adults that kids, obviously. I stare at Principal Bennet and The Black Witch. Those two alone annoy the hell out of me. Your typical authority figures. Then the officers. Cowards who hide behind their little badge and gun. If they didn't have that with them, I don't think they would have been much. But I could be wrong.
Maybe if I play stupid and innocent, they will dismiss me. I don't really want to deal with anybody at the moment.
Bryn speaks up. "What are we doing here?" I quickly nod like the fragile idiot they expect me to be.
Two officers step forward holding cuffs. I move back, a bit closer to Bryn. For a second, I guess that I did feel a little comfort being next to a fellow victim. Like they say, you feel safe in numbers.
"We have some question for you both. You'll have to come down to the station with us. There we'll call your parents." One of the officers speak. My hands fly up to cover my face in an instant, and I begin to wail. Between my fingers, I see Bryn puff his chest out a bit and stand a bit taller, the way a bird would. "I'm not going anywhere" He replies with a steady voice. However, the officer advances, and Bryn ends up having his wrists cuffed.
No point in keeping up the act. At this moment, I shriek and lunge at that stupid woman blocking the door. Standing there, making it inconvenient for me. She really makes me pissed off. She dodges me at the last minute and I realize that I have made a mistake. I am grabbed from behind, and the next few minutes pass by quickly as I find that I am cuffed by an officer. They proceed to lead us out of the building.
We have arrived. I watch from the window as Bryn is taken into the building, probably for interrogation. I sigh as I am helped out of the car and lead to the same fate.
I sit in one chair, the officer in the other. Table in between us. The only thing stopping me from wrapping my hands around his neck are the goddamn handcuffs. I wonder, if I didn't have these handcuffs now, how would he react if I tried to attack him. Just wrap my long fingers around that fleshy neck of his. I was always curious about survival instincts in people. How they would act when they have nothing to protect them other than their own bare hands. What would they do to keep alive. It was just something I liked to think about in my spare time.
The Black Witch who was standing in the corner spoke up with some force. "You know why you're here. Start talking." She looks at me from afar with a boiling hatred, watching me like an animal.
I pop my knuckles and chuckle for a dramatic effect. "Nope. Humour me."
Blackwell's face turns red and she looks like she is about to yell out some profanities. The officer quickly begins explaining to avoid that. "Several students have noticed that you have been behaving strangely. One had reported you sneaking off campus only two days ago. Then there is the fact that you were wandering campus after curfew. Normally, anyone would be afraid to go out at night especially with a murderer around. Unless you are the murderer. And on top of this, you happen to conveniently find the victim on your little stroll. So just cut the crap and tell us the truth kid. Did you murder these people in cold blood?"
I yawn. "I thought that idiot police officers and stupid questions only existed in cliché TV shows." I lean forward. "Do you think that if asked the 'murderer' question, anyone would say yes? I don't honestly believe you care what I claim, but I might as well say it for the heck of it. No I didn't touch that all-brawn-no-brain Matthew Jackson."
"Lies!" Blackwell the Witch points her finger at me. "Only a murderer would keep their composure the way you do. Your kind are sick!"
"Correction. I am behaving the way I do because as of now, you have no evidence that I committed a crime of any sort. Like they say, you are innocent until proven guilty. I am in no danger."
"Then what were you doing out last night? You have a chance to provide evidence to prove that you are not the killer." Mrs. Blackwell watches me like a hawk as I reply.
"I don't think you will be surprised by this news, since you were once a teenager, but like any other school, there are students that have access to weed. I accidentally came across someone's little stash and decided to mess with them by getting rid of it. The identity of the student is unknown to me, but I can prove that was what I was doing last night. There is a tampon box in the back of the middle shelf at the left side of the shed. Genuine contents are hidden inside."
I notice Mrs. Blackwell turns to face the wall and clench her fists. I examine her face and I think that for a second, a some strange facial expression appears on her face. At that moment, she looked rather distant, as if she wasn't really all here. As if her mind was living somewhere else. Not really paying attention to what I said.
She turns back to look at me. "You realize I can have you expelled in an instant for breaking curfew. This is a serious matter and I will NOT have students cause trouble at this time! You could be endangering your life and the lives of the students and staff in this building! Assuming that you are who you say you are."
This is when I start to get nervous. They can't send me back. I can't go back home. To those stingy, mindless, money hoarding zombies. I really hate them. I sometimes wish that Mom and Dad would just curl up and die. I had them send me here so I could escape them. I swear I will kill myself if they send me back early.
Beads of sweat form on my forehead. "No. No, I really don't think we have to resort to that. I think that would be a very bad idea. Very bad. See, I'm not on the best terms with my parents at the moment." Mrs. Blackwell did not reply. She suddenly gained this certain gleam in her eye, and I couldn't help but think that she was starting to enjoy my discomfort.
"Okay. Okay fine. I'll TALK dammit! I'm really not the killer!"
Mrs. Blackwell finally speaks up. "You've got 10 minutes to start explaining. Make this fast."
"Obviously these are serial killings. The murderer probably plans to kill more victims. Well fine." I subconsciously start making hand gestures. "It only makes sense that after a couple of successful kills, they tend to get a bit lazy and careless. They don't clean up after themselves as well. Because secretly, they wish for a bit of fame. They want recognition. They have pride in what they do, and they think they do it well. They would probably even leave some kind of trademark-like clue."
Mrs. Blackwell's face is now crimson red. She walks up to the table and slams her giant meaty palms on the surface. "You think we couldn't figure something as simple as this?" I mutter a sarcastic yes. Mrs. Blackwell grabs the front of my shirt brings her face too close to mine. Shes so angry that I could feel the heat radiating from her face. "I want NAMES Le! Here, right now! Theories don't help us!NAMES DO! Say them loud and clear or I will expel you! And you don't seem to like that idea very much."
The idea of going back home is so terrifying that I can no longer keep my composure. It is really a living hell there and just thinking about it really makes me tear up. After only a few moments, tears are streaming down my face like my eyes were some kind of water faucet, and I am bawling like a disgusting animal.
"No please. Please don't send me back. I really don't know anything. I was just bullshitting. I really have no idea who it is. I will do anything. I promise. Just don't send me back. Please.
"NAMES! NOW!" Mrs. Blackwell shakes me a bit.
"I really don't know! I don't! Really! I'm sorry!" I bring my cuffed hands to my face to shield myself from her.
Mrs. Blackwell gives up and drops me back into my chair. Some time passes in silence. I would say a good fifteen minutes, but then again I am bad with time. I speak once more.
"For what its worth, I hope you find the killer. I wouldn't want to end up dead anymore than the next person."
But Mrs. Blackwell isn't listening. "Get her out of my sight."
Lily Le places her pen down and closes her pocket journal. She tucks the journal into her back pocket, stands up from her desk, and exits her dorm room. Outside waiting for her are two officers who escort her to the cafeteria for lunch.
Comment yes if you believe her.
Comment no if you don't.
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