Lights Out - Challenge Two
Another murder. Four deaths. This was getting out of control.
"Gather everyone up in the theater." Adam snaps as he passes me in the hall. It'd only been an hour since we'd discovered the third body. Apparently, Joules had been killed sometime last night after curfew. Despite the influx of police officers, no one had seen anything.
Taking a sharp left turn, I head toward Adam's office and make an announcement over the speakers. My voice resonates throughout every building and echoes over the campus grounds. Soon, I see clusters of staff members, students, and straggling officers traveling toward the theater building numbly. Satisfied, I lock Adam's office and make my way through the silent halls.
"Why always the theater?" A quiet voice wonders abruptly, setting my nerves on alert. I shriek and place my hand over my racing heart, glaring at Jane as she falls into step beside me.
"Because it's big and fits the entire school."
"Did you know there are tunnels under the theater? Like, under the stage and seating area?" She mumbles, eyes glazed over as she glances at me. I frown and pull my lower lip between my teeth, she was in shock.
"Yes Jane, I did know that. There are also tunnels in the walls behind the stage because this school used to host plays and the actors needed to get places fast. Are you okay?" I ask, pushing the front doors open. Jane looks at me and giggles.
"I'm great!" And she walks off, almost tripping down the stairs. I watch her leave, wondering what the hell just happened. As I descend the stairs, a cop car pulls up and Bryn, Lily, and an officer step out. They'd had to go back for more questioning.
"Miss Blackwell." The cop addresses, nudging the two kids on toward the front office.
"Where are you going?" I question, getting in their way. Bryn lifts his gaze to mine and gestures behind me.
"To see the principal." I shake my head and point toward the theater where a stream of individuals were stumbling over each other to get inside.
"What's going on?" Lily asks, eyes narrowed on the crowd.
"There's an assembly." I answer cryptically, starting toward the building with the officer, Lily, and Bryn on my heels.
"Was there another murder?" The officer inquires, placing a hand on his gun. I nod, watching Bryn's eyes widen and Lily's face pale.
"Last night, a girl named Joules."
"Is the school shutting down?" Bryn asks, my steps falter and my breath hitches. Crap. What if that's what Adam wasn't telling me earlier?
"No, of course not." I snap, a little too quickly. Frustrated, a quicken my pace and stride into the theater. Students were spread out around the room, some were seated and others were pacing around with worrisome looks on their faces. Two of the tunnel doors had been pried open and kids were steadily disappearing within them. Officers tried to block their path but it wasn't really working.
I ignore it, probably not one of my brightest decisions, and push my way behind the stage. Adam was standing with Gabby, the two were caught up in a hushed conversation that I made a point of interrupting.
"May I speak with you?" I wonder, grasping ahold of Adam's arm and pulling him away from Gabby. He pauses mid sentences and gives me an annoyed look.
"No, you can't." He snaps back, wrenching his arm free from my grasp. I roll my eyes and block him into a corner behind a rack of costumes.
"Is the school shutting down? Is that what you wouldn't tell me?" Adam raises one eyebrow and shakes his head, a horrified expression on his face.
"No, no way. But, it's been confirmed that there is more than one murderer on campus." I give a sigh of relief and frown.
"I already knew that." I say, suddenly bored. Adam scowls and crosses his arms.
"Well I didn't."
"Adam!" Gabby calls, the principal looks over my shoulder and seems to communicate with her without any words. Without warning, he walks off and I'm left standing by myself. Huffing, I pull my hand through my curls and watch as Adam walks out onto the stage. He tries futilely to calm everyone down as students scattered into the tunnels, officers scampered after them, and staff members tried to block the remaining students in. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch a pair of kids disappear into a hole in the wall.
"Hey!" I call, starting after them. They spare me a shocked look and dash into the dimly lit tunnel. Dreadfully, I duck into the tiny space and follow the heavy foot beats against the concrete floor. A sour stench fills my nose and a heavy dampness descends upon my shoulders, instantly causing my hair to frizz up. Giggling echoes from up ahead.
"Hey!! Get back here! No one should be down here!" I yell, coming to a cross road of tunnels and staring at the three choices helplessly. Where was I supposed to go? Choosing one randomly, I glance up at the sputtering, age old lighting and sigh when one abruptly goes out. Followed by more and more and finally, I seem to be in complete darkness.
A cacophony of screams erupt from behind me and I whirl around, peering anxiously into the darkness. The hairs on my neck stand on end and a shiver of terror slithers down my spine. I take a few experimental steps backward when a loud bang sounds from the other end. Shrieking, I jerk my head around and stare into darkness, feeling my hands shake. A sudden vibration begins in my pocket and I stumble back a step as my heart just about jumps into my throat.
"Hello?" I question, trying to hide the fear in my voice.
"Arabella?!" Adam snaps into the speaker, his voice anxious. "Where are you? Are you okay?" He snaps desperately. I frown and lean back into the wall, a terrible sensation settling in my gut.
"I'm fine, I followed a pair of kids into the tunnels. Where are you? Adam, what happened to the lights?"
"I don't know, I don't have any idea what's going on. I'm in the theater, on the stage." A series of screams bounce off the walls around me, echoing from several different directions at once.
"Arabella! What was that?" Adam shrieks and the shaking my hands spreads.
"I don't know..."
"Help me!" Someone screams, "They're trying to kill me!! Please!! Help!!!" A girl sobs from somewhere within the tunnels. My breath catches in my throat and I lurch backward, jogging slightly in a random direction.
"Adam, did you hear that?" I whisper, hearing the way my voice quivers.
"Yeah, Ari, get out of there."
"I can't! I don't know where I came from!" And a terrifying realization dawns on me.
I was going to die.
"Help me!" It comes again, but this time it sounds more distant and muffled.
"What was that?" I whisper into the receiver, Adam is silent for a long moment.
"They're in the theater too." He mutters, voice quivering just a bit.
"Then get out!" I snap, hearing Adam scuttle across the theater.
"I can't!" He retorts, pulling on the metal doors. "We're locked in."
Welcome contestants to the first massacre! Six to nine people will die in this round. And all murderers will be killing. So, you have one more chance to give me an entry or I'm killing you.
For this challenge, you need to write as if you're witnessing the murders. Except, you can't see them. You can just hear them happening. So, are you stuck in the tunnels when the lights go out or are you in the crowd still in the theater? What are you feeling? Are you alone or with your friends?
You don't know who is being killed and neither do I. The murderers will write their scenes after everyone has had a chance to give me an entry. And once the due date has passed, I will choose the victims.
Also, do not give me a tiny paragraph. Write!!
No special tasks this week.
You have until June 27th!
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