Leonidas Ramirez - Task Three
User: KnightoftheRealm
Shucks. The lights are out again.
Just like in the auditorium yesterday, the power shuts off. One moment I'm looking at my friends, the next pitch darkness. Screams and shouts rise around us. I feel more than see people rushing away from me, heading or the thin sliver of light that marks the doors outside.
"Ari--Dani--Adam--Joan--are you there!?" My desperate yell coincides with the appearance of a pool of light that spills over a figure standing still among the figures running to the doors. Three ghostly-looking faces look back at me in the little light that reaches this far, reflecting the unease I feel.
"Where's Joan?" Adam cries, distraught that his cousin is missing.
"She was next to me a second ago," Danielle says. "I think she headed for the exits with everyone else." She points to the dark mass of churning figures. "We've got to get out of here. I don't want to be dead. Remember the auditorium, when the lights went out?" She shudders. "I don't want to end up as freaky 'art.'"
"Safety in numbers," Adam says. "If we head to the main exits, we'll get separated by the crowd."
"I saw an emergency exit when I got water," Ariadne suggests. "It's next to the lockers."
We grab out bags and go, sprinting down the hallway as the lights come on, heading for the glowing red exit sign. Dani reaches the door first but she thuds loudly into something. An "Oof!" is heard, then she and the figure hit the floor.
Adam and I pin the person down while Danielle helps Ariadne up.
"Guys! Stop--it's me," the person whispers. Looking at his face, I realize it's my cousin. "Let's just get out of here. I'll answer your question later--it's not safe here."
Looking over my shoulder, I nod mutely and hustle him out the door to the quad. The humid fresh air hits me like a wall. It's a welcome relief after breathing cold, sweaty air for hours. Never has the sky looked so vibrant, or the manicured lawn so beautiful.
I'm drawn out of my reverie by Bryn's hurried explanation for his presence. He had the same idea to escape as we did, but for a horrifying reason.
"I found Edan Morez in the locker room, Leo. He's dead too." Bryn's face contorts in grimace of grief, and Ariadne lets out a horrified gasp. "I found him when I went to use the restroom. He--his body was on the floor. His wrists were slit as if he'd killed himself."
I reach out to pat Bryn's back to comfort him, but my gesture seems empty and meaningless compared with the horror he's witnessed. "I left as the lights went out. I didn't know if the killer was still around, so I headed for the nearest exit. "
"I'm pretty sure the school is going to close now," Danielle chimes in. "With so many murders, there's no way it can keep running."
"What should we do next?" Adam asks. "I don't think the police can protect us any more."
"We need to protect ourselves," Ariadne says grimly.
I take a pen and notebook from my pocket, ready to jot down what we need.
Adam's face lights up. "We could get a fort! Finding a place to use as home base would make it easier for us to survive until the killer's caught and we can go home."
Heads bob in agreement. "Any suggestions?"
Various places are called out, but dismissed because of size or lack of food. Finally, Bryn speaks up. "What about a dorm? It has windows, is small enough to defend, and has enough space to fit us comfortably."
"Great suggestion," I say, "but whose dorm? Remember, food and weapons are our priority." No one seems to have more than a few snacks, and no weapons either.
"What about my dorm?" I suggest.
Bryn nods his consent. "My sports equipment could be used as weapons. As for food, well, Leo has a bag, box, and fridge full."
"Looks like Leo is a glutton and a nerd," Danielle quips. The tension breaks, and a few smiles appear.
"Sure Dani," I return,"but I'm a glutton that'll save your bacon." Ariadne punches me in the shoulder for my awful attempt at a joke. Scowling, I speak again. "If you have anything you want to bring over, we'll stop by your rooms on our way to Weathersby Hall. Stick together no matter what."
We arrive at Weathersby Hall two hours after we left the gym. Watching for the Painter cost us time, but at least we didn't end up dead. Entering my room, we dump our bags by the door. Bryn locks the door and we shove our couch against it, while Adam adds the desk for good measure.
The girls head into the bedroom. "Come here, guys," Ariadne calls a few minutes later. The three of us enter, and I my eyes widen in shock. Spread out on my bed are a few Tasers, bulletproof vests, a gun, and extra ammunition.
"Where'd you get that?" Adam asks breathlessly.
"Do you guys remember Beth Rose? The first girl killed? She was my roommate." Ariadne stops for a minute, a sorrowful look in her eyes. "When the police arrived, they took over her area of the room and used it as a place to store their weapons. They usually leave everything locked up tight, but we got lucky today."
"Food, water, weapons," Bryn counts off. "It looks like we'll get out of this school after all."
An exuberant grin crosses my face. "My feelings exactly," I add. Despite my joy, I try push down the little seed of hope sprouting in my chest.
I fail miserably.
We spend the rest of the afternoon making plans and preparing ourselves. Two of us patrol the floor every hour, and we've set up early warning systems at the elevator and stairs made from knickknacks and yarn. Bryn, Danielle, and Ariadne are fashioning makeshift weapons with anything useful, while I'm trawling the Internet for news.
By the time night rolls around, we're ready. We're alert, armed, and prepared. There's no way any of us are dying tonight.
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