Danielle Wilde - Task Three
User: Robyn63xo
One minute my friends and I are completely fine and weren't worrying about getting killed. The next minute the lights go out and my ears are filled with screams of terror and panic. At that moment I must've jumped ten feet in the air out of fright. As I landed I grabbed onto the nearest thing, which so happened to be an arm. I don't know who's, but I wasn't letting go. The reason was because I hated not being able to see in the dark and I was afraid I'd be left all alone.
That's when we were all brought back to reality. There's been countless murders and still no luck in figuring out who the murderer is. By now all our minds are focused back on knowing their was at least one murder among us, possibly two and we didn't know if we'd be their next victim.
"Ari, Dani, Adam, Joan, are you there!?" I hear Leo call out, who sounds close by. His yell is followed by an appearance of light only slightly illuminating our worried and scared faces. Looking back at us with the same expression of worry and and fear whirling around in his eyes.
I can now see that I had grabbed a hold of Adams arm. Now that I can somewhat see I drop my hold, feeling slightly bad for the tight grip I had on his arm. Our heads snap up towards his direction as he shouts out.
"Where's Joan?" You can hear the worry and distraught in his voice as we all don't see her close by.
"She was next to me a second ago." I say, also starting to worry even more. Joan is my best friend and now I don't know if she's safe. "I think she headed for the exits with everyone else." I tell him pointing towards the dark group of scrambling figures, but aren't to sure if that's what she actually did
"We've got to get out of here. I don't want to be dead. Remember the auditorium, when the lights went out?" I say with a shudder the whole murder thing finally getting to me since I'm letting my fear show for the first time. "I don't want to end up as freaky 'art.'" I say cringing at the thought of it.
"Safety in numbers, if we head to the main exits we'll get separated by the crowd." Adams says speaking up much more calmer than before.
Ariadne steps forward. "I saw an emergency exit when I got water, it's next to the lockers." She suggests.
It's our best bet I think to myself. We all silently agree before we go sprinting down the hallway barely lit towards the big red sign. Pushing and fighting our way through the crowd of terrified teens and dodging flaring arms.
I'm the first one there, but just as I reach out for the door I crash into someone breathing heavily. I squeak out a small scream as I'm knocked off my feet to the ground, landing hard with an "oof."
Leo and Adam quickly pin the guy down as Ariadne helps me up off the cold hard floor.
"Guys stop, it's me!" The person whispers shouts. I looked towards the boy and know that I've seen him around before. "Let's just get out of here. I'll answer your questions later, it's not safe here." He tells us.
I can't help but snort at that statement. "Noo, you don't say." I call out to him sass dripping from every word. He gives me a glare and I hold my hands up in mock surrender with a small smirk showing him I was just kidding. His glare fades and turns to a small smile.
"Come on guys." Leo calls as we all rush outside. Fresh air greats me and I can't help but feel a bit relieved. Being stuck in there for god knows how long was a pain in the butt as everyone was crowded and sweaty in the hot room.
Bryn starts talking as promised as soon as we reach the edge of the grass. "I found Edan Morez in the locker room, Leo. He's dead too." Bryn says as his face is filled with pain and grief. Ariadne lets out a horrified gasp while I stand in shock. Processing that another murder has been made. He continues to speak looking down at the ground. "I found him when I went to use the restroom. He--his body was on the floor. His wrists were slit as if he'd killed himself." I cringed as I picture the sight, I was never good with blood. Leo reaches out to pat Bryn on the back for comfort. "I left as the lights went out. I didn't know if the killer was still around, so I headed for the nearest exit." Bryn finishes.
We all fall silent for a moment trying to process it all. We now know that this is serious and we need to escape this nightmare.
"I'm pretty sure the school is going to close now, with so many murders, there's no way it can keep running." I say, hoping that we can finally get out of this mess, but also worrying about my scholarship here. I worked so hard for nothing. I shake my head of the thought, it was more important to get out safe right now or else I might not even have a future, never mind the scholarship!
"What should we do next?" Adam questions looking around.
"I don't think the police can protect us any more. We need to protect ourselves." Ari says and I agree. We can't wait around thinking we'll be saved by Superman or Batman, it's time that we fight back.
I watch as Leo takes out a pen and notebook from his pocket. I hold back my snort and smart remark about who carries around a notebook in their pocket by covering it up with a cough, which he seems to not hear or choses to ignore it.
"We could get a fort! Finding a place to use as home base would make it easier for us to survive until the killer's caught and we can go home." Adam suggest his face lightening up a bit.
We all nod in agreement liking the sound of his plan.
"Any suggestions?" Leo asks getting ready to jot down what we may need.
"The music hall?" She asks, but it's denied as theirs no food.
"What about a cafeteria?" I suggest knowing they'll be food there.
"Too big."
Other multiple places are called out, but are all dismissed seeming as their was always a disadvantage to it.
Bryn speaks up with a suggestion. "What about a dorm? It has windows, is small enough to defend, and has enough space to fit us comfortably."
Once again we all nod and murmur in agreement.
"Great suggestion," Leo says liking the idea, "but whose dorm? Remember, food and weapons are our priority." As silence fills the air Leo speaks up again. "What about my dorm?" He asks.
All of us nod in approval.
"My sports equipment could be used as a weapons. As for food, well, Leo has a bag, box, and fridge full." Bryn tells us.
"Looks like Leo is a glutton and a nerd." I joke laughing which seemed to lift the mood a little.
Leo glares and fires a comeback. "Sure Dani, but I'm a glutton that'll save your bacon." Now I'm snorting with laughter as Ariadne punches him lightly in the arm at his attempt of a joke.
Scowling slightly Leo continues. "If you have anything you want to bring over, we'll stop by your rooms on our way the Weathersby Hall. Stick together no matter what.
After stopping at multiple rooms we're now at mine. Opening the door I pull Ariadne in quickly before shutting the door.
The boys continuously knock on the door and demand for me to open it. "We'll only be a minute." I call.
Quickly grabbing my extra backpack I brought with essentials, I emptied it out throwing in some snacks and supplies I thought would be useful. While quickly packing the burgundy backpack Ariadne sat on my bed staring into space, as I finish I sit down beside her.
"Hey, you okay?" I ask her. She turns to me with a sad look. "Dani, what happens if I lose one of you guys?" She questions painfully.
Looking towards my dorm window I can't lie, I've thought about losing them too, but I knew that being strong and positive would help for the both of us. "You won't Ariadne, we're gonna protect each other. Understand? No one gets left behind." I say pulling her in for a short hug trying to reassure her and myself as she nods into my shoulder.
"Okay I'm just changing out of this." I say pointing to my wrinkled uniform. Trust me, it was nice, but it sure wasn't comfortable.
Turning to my dresser I pulled out a pair of light grey sweats and a regular white v-neck t-shirt from a drawer. Not caring that Ariadne was there, because she's my cousin and we're both girls, I pulled off my blouse and threw the shirt on. Then pulled down my skirt and slipped the sweatpants on.
"Okay I'm ready." I say grabbing my backpack. Me and Ariadne walk out my dorm to see the guys leaning against the wall, trying to act casual but failing miserably.
They raise their eyebrows questioning my change of outfits. "What? I defensively say, while adding in. "I wasn't comfortable." innocently. Bryn and Leo shake their heads in amusement, while Adam lets out a low chuckle.
Lastly after mine we head to Ariadne's dorm.
I raise my eyebrows laughing. "Toilet paper?"
She shrugs with a look of an amusement in her eyes. "How long is one roll going to last for five people? We're going to need more."
"True." I say nodding my head.
As I wait she glances around the room looking to see if she's forgotten anything. As something catches her eyes she bends down beside her bed on her knees pulling out a box. Seeing the box had letter on it, I peered over her shoulder and seen that it read 'monopoly' and I can't help but smirk.
She shoves the box to me laughing I say. "Monopoly? Are you trying to destroy friendships?"
She rolls her eyes at me with a small grin. "I think we can handle it."
After that we get ready to leave, but she stops. I stop as well watching her. She's looking at the other side of the room where it's crossed off with the yellow tape. Watching her I was thinking that my innocent cousin wouldn't do it, but I think she surprises me and herself doing so.
The little dare devil stepped across the line and I gasp in shock. "Ari.." I'm about to speak when she cuts me off.
"I know, I know." She groans out.
I just watch her grab a couple of the supplies. "Okay let's go!" She cries out while racing out the door pulling me along with her.
As we make it out the boys wear impatient and irritated expressions as we make our way to Weathersby Hall, but they'll thank us later when they find out what Ariadne has.
Finally we've arrived at Weathersby Hall. Walking into Leo's dorm we drop our bags and get to work. We start off by barricading the door, by pushing a couch and desk up against it.
Me and Ariadne head into the bedroom and soon call the guys in. "Come here, guys." Ariadne says loud enough for them to hear. The three of them enter and their eyes widen in shock.
We had a few tasers, bullet proof vests, a gun, and the extra ammunition for it laying sprawled out on Leo's bed.
"Where'd you get that!?" Adam asks surprised.
Me and Ariadne smirk.
"Do you remember Beth Rose? The first girl killed? She was my roommate." Ariadne says before continuing. "When the police arrived, they took over her area of the room and used it as a place to store their weapons. They usually leave everything locked up tight, but we got lucky today." She finishes with a satisfying grin that me and her share.
"Food, water, weapons." Bryn counts off, "it looks like we're getting out of this school after all."
"My feelings exactly." Leo adds in with a grin on his face as well.
We spend the rest of our time planning and preparing what we'll need. We have two of us patrol the floor every hour for any danger. We've also set up early warning systems at the elevator and stairs.
By the time night comes we're prepared for what's to come. We're on high alert with armed weapons of all sorts we spent our time making. Hope rises inside me, knowing that maybe, just maybe we'll be lucky and get out unharmed.
I'm confident we won't be dying tonight, but maybe one of the murderers will.
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