Danielle Wilde - Challenge Three
User: Robyn63xo
An announcement was made moments ago telling all students to report to the gym for lockdown. I guess that still with a murderer or two on the loose they want to keep a close watch on us.
My thoughts were correct as once I enter the gym guards and teachers are watching students on high alert. The gym had no hiding spots and was a wide open space, meaning it'd be difficult to get away with a murder. Finally for once, I agree with the staffs decision.
Suddenly a sickening thought creeps into my mind. I haven't seen my cousin Ariadne for awhile and I hadn't kept up with who had been murdered. Starting to panic I knew I had to find her. If she was alive she'd be in here.
Pushing through people and rushing around for what seemed like forever, but in reality it was only about ten minutes, I spotted a familiar set of brown wavy hair and tall figure. Quickening my speed, I could see her figure tense and I wonder in confusion as I continue on my way. As she turns around I see relief wash over her face and the tension in her shoulders drop.
"Dani!" She shrieks out of surprise and happiness launching herself into my arms.
"Ari!" I shriek back laughing with a big smile on my face and pick her up into a giant hug in a tight embrace. I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief knowing she was still alive. She returns my tight hold, almost holding on like her life depended on it. She was like a little sister to me, I understood her inside and out like how she understood me. I'd don't know what I'd do if I had found out she was gone. She's family, and I'd do anything to protect her. I thought as I enjoyed this feeling.
I gave her one last tight squeeze before slowly letting her down with a small smile I could see tears start to slide down her cheeks and my smile instantly drops. I hated seeing people cry, especially Ari.
"Hey, it's okay." I say softly patting her back and wiping her tears away.
She shakes her head as the tears start to fall faster. "People are getting killed Dani! And I..well I'm scared, I'm scared I'm going to get killed or someone I care about is going to get killed."
My heart breaks at the sight of her like this. "It's okay to be afraid. Trust me, I'm scared too. I admit, which is a weird feeling for me, as I usually hide my fear and emotions. "Everyone is, but I'm not going to let anything happen to you understand?" I finish looking her in the eyes.
She nods her head in return with a faint smile tugging at her lips.
I smile pulling her into yet another hug. "Now, come on, dry up those tears and you can come sit with me and my friends." I say to help cheer her up.
She nods slowly into my shoulder taken deep breaths. Slowly she backs away wiping her eyes of any stray tears and takes ones last deep breath. "I'm okay now, I'm okay she says.
I look at her for a moment making sure she is before throwing my arm around her shoulder giving her a tight and reassuring squeeze and lead the way. "I'm so happy I found you though, you had me worried sick thinking something bad happened to you, but there you were and here we are!" I exclaim with relief.
She gives a low laugh. "I'm happy you found me too." She confesses giving me and smile which I return. She was honestly the best cousin and friend that I could ask for.
Finally making it through the crowded gym to one of the corners, "we're here!" I announce letting my arm drop off her shoulder to gesture out to the four people in front of me.
"Guys this is my cousin Ariadne!" I introduce her to my gang of friends as they look up.
"Ariadne, this is Adam I say pointing to a boy with blonde hair. This is Leonidas I say pointing to a boy with black hair who I recently became friends with. And the girl you see sleeping with dirty blonde hair is Joan, she's my best friend." I say finishing with the introductions.
Ariadne cheeks turn red in embarrassment. I laugh knowing she's always been a little shy at first. "Hi." She says shyly sounding a bit awkward.
My friends observe her for a moment before they all start speaking up and introducing themselves properly.
As Ariadne is getting to know the guys and warm up to them, I head over to Joan wondering how she could be sleeping at a time like this when she's usually out and about asking a whole bunch of questions.
Lightly shaking her I here her groan in protest and I have to hold back my laugh. "Come on Joni, wake up it's Dani." I say rubbing her back.
She rolls over, looking up at me looking exhausted and rubbing her tired eyes. I hold back a gasp and look at her in shock. I've never seen her like this, she's usually always happy or concentrated on doing something. "Joni are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?" I ask already knowing that's something wrong.
She shakes her head. "No not really..." She trails off before telling me about what happened. I couldn't help but feel bad as she went through all that. I nodded in understanding while giving her a hug.
"How about a friendly game of ball?" I ask to everyone. I hear everyone chorus a yes while Joni just shrugs.
"Come one Joni, it'll help get your mind off things? Maybe distract you for a little while?" I ask trying to convince her to let loose and have some fun.
She rolls her eyes and I know she's back to her old self. "Oh alright." She gives in with a laugh.
"Yay!" I scream out and fist bump the air while Joni and the gang laugh at my weird behaviour. I shrug and grab a ball that was left out. "So girls vs boys half court rule?" I ask with a smirk holding the ball up.
"You're on." Adam says.
"You're going down Adam." I laugh. "So are you Leo."
"First one to 60 points wins." I challenge.
I play point guard and Ariadne plays shooting guard since she's tall, while Joni plays a bit of both. Passing the ball into play for Ariadne the game starts.
Ariadne quickly dribbles up to the free throw line ducking around Leo's outstretched arm and passes it to Joan. Joan catches but growls as she's blocked by Adam. Ariadne opens up behind her, letting Joan play the ball back. Watching Leo go to block Ariadne it leaves me wide open. Bounce passing it to me, I go in for a layup ending with a point for the girls team.
"Woo!" Ari yells excitedly jumping over to hug me and I laugh, while Joan gives me a high five.
"It was a fluke." Leo said rolling his eyes.
"Oh yeah, I'd like to see you do better." I challenge with a smirk.
"We will." Adam declares.
As Adam dribbles the ball standing perfectly still he observes our defence form. Then suddenly he darts forward right past Ariadne almost knocking her and gives a long pass to Leo, which by the time me and Joni react has already shot the ball which soars through the netting.
They both look to us with a mocking smirk and Adam says. "Beat that."
As Ari puts the ball into play this time with a pass to me I notice that Joan seemed a bit out of it with a frown forming. "Joni!" I yell while whipping the ball in her direction snapping her out of it. She glares at me in return. "You'll pay for that." She says while focusing back on the game.
I could see Joan's eyes glow with challenge as her competitive side takes over. She dribbles quickly down the court avoiding Leo and Adams attempts at getting the ball.
"Here pass!" I here Ari yell and Joan passes it over. She leaps up to get it, but gets knocked down hard.
"Red card!" Joni yells and I look at her with my eyebrows raised and let out a giggle.
She smacks her head and groans as she realizes her mistake. "Sorry wrong game, I meant foul." She corrects herself.
Everyone laughs and soon we're all dying of laughter trying to catch our breath, even Joan joins our laughing fit at her mistake. After a couple good minutes our laughter finally dies down and I go over to help my cousin up. "You okay?" She nods with a smile giving me a thumbs up.
We continued playing for awhile and I got a couple of nice shots in considering soccer was my main sport.
The game was full on fun. Everyone was having a good time and enjoying each other's company, including Joan, but I reminded myself to talk to her later to make sure she's alright. By the end of it, it was a close game, but sadly the guys won 60-54, having three more baskets then us.
"In your face Danielle!" Adam yells jumping around. I laughed. "I was going easy on you guys." I say jokingly, but enjoy the angry pout on his face.
This was one heck of a day and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face knowing I had some great friends. Now all we had to do was wait for some news.
Surrounded by great people was a great distraction from all the horrible things that have happened here and for once knowing their was a murderer or two among us slipped my mind and I felt at ease.
We spent the rest of our time laughing and telling stories, basically just getting to know each other and having some fun.
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