Arthur Knightgale - Task One
User: 8Umbra
Big, beautiful and imposing doors great me as I enter the prestigious school definitely one of the most beautiful I have worked in. The grey stone slabs feel soft under my feet.
The heat did little to discourage my step although it was hotter than I was used to, the humid air doesn't help either. Unconsciously I tug at the collar of my shirt trying to adjust without any shadow at my wake.
I make my way through a small gate besides the one for cars, my breath cuts short for the second time in that year at the sight that is the school campus: beautiful green grass and colorful flowers lay scattered across the land, a beautiful fountain in the middle of the campus reminded of the age the school had.
I pull my backpacks behind me, three black cases is all I carry one of them smaller than the other two, the rest of my belongings unimportant for teaching although I may have to acquire a few more sets of suits during the weekend but for now this ones will have to do.
I make my way towards the building I will be staying in for the year, the building is high and beautiful in itself making harmony with the old structures that surround it, I walk almost to the top floor of the building. A luck I had this apartment my love of heights making me yearn for the closeness to the sky.
The place is most bare: a bed with simple sheets and two pillows, a furnace of chocolate color near the bed and a mirror atop it, a desk against one of the walls and a small bookshelf in the other, one door led to the bathroom and another to the closet, all in all the room was nice even if small.
I lay my cases on the bed opening and regarding the contents carefully, the two largest ones containing clothes and the smaller one full with books.
I set my mind on unpacking placing my suits in the hooks the closet came with, they are a beautiful arrangement of dark and wine colors, my shoes lay beneath them.
I place my ties and pocket squares in one of the cabinets of the furnace, my shirts in the one below it and my underwear and socks in the one below the rest.
Next I head for the bathroom admiring the pristine cleanness it has, the walls are a dull blue and the shower is simple as is the rest of the place.
I head straight for the mirror looking at my form with prodding care, my black best and coat are perfect, the small swirling marks make it look like silk. I adjust the tie which has the same markings as the rest of my suit, the pocket square and the pants bare of the markings, my cufflinks glisten against the mirror, their dark color and leaf shape demanding attention the whiteness of my shirt make them stand out even more than they would with any other type. Finally the last thing for my suit: a small pin with the school's emblem goes on the left side of my coat.
Once my suit is perfect I make my way out grabbing the key for my new home, I look around one last time before heading out closing the door with the key on my way out.
I look at my silver watch just in time for the ceremony even if I was here slightly later than necessary but students had an orientation meeting allowing me to take my time coming here.
I walk out of the building enjoying the breeze and the pretty sigh the school has, so much beauty in one place, I look up at the sky taking in the way clouds slowly move across the sky it has always brought me peace to look up, not because I believe there is a higher power out there looking down but simply because the sky has always meant endless possibility, is it not man's greatest wish to fly? To conquer the sky the way birds do?
I sigh before making my way to the campus again where parents and students fill the garden, all so eager to leave the other with the thrill of adventure and loneliness at the end they will all wish to go back to this moment.
The new students look so hopeful and excited not knowing what awaits them, they will soon understand that for triumph party is not the only subject they must pass.
A woman goes up the stage her displeasure is clear but the director only looks amused at her anger, her name is Arabella Blackwell and it is the first thing she explains declaring she was here to look over our work, is she not an interesting young lady? She gives a short speech and when she leaves I see her almost snarl at the director and makes him smile before he makes way for her.
The director wished everyone a lucky year before the greeting was finished, walking amongst the parents and children and stopping to talk with some of them Miss Blackwell at his side.
A high pinched scream fills the air a moment later, Director Bennett is the first to run towards it followed by Miss Blackwell and two concerned parents, I follow as the rest of people do enjoying the curious stares of many but I admit my curiosity is picked too.
As we arrive a mass of people has gathered and all sport horrified expressions, we are close to the office and it gives me a chance to find a small spot where everything is at sight.
"He's dead!" Screams one girl who I quickly identify as Cordelia, I would be lying if I said I didn't learn the names of all my students even before I had class with them, she is crying desperately and more mumbles follow her exclamation.
For horrible her declaration is I am more entranced by the reaction miss Blackwell is having, she looks in the verge of panic freezing for a few moments.
I hear her gasp followed by her iron grip on the poor student's arm.
"Who died?" Miss Blackwell's tone is desperate like if the murder itself offended her in a too much personal way, the girl looks at her with wide eyes "my boyfriend. Nicholi Trevino." A sob escapes her fragile being and more tears shine in her eyes.
Miss Blackwell then hauls her out of the school grounds her parents will follow I think, I take my chance to try and get a look at the body but it is already covered to try and avoid even less panic, not that it seems to be working but well...
Before long Miss Blackwell is back demanding answers of the director but he looks just as panicked as she, they both launch to discuss what may have happened planning what to tell their bosses what has happened.
I un paste myself from the wall I had leant on, making my way back to the place the ceremony was held.
As I walked I couldn't help but wonder about the "accident" young Nicholi can suffered, for the looks of the director and the supervisor this could be nothing more than intentional, I wonder about the one they will find guilty of the crime.
"Anyone can put paint on a canvas, but only a true master can bring the painting to life. Anyone can kill, but only a genius can make murder an art."
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