Adam Bennett - Task Three
User: THGF1234
We were all in the gym, it has been nearly four hours since we locked all of us in-with hope to catch Painter and Trace. The students and staff was quick to gather into the gym and the remaining staff kept the students out of trouble. Some did their homework, others were on their phone and a small group played basketball.
I shivered as I had a chilling feeling in my throat. I hear a clang as I see Arabella bursting out of the washrooms and falling to her knees. I suddenly felt worried. Arthur had walked over to Arabella and talked to her calmly. Arabella gets herself up and an echo reaches my ears in the form of Arthur's voice, "Be more careful, Ari."
Soon Arabella had shoved her way through the students. She grabs me fiercely by the arm. "The Painter, it's him." Arabella whispers before I could say anything. I tense, take a deep breath and turn to Arabella. "What?" I whispered quietly. "I was right the first time, one of the killers, it's Arthur." I scowl in disbelief.
I shake my head, quickly disregarding the words she had said before. "Ari, you already accused him and you were wrong." I say. "But I'm not this time! I know it!" she shrieks, a desperation filling her face. "He didn't kill Beth Rose because Trace killed Beth. You said so yourself to me hours ago!"
"Arthur was accused by me, that's true but he didn't lie because he is not Trace, he's the Painter!" The last three words echoes in a loud echo through the gym. I was about to protest when the lights went off. A loud pitched yelp penetrates the room as a single spotlight circulate around the room and a heavy breathing of a person echoes over the microphone.
The gym explodes into a group of terrified shrieks and students rush toward the doors. "Everyone out!" I shout, pushing Arabella away and striding forward. Loud bangs echo from a doorway as students and officers hammer against the doors in an attempt to break it down. The spotlight passes over me and I am blinded.
I shove through the panicked students to the doors, pulling a large ring of keys from my pocket. The spotlight goes off me, moving and finally stopping where Arabella stood. I fumble with the keys, searching for the right key as Arabella try to escape the light. "I know who you are, Painter!" Arabella screams, raising her fist.
A dark crackle rumbles over the microphone and the spotlight resumes its dance. I find the gym key and I unlock it, releasing light into the gym. Students surge forward like bullets. I tell an officer to get the students to go to the cafeteria for now and not let anyone leave. I watch Arabella kick off her shoes and run toward the balcony.
I was sure she would be fine, hopefully. I went off to the cafeteria and help to calm the frightened students. Then I notice that Arthur is missing. I start to believe Arabella. I go back to the gymnasium and I hear a scream. Arabella's scream. I see her at the bottom of the stairs, blood steadily flowing from a wound in her arm.
"Arabella!" I yelps as my feet beats against the floor. She shakes her head, pulling herself up as my hand comes toward her arm. She flails, caught off guard by my cold touch and stumbles away from me. "Don't!" I hold up my hands up in surrender and watch her with a steeled gaze. "What happened to you?"
She clenches her jaw and presses her sweaty palm against her forehead. She forces her way past me to an abandoned note on the floor that I never noticed. "You're next Ari." the note reads, sending a chill of terror into my body. She clenches her hand around the note, crumbling the deadly words into pieces.
I come up to her silently as she tears the note into two, then four, then eight, then sixteen, thirty two. "What was that?" I ask, she shakes her head before meeting my gaze. "I'm shutting Carter Hollow down." I slump my shoulders and hang my head like a dead person. "I figured, except there's one problem."
"What?" she gasps as she shivers. "We can't leave, the gates have been chained closed. We're trapped." I admit, as she bends down to pick up her black shoes after dropping the torn paper onto the cold gym floor. "Then we need to find Arthur fast." I frown and ask, "Why?" even if I knew the answer already.
"Because Adam, Arthur Knightgale is the Painter."
We walk to the cafeteria. When we walk in, I start to speak, "We have discovered that there is a great rumour that Professor Arthur Knightgale is the Painter," several students gasp, "You are free to do what you want but you have to be with an officer, at all times and report to us if you see Mr Knightgale.
"There's another killer besides Hamilton and Arthur. So keep an eye out for that person as well. You all may leave. Good day." Students file out with officers. Arabella says that she found Marilyn dead. We know Trace may have killed as well and soon we find a boy named Edan Morez dead with the showers still running in the locker room.
Arabella and I go to the office to discuss. "Carter Hollow has been broken and we lost control of this school. Fourteen has been killed and we have two killers on the loose, one of them who we know as Arthur Knightgale and another one. This has gone out of control." Arabella rants. "I know." I sigh. "I'm going to investigate, see ya Adam."
She storms out. I walk to my room. I add notes to my board crossing out Marilyn and Edan and marking Arthur as "The Painter." I decide to find Arabella but I can't find her. I look everywhere in every place I can think off my head. Then a thought reached my mind. The note. The note Arabella tore to bits. "You're next, Ari."
It clicks together. Arthur's next target is Arabella. I run.
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