Adam Bennett - Challenge Two
User: THGF1234
It was Tuesday morning. I was patrolling the academy grounds two mornings after Matthew's death. I gasped when I reached the theater department, when I saw her. Joules. A hole graced her dead body at her throat. Her eyes was dead, blank as glass. Her hair was messed up and her clothes was torn in places. But what was the most horrifying thing was the word, "Macbeth," written in dark blood on the brick wall of the theatre department. I pulled out my Blackberry phone and turned it on. I went through my list of contacts until I reached Blackwell, Arabella, and dialed her number. Two loud buzzes was followed by her annoyed voice, "What now, Adam?" "Come to the theatre department now." I snapped before hanging up. Shortly, fifteen minutes after, Arabella had arrived at the theatre. "What now Adam......" She trails off as her mouth had fell wide open when she saw the body and the haunting word above. "Macbeth," she reads out loud. "There must be a murderer on campus, maybe more than one." she said. I nodded and scratched my head. "She may have been killed sometime after curfew last night." I sigh and quickly storm to the front office. I burst through the door with a crash much to Gabby's surprise. "Adam?" asks Gabby with a questioning look. "What's going on?" Just then Jane came into the office and she sees me, giving me a questioning look as well. I sigh and say, "Another person was murdered." Gabby gasps and Jane turns white as chalk. "Joules may have been murdered last night after curfew." "Also whoever killed her wrote the word 'Macbeth' on the wall of the theatre department where she was killed." "We have to gather everyone into the theatre. You two go there and set up the emergency supplies." They nodded and, without hesitation, went out of the office. Soon after they were gone, I walked out to find Arabella. When I got out of the office myself into the hall, I immediately see Arabella. When I pass her, I snap, "Gather everyone in the theatre." Soon her voice echoes through the multiple buildings and dormitories of the academy, "Attention, attention, everyone head to the theatre now. No exceptations" I head into the theatre and go backstage and activate the lights on the ceiling, bringing a glowing light to the cold theatre. I return outside to see the first group of students to be precise, Mr McGraw's class. Officers, teachers and students file into the theatre. My eyes darted to Joules's dead body slumped on the ground, hidden in the shadows. I hope no one noticed the body. I walk toward the stage and go behind stage to wait for my other co-workers. Soon I see Bryn and Lily, with an officer, returning from more questioning that happened earlier this morning at the station. I see a couple of kids escaping through one of the multiple tunnels in the theatre hoping to escape, but surely they will get lost, Arabella and I had gone down there once and we had to be rescued. I sigh deeply as Gabby hurries toward me. "What are you going to do?" whispered Gabby. I sigh with a frown before saying, "I don't know, Gabby, but we are going to stay in the theatre for a short while, definitely for sure. But I'm not sure what to do ne...." Suddenly Arabella appears and interrupts me, "May I speak with you? as she grasps my arm and pulling me away from Gabby. I give her an annoyed look before snapping back, "No, you can't." I wrench my arm away from her grasp but she blocks me into a corner behind a rack of lady clothes. "Is the school shutting down? Is that you wouldn't tell me?" she demanded angrily. I raise an eyebrow as a shocked look runs over my face. I shake my head, "No. No way. But it's been confirmed that there is more than one murderer on campus. She sighs in relief, but then she frowns deeply, "I already knew that." I give her a deep scowl and cross my arms. "Well I didn't." I say. "Adam!" Gabby calls, I look over Ari's shoulder due to a deep sigh from her. She gives me a look and I immediately understood. Then I walk away from Arabella as she huffs deeply. I walk on stage and see some students sitting, some going around in circles, worried and others was trying to escape the teachers and officers. "Students! Stay calm! We are here for everyone's safety!" But the students are still panicking and the teachers and officers have to keep them from escaping. Then a loud crackle echoes as a light shuts off. Then a few more shuts off. Then soon we are in complete darkness. Then a large flock of screams echoes throughout the theatre. Oh no. I shivered and, my hand trembling, pull out my phone and try to get backstage in the blinding darkness. I had a thought frozen in my mind. Call Arabella. With my large hand shaking, I dial Arabella's number. Two buzzes and Arabella's voice with a ting of fear, rings out. "Hello?" "Arabella!" I yell with anxiety in my voice. "Where are you? Are you okay?" I say desperately. "I'm fine. I followed a pair of kids into the theatre tunnels." she sighs deeply. "Where are you? Adam, what the hell happened with the damn lights?!" Her voice rises so high pitched I pulled my phone slightly away from my ear. I sigh with confusion and respond, "I don't know, I don't have any idea what's going on. I'm in the theatre, on the stage behind the curtain." I hear screams echoing through the speaker and I shrieked, "Arabella! What was that?" "I don't know....." she trailed off with a worried voice. A girl's scream brings a cold chill to my spine and rings in my ears, "Help me! They're trying to kill me! Please!! Help!!! Arabella whispers, "Adam, did you hear that?" her voice quivering. "Yeah I did, Ari, get out of there." I said sternly. "I can't! I-i don't know where I came from!" she sobs quietly. "Help me!" someone screams. "What was that?" whispers Arabella with a frightened voice. Then suddenly a whistling sound reaches my eyes and I duck before it hits me. A loud thunk of a knife hits the wall. I clumsily drop my phone. Two more thunks follow until there is silence. "Adam? ADAM?! Are you still there?!" screams Arabella with fear. I pick up the partly broken but usable phone and mutter, "They're in the theatre too." Then get out!" she snaps. I quickly ran blindly through the theatre. I pull on the metal door but it doesn't budge. "I can't!" I retort, "We're locked in." "We're locked in with two or three killers." A flight of realization came over me. We're trapped. Let the massacre begin.
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