Adam Bennett - Challenge One
User: THGF1234
"Breaking news: Nicholi Trevino was reportedly found dead: May 5th on campus grounds of the renovated Carter Hollow Academy. The sixteen year old fell twenty feet from a tree only one day from the start of school. It is said he landed on his neck, fracturing his spine in several parts, killing him instantly." The news reporter's voice echoed with a cheer in her voice and rebounded on the walls.
"Sources says that the prestigious academy may be gearing up to fight a hefty lawsuit against Rachel and Martin Trevino, who claim the long standing academy neglected to protect their son while he was under their care. His girlfriend Cordelia Mayfield made a statement saying-"
"I can't believe this!" I growl angrily as I run my long fingers though my messy hair and pace back and forth behind my neat desk. I hear a clatter as Arabella clears her throat. "Would you please relax? Everything is going to work out Adam." Arabella snaps at me as she picks her Blackberry phone up and resting it on the corner of my desk. I give her a disbelieving look before sitting down in my large black leather chair.
"Work out? Do you think everything will just work out? Arabella, one of our students died on campus." I growl. She rolls her eyes before saying, "Yes, he fell. It was an accident. The medical report claims he died on impact, his neck snapped. Not our fault." I scowl and rub my chin, my eyes looking out to the center courtyard. After moments of silence and glares, I say, There are reporters lined up outside. They're disrupting our students," as I clench my teeth tightly. "Leave them to me, I'll get rid of them." as she picks up her phone again.
"Fifty percent of our school investors has pulled out and two thirds of the student body has been taken out of the academy. Classes start today and I have no idea how we can keep our doors open long to make it through the quarter." Its only two days since the accident Adam, give it a week and all of those students will come crawling back and I'll find us new patrons." Arabella replies. I snort in disbelief.
"No one will give money to a school being sued for negiligence." I shoot back. "You sourpuss. stop being so negative. If the Trevinos' go to the court they'll lose, their lawyers could never stand against us. Have you no brain about you?" She says, losing patience. I look at her from the corner of my dark eyes. "I do, which is why I'm bringing this up. Whether or not they could win is beside the point, they could do irreperable damage to our reputation." I counter.
She huffs with a deep sigh in anger and drops her phone on her lap. "Oh my - shut up! You're giving me a migraine, so, until your attitude has done a complete 180, do not talk to me. I imagine you have a class to attend to anyways, and I have some in depth observation to do. See you later." She rises and opens the the door and closing it with a slam as I give a deep sigh.
I go to my classroom just ten minutes before 10:00am for my Current Events History class. I do a pop quiz and then I assigned homework to be due the next day. I mark the quizzes before going to lunch. In the afternoon, I teach my afternoon classes, Government History and Geography, before returning to work in my office concerning emails of anger from multiple familes including the Trevinos.
Later in the evening, I went to lock the front gates at 9:30pm. I hear a scream of horror and shock. It was near the dorms. I ran to the dorms and that's when I saw a girl, who I remember was Lily McCalley, from my senior class I taught before arguing with Arabella earlier. "Lily?" I ask. She turns to me and cries with a wail, "She's dead. She's dead. I saw her body." "Who?" I question. "B-beth Rose." I turn pale and ask her, "Where? Where's the body?" "Over by the girl dorms." "Go get the nurse and get Ms. Caperella to call the police." She nods before running into the academy. I walked toward the dorms, ready for any gruesome murder.
Thats when I saw the limp body. The body near the dorms. Beth Rose. She was dead. Her eyes was wide and dead, blood drizzled from the gash on her throat, staining her hair and shirt, and her mouth was wide like she was screaming as she was murdered. I heard the doors open with a creak and look to see who it was. I saw a dark figure. I knew who it was. Arabella. I run toward her and pull her at the arm. She screams until my worried face is bathed in the moonlight.
"What the-?" she says but I cut her off. " It happened again." I snap with a horrified voice. She blinks and shakes her head, confused. "What-? What are you-?" she asks. "Focus, Ari! Someone died!" I growl, running my fingers through my hair. She shivers and tries to breathe. "What?" I nod with a grim face. "A girl, Beth Rose, she was killed sometime in the past few hours." "Are you sure she was murdered?" questions Arabella.
"Her throat was slit, it wasn't an accident, Ari, there's a murderer on campus." I glance up, my eyes cold and wide. "Take me." she says. I blink and step back surprised. "What?" I say shocked. "Take me to see her. I need to see it." I frown surprised at her growing determination on her face."Why do you want to see that?" I question, dumbfounded. She looks down before responding, "Because Adam, I need to see what happened. I...just do." I sigh with a shrug and step away from the shadows.
"Come on, it's not far." I mutter as we pace toward the dorms. As we near the scene, I see a huddling of girls, pale white with fear, staring through the glassy doors of the girls dorm. "Who's that?" she says referring to the shocked girl with her knees against her chest and sobbing silently. "Lily. Lily McCalley. She found Beth." Her lips formed a silent "O" as I flip my wrist toward the bloody body that was Beth Rose's. "Oh my-" I see her put her hand over her pink lips.
I make a discouraged face and position myself between her and Beth's body. "Arabella? Are you ok?" I question worriedly, she blinks once before she looks up into my dark eyes. I could see she was thinking in her mind. She jerks back realizing something and I say wondering with shock, "Ari?" She takes two slow steps back and swirl around slowly, looking to be searching for someone, a certain someone.
Then she sees her wanted target and then she suddenly snaps. "Hey!" I see Arthur looking up, with a grey eyebrow raised in question. "Yes?" he asks. "Arabella, what are you-?" I burst as I attempt to grab her arm but she rips it free of my grip and stalks toward Arthur. "Arabella?" Arthur questions, blinking with a confused look as she forces him toward me and away from the students. "Despicable man? Were you talking about Carter or yourself? Huh? Did you kill her?" My eyes widen in shock and thoughts runs through my mind. Did he kill Beth? Who can I trust? Is there other killers on campus?
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