Chapter 9
Enterprise was nervous about the picnic she planned with the Commander under Belfast's insistence as she walked towards the cliff overlooking the docks.
"Ms. Enterprise you really need to get 'that monkey of your back' so please arrange something like a picnic or just hang out somewhere that isn't a hotel, ship, dorm, a car or a plane." "What do you mean?" Enterprise replied. "Look the Commander is right over there feeding the Koi fish so go and ask him out." "B but Belfast what if that memory pops up again!" "Don't think and let your heart do the work." "Fine." Enterprise then walks up to the Commander and asked. "Hey Commander Thompson?" Jack looks up at her. "Yes Enterprise?" "I I was wondering if you'd like to go out on a a picnic wi with me?" "Sure a anything to get to know my Secretary a little more just name the time and place." "A alright h how about the same cliff we talked for a wh while Overlooking the docks a at noon." "Sounds fun I'll be there." "Thanks I'll see you later." Enterprise then ran towards Belfast who was with Unicorn and giving the fish on their side of the pond some bread crumbs. "I asked him and he accepted now onto the hard part." "The hard part?" "What kind of food should I make for the picnic!" Enterprise replied as she shook the maid in desperation causing some objects like an umbrella, a thermos, and MedKit along with a few other things! "Calm down Enterprise and help me pick them up."
A few moments later Enterprise was with Belfast trying to think of a perfect picnic lunch. "Enterprise the picnic isn't tomorrow so take your time and relax for a while." "Sorry Belfast but this is a different picnic than the ones I've gone with my sisters when we were younger." "Very well how about some sandwiches, a fruit salad, maybe some dessert and a cool refreshing drink like an Ice Tea and don't worry I won't put any lemons on it." "Thanks Belfast." Enterprise replied as she left the Maid's room.
Enterprise finally arrived at the cliff and was about to set up the blanket when Jack arrived. "Hey Enterprise need a hand?" "Yes I would." Jack then proceeds to unfold the blanket as Enterprise opens up a shade she brought along for the sun before setting up the food. "Enterprise this is the most perfect view that the Base has to offer and it's sad that Civilians can't enjoy watching the ships that protect them going in and out due to spies lurking arround." Jack said as he looked at the docks. "Yeah and it's also where I could go and check for any enemies that are stealth related." Jack looks at Enterprise as she looks back as he then began to tell his story about his life as a fighter pilot and of all the wonderful sights he was able to enjoy wherever he was stationed. Enterprise then told her stories but didn't talked about Midway and a few other battles that she didn't want to remember. The two then enjoyed the Sandwiches that Enterprise made along with some Raspberry Ice Tea, fruits, and a chocolatey dessert that Belfast helped to make.
"That was a great Picnic Enterprise I hope we could do it again soon." Jack said as he helped Enterprise pack up. "Thanks Commander and before you go I'd like to tell you that I I Lo love you since the day we first locked our eyes on ourselves." "So this is our first date?" "I'm not sure how you feel about!" Jack gave her a kiss to which Enterprise was surprised before returning it to him. "I also fell in love with you that day and you're kind of cute stuttering when it came to personal reasons like a few days ago when you invited me to this Picnic and I'm hoping for many more dates in the future with you Enterprise." Enterprise blushes as she stuttered. "Th th thank you J Jack and I'm also hoping for it to." Jack then walked her back into her dorm and not leaving until she closed the door behind her. Leaning against the door, both of them sighed as they unknowingly touched the door on the same spot on opposite sides before they separated.
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