Chapter 5
A few days later, the Black Box on Grayson's plane revealed that a laser was used and according to records, its showed that it was Siren related causing everyone to go out and to fight the ones responsible leaving only a handful behind to defend the base with Prince of Wales. "Jack your jet is to big to take of from my flight deck." "Don't worry Enterprise, I had it customized to make the take off under a short distance." Jack said as he hopped onto his B-2 as his men on the other Carriers did the same taking off before the ships get their Rigs up.
Once he and his men were up, the Carriers launched their own planes and had them form a protective bubble around them. "Thanks ladies now let's go and hit them boys!" "Roger that 'Stingray' now time to get this party started with soft served Sirens!" "Cool it 'Iceman' or Elsa gonna get jinxed." "Whoa whoa whoa I'm only authorized to do the cold puns and that's cold bro!" The guys ended up laughing until they spotted their target and commenced their attack onto the Mass Produced ships. The Sirens noticed the attack a few moments later after they were being bombed by a Black tailless Jet and a few Dive Bombers forcing them to launch their own jets at the bomber.
Time Skip:
Jack had ran out of his Countermeasures and immediately ran onto his motorcycle for an escape as enemymissileswereheading towards him. "Enterprise this is the Commander please bring out your ship I'm gonna need to land." "Got it! Belfast, Laffey, Javelin, Zuikaku, Eugen please provide cover fire for the Commander and myself!" The Shipgirls nodded as they went into a protective formation around Enterprise and the planes formed around the Commander's B-2 as he revved the engine to the max with a fast Burn Out and hopefully land on Enterprise. As he was gliding towards the Carrier a Siren targets the Motorcycle and starts to shoot at him forcing him to jump off and use his parachute hoping to land on the Carrier.
Once he landed, Enterprise came up to him. "We need you to get checked out to see if you suffered any injuries." "Enterprise if I'm still concious and walking normally I'm okay but if you want me to wait till we get back to base now get me one of your Wildcats!" "He's as stubborn as I was before I met Belfast." "Fine! But you better keep your word of being checked out back at Base." Enterprise yelled back as she brought out one of her Wildcats to which Jack hopped on. "Also call for reinforcements these Sirens are going to turn us into debris." "Got it and be safe out there!"
Jack and his men destroyed the last of the Siren jets and with the help of reinforcements along with the others that originally came with him, destroyed a portion of the Mass Produced forcing the Sirens to retreat but not without a fee casualties. Now on there way back, Enterprise showed Jack were her Captain's Ready Room was before he could begin on the report on the battle that happened on that day.
Shikikan's Log (MM/DD/YYYY): Its been a few hours since the battle against the Sirens and with a few casualties but one dead in the form of a Sakura Empire Carrier named Shoukaku who sacrificed herself to save her sister Zuikaku from certain death against a Kamikaze attack from a Siren plane. My condolences to the Sakura Empire and most importantly to her sister Zuikaku who I have given her time to grieve for her loss once we return to Base.
He walks out to see Enterprise looking at the sunset and noticed her facial expression. "Anything on your mind?" She looks at him. "Yeah but it's about Shoukaku." "What about her." "Months ago, we were in a battle when something strange happened with me which I wasn't able to understand at that moment and I ended up doing something in that combat zone we were in and when I saw our once then enemies of the Sakura Empire, I I nearly shot down Zuikaku with my planes but Shoukaku took the hit for her and now that she sank, it made me remember what I nearly did to them!" Enterprise started to cry as Jack embraced her in a hug as tears were falling from her landed on his shoulder. "Its okay Enterprise it's okay just let it all out." The whole trip remained in silence until they reached the Base.
"Commander Thompson! How's the battle?" Cleveland asked as she arrived to port with a few others to greet them on thier return. Jack said nothing as he left with Enterprise towards the Medical Building to get checked out. "Aw looks like someone needs a hug of consolation." Atago said as she hugs Zuikaku before sneaking her hands onto her behind causing the Grieving 5th Carrier to snap out with her katana on her neck. "Atago! I don't need a hug right now and mostly from you and all I need is to be alone for now!" Atago gulped. "S s sorry it's just that I I.." The blade moved closer to her neck as Zuikaku was angry. "I don't want to hear your excuses now if you excuse me I've got some Grieving to do alone!" Zuikaku then sheaths her katana and ran off towards the Sakura Empire Dorms. "Atago if you want to help others relax with your positive attitude just calm down on the hugging and only think of the good memories you have with Shoukaku." Takao said to her sister. "Yes ma'am." Atago replied as everyone departs from the docks and went to either the Cafeteria, Dorms, or the Medical building.
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