Chapter 3
After a whole day of searching for Enterprise, Jack decided to head back to his room to unpack some of his belongings as he sees some of his men taking off on their jets for patrol. He grabs his logbook and starts to write.
Shikikan's Log (MM/DD/YYYY): Its been a crazy first day for myself and my crew as we are still feeling some Jetlag along with touring around the Base, with myself doing some of the mandatory paperwork, looking for a secretary and a maid bumped into me and starts to stutter and the thing is that I can't even shake of this feeling of attraction towards her and I feel like...
"Screw the log!" He said as he changed into a more civil attire before he grabbed his Motorcycle Helmet and his keys. "I need to ride and think!" Running towards his B-2 where he told everyone not to touch his motorcycle, he then stopped as he heard a rustling noise on a tree. "Why did I dropped the camera when I had the perfect shot?!" He then heads towards the tree to see someone climbing down. "What seems to be the problem?" The person got a little nervous as it thought. "I I I've got to think of something!" "I was about to take a photo of a a nocturnal creature when my camera fell off!" "Oh okay need help looking for it?" "N no no need I could find it myself!" "Okay suit yourself then miss?" He then continued to run as he thought. "She's acting strange I've wonder why she didn't want me to help her look for her camera." He then arrived at his bomber and dropped the launch bay doors to reveal a black and Royal Blue -Motorcycle with foldable wings on the side.
He then puts the key inside and slowly rolls it down the ramp before closing off his bomber. "Time for a Clear Mind." He thought to himself as he hops on with his helmet on before revving the engine. Once he was riding along the streets, he noticed someone leaving the Royal Navy dorms and stopped to pretend to check on his tires. The person felt that it was being watched before it ran off. Jack then follows the person by taking a different path but close enough to follow it.
Noticing that the person went inside a park, he went around to park his motorcycle and takes off his helmet before putting it inside a compartment next to a second helmet which was there if he's carrying a passenger. He stealthily walks through the path until he finds himself looking at the person sitting on the cliff staring out into the distance. Getting closer he realized that it was the maid he met earlier. "Couldn't sleep?" He asked as the maid turned around. "H how How'd you know!?" She asked as he sat down next to her. "You were leaving the dorms this late and I've checked the duty roster earlier and its said that you only have patrol on both Friday and Saturday nights when others have fun so I decided to follow you here." "N no wonder I I felt that someone was following me and how about you Commander?" "I was writing on my Logbook but I couldn't get something or someone out of my head and I was going to ride my Motorcycle since it's one of the things that helps me think straight when I saw you looking around to see if someone was stalking you possibly from your own friends from Eagle Union." "Ye yeah it's just that for a while, I've been assigned as a maid since the bet I've made with Belfast a month ago and I lost on the third week cause the goal was 1 month of no rations but the stress has gotten me to eat one and hiding but I was found later by her." Jack sighed as he smiled. "I'm looking for a Secretary to help me out everyday and I feel like you're the perfect one for the job." "But what about the Maid part?" "Don't worry, the day after tomorrow, I want you to start at 8 am and to bring me breakfast to the office and to attend to certain duties that I've forget just in case to keep up with your temporary duty as a maid cause I'm going to talk with Belfast first thing tomorrow when I see her." Enterprise smiled and said. "Thank you Commander and it will be a pleasure working with you." The two then looked up at the moon and slowly leaned to each other until they felt their hands were touching causing them to jump. "We're not even at that level yet and we just touched hands like a couple would!" They thought to themselves as Jack stood up and lend Enterprise a hand as both then realized that what they were both thinking about wasn't in their heads at the moment. "Would you like a ride back Enterprise?" He asked the Carrier. "I'd love to since it's a long walk back to base and the shortcut is through the Eagle Union dorms."
They then proceeded to head towards his motorcycle where he opened the compartment and hands her the spare helmet as he took his and helps put it on Enterprise before he puts his on. She then sat down behind him and held onto his waste before they took off. Halfway back to the dorms in the Base, Jack saw a ramp and warms. "Enterprise you might want to grab something with a tight grip for this part." "What Pppppaaaaaarrrrrrtttttttt?" She asked as wings sprouted out of the Motorcycle as it flies off the ramp. She then gasps as she wonders why they're gliding in air. Jack closed his eyes for a while before he felt gravity was pulling the Motorcycle back to the ground. He then lands it gently near the Royal Navy dorms and helps Enterprise off. "Did you had a nice flight?" "Yeah and How'd you get the wings out?" Jack then pressed a button on the dash causing the wings to fold back up. "And thanks for the ride." Enterprise said before entering the Royal Navy's dorms as Jack waited until she was inside for he left to park his Cycle inside his B-2 then to finish off his unfinished Log entry.
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