Chapter 10
"Hey Enterprise want to hit the beach?" Jack asked. "I I really don't know?" Enterprise replied as she looked down. "Is something wrong?" "Yes th the truth is th that I'm afraid of the ocean due to the tragedy of war at sea and I remember the time before I was human, a lot of people died on in me whenever I was hit and even now as human I couldn't even save Yorktown and some of her fleet." Enterprisestarts to cry as Jack gave her a hug. "Listen to me Enty, a lot of people are still around because of you like your sister Yorktown who's teaching at the Academy and your men are still around as part of the Coast Guard or officially in the Air Force with some being Commanders on Bases like these." "R re really?" Enterprise sniffs as she embraces her boyfriend's hug. "Just stay with me at the LifeGuard Tower and only hit the water for emergencies." "B but I don't know how to swim." "Its alright I can teach you." "Really?" "Yes now c'mon we've got a beach to hit!" He held out his hand for Enterprise before they left to get changed for the beach.
Upon arriving at the LifeGuard Tower, Enterprise noticed a Harpoon Gun. "Why'd you have a Harpoon Gun here?" "Sandy told me she's afraid of Sharks since she nearly got eaten by one so I tol...." "HEELLLLLPPPP! A SHARK!" Jack facepalm himself as San Diego was Swimming for her life! "I told her to stay at at least 10 feet from shore and Excuse me!" He grabs the Gun and a board as he ran towards the Shark and aims it in the eye. "Great White Your Days Of Terrorizing Sandy are over!" He shoots the Harpoon at the Shark where it falls dead. He then gets of the board to swim back on shore where Enterprise had placed a towel on a shaken San Diego. "Belfast get her some Relaxing Tea if you have any." "I'll get ome ready right now." "Thanks." "Sam, Tony, Jimmy, Dace I need you to patrol the waters and to prevent any more sharks from entering the beach and please dispose of that once Great White." The four nodded as three went to get the Jets Skis as one left to transform her into a personal underwater motorcycle.
Belfast gave San Diego a cup of Tea who drank what she could with her shaking hands. "Sandy are you alright?" "N n no this is the se second t t time th that I was almost ea eaten by a a a sh sha shark." "Its alright your safe now and please if you want to swim in the ocean at least do it at 10 feet from shore it'll give you time to escape." Jack said to her. "I'm s s sorry but the sh shark came at me when I went to retrieve a Volleyball for Javelin." He looks at Enterprise. "Take her back to her dorm and stay there until she's out from the shock if anything call me." Enterprise nodded as she took San Diego back to her Dorm as Jack looked at one of his hands. "How come everytime there's an aggressive animal, I'm always jumping in to stop it from attacking someone else?" "Is something on your mind?" Belfast asked snapping him out of his thoughts. "No nothing Belfast but I might need some help in case the Shark thing happens again or something else."
Enterprise laid San Diego on her bed and was asked to turn on the TV to watch a movie and this came out causing Sandy to scream and hide under the covers:
Enterprise puts it on mute before changing it to another channel and turning of the mute. "Sorry about that I didn't even know that movie scene was gonna pop out but here's a funny movie." She apologized to the scared shipgirl as 'The Three Stooges' from 2011 popped out.
A couple of hours later San Diego was asleep and Enterprise slowly left the room and headed to beach where Jack was waiting as the sun was about to set. "Enterprise I'm glad you made it." "Made it for what?" Jack smiled as he moves her until she faced the Sunset. "The Sunset and nothing is more beautiful than a sunset with the love of my life on my side on the beach." They then sat down to watch the sunset as the waves crashed onto the shore. "So how's Sandy doing?" "She's asleep last time I checked and when I turned the TV on by her request, a Shark Movie was on and it scared her and I didn't even know it was on and I switchedthe channel until 'The Three Stooges' came out." "You watch classics?" Jack said surprised. "Yeah it's what my crew watched or listen to before I was human." The two then decided to stay for a while at the beach before retiring to their dorms with Jack accompanying her before he left to his.
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