The Unknown
????????? P.O.V.
When I heard that Spenser Carnage was in the area and in the game I think to myself I should visit him. But when I hear that Jonathan, otherwise known as H2O Delirious, is working with Spens, I have to go and check on my friend.
Im cleaning my knife when I hear the doorbell ring. I put down my knife and I walk over to the door and look out the peephole. I see a guy about 5'11" with spiked up brown hair. He looks at me through the peephole. "Can I come in? Im here to see Spenser." He says with a smirk. Who is this guy? And how does he know Spens? I shrug and open the door. "Thanks, man." he says as he walks in. This guy has a very cool style. He has a black button up long-sleeve shirt on, with the sleeves pushed up. He has a black and white checkered tie, matching bracelets made out of duct tape, dark jeans and checkered sneakers. "So, uh, whatcha doing here?" I ask him. He looks at me and laughs. "Like I said before, Im here to see my friend Spenser. You know, Spenser Carnage? Has the highest kill count Carnage?" As this guy talks, I cant help but notice that he has a British accent. I smile. "Yeah, I know Spenser. He's in the other room. I'll go get him." The guy nods. "Thanks." I walk towards Spenser's room. I think to myself, 'Who is that?' but I come up with nothing, so I forget it. I knock on Spenser's door, and I hear nothing. I knock again. Still nothing. I open the door, and I see Spens and Mercy lying naked on the bed, asleep. 'Jeezus.' I think to myself as I shield my eyes. I shake Spenser. "Get up, bro. There's some guy here for you." Spenser groggily looks at me and says, "Jon, cant I sleep?" I shake my head. "No. There is some guy here asking for you. Now get dressed." Spenser gets up slowly and goes to the closet. As he gets dressed, he asks me, "So who is this guy out there?" I shrug my shoulders and lean aginst the wall. "I dunno, Spens. He has a British accent, and he's pretty cool. He wears a lot of checkered stu-" "Whoa, wait." Spenser pokes his head out, not yet wearing a shirt. "You said he wears lots of checkered stuff?" "Yeah. And he has a British accent." Spenser's eyes light up. "Oh my god. It's TOM!" He pulls his head back in and continues to get dressed. I hear him rustling some stuff. He comes out pulling a t-shirt on and then he sits down in a chair to pull his sneakers on. "Spens, who's Tom?" I ask, and Spenser looks up at me. "We went to college together. He is so cool. I think youll really like him, Jon. But I cant believe he's here!" Spenser runs out of the room, leaving me standing there still completely clueless.
I run out to the front room, and I see that a slick looking guy with spikey hair is sitting on the couch. "TOM!" I yell, and he turns around. "Spenser! Man, its been a while!" He says as we embrace. Man I love his accent. "How you been, Tom? What are you doing here?" I ask, and he sits down again, laughing. "Well, I heard that the famous Spenser Carnage was back in the game, and that he had a little friend. H2O Delirious." He smirks at me, and Im about to respond when I hear, "How do you know my name?" Jon stands in the doorway, and he's looking at Tom with a look of curiosity and anger. Which with Jon are not a good combo. "How did you know I was working with Spenser? Who are you?" He asks, and I say, "Jon, calm do-". "Spens, its okay. I didnt really introduce myself." He walks over to Jon and sticks out his hand. Jon takes it warily. "Im Thomas Ridgewell, but you can call me Tom, or Tomska, as my friends do. I knew you were here, one, because Im a master hacker and two, because news of your side switch is everywhere, bro. Way to be subtle. Also, I wanted to finally meet the Jonathan, H2O Delirious. Its a pleasure to meet you." Jon shakes his hand and smiles faintly. Tomska turns back to me. "So, Spens, are you going to introduce me to Lui, Mercy, and Nym, or are you just going to sit there?" My mouth hangs open in awe. "How did you....." I stammer, and Tomska holds up his hand. "Spens, remember, this is what I do." I nod. I get up and call Lui in. "Hey Lui! You wanna meet one of my college buddies?" I shout. I hear Lui yell back, "Yeah! Ill be right there!" I hear him come running down the stairs and in seconds he's shaking Tom's hand. "Hi! Im Lui Calibre, Spenser's little brother!" Tom grins. "Im Tomska, or Tom. I went to college with your brother and we had some serious fun." I motion for him to shut up, not wanting Lui to know what happened. "Dude, what happened in college, stays in college." I say to him, and he points at me. "Right. Sorry." He says. Just then, Nym and Mercy walk in, and they both look at Tom, then at me. "Guys, this is Thomas Ridgewell, or Tomska, or Tom. He's one of my college buddies, and he is gonna be hanging around for a while." Tom does the 'peace' symbol with his hand. "Sup." He says. "Hey." Mercy says, and Nym just waves and goes back to her room. She's been really distant since Zairna died. I think she thinks its her fault. But its not. Its Kyle's fault. Then I remember something. "Oh, Tom, we could actually use your help. I kinda have this problem with a guy I used to be friends with, his name is Kyle, and-" "Wait, Kyle Doleson?" Tom asks. I look up at him. "Yeah. How did you know?" He shakes his head. "Dude, you better be glad as fuck you are out of business with him." Tom says. Jon leans against the wall. "Yeah, tell me about it." He mumbles. "That guy is just a load of bullshit. I hate 'im." I look back at Tom. "Yeah, he betrayed Jon and I, and now he's with his girlfriend or whatever." Tom looks confused. "Um, what? He's not who you think he is, Spenser." Jon looks at him, then at me, curious. I shrug my shoulders. Tom looks from Jon to me. "You mean you dont know about Kyle?" I look at him questioningly. "What do you mean?" Tom looks at me seriously. "Spenser, he's an undercover FBI agent."
Okay, this chapter marks the introduction of Tom, who is modeled after the amazing Youtuber, Tomska, or Thomas Ridgewell. I have always admired his work, and I thought I'd throw him in my story as a tribute. But if you dont know his videos, look them up. They are hilarious and amazing. Subscribe to Tomska and you will bw laughing a lot. I guarantee it. But I hope at least one person recognizes him, and that people arent just like, "Who is this?" So yeah. Thanks for all the support so far guys. I wont be posting as frequently cause of school, but I will continue to write and I will just post when I can. Thank you guys so much for the patience and I will talk to you all later. Keep Rampaging!
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