The Plan
I walk into the kitchen, where Jon, Lui, Tom and Mercy are waiting for me. I sigh as I set out the plan on the table. I roll out the large piece of paper that I had drawn up my plan on, and look up at the others. Jon eyes the paper, and looks up at me. "Spens, how long did you stay up last night drawing this?" I shrug. "I dunno. I lost track of time. All I know is that we are going to take out Archive." I point to the paper. "Okay, this is the plan. Here is the van that we will all approach the building in. Except Jon and I. We are going to be in Jon's truck, and drive behind. Lui, Mercy and Tom will park the van down the street from Archive headquarters. Tom will stay in the van and be our eyes. We will all be wearing earpieces, so he can keep us in the loop. Mercy and Lui will join up with Jon and I at the front entrance, where Lui will use his rocket launcher to blast our way in." Lui grins widely. "YES!" He yells, and we all laugh. I resume my explanation. "After we get inside, expect heavy resistance. Be careful. We need to get all the way to the top floor to take out the head. After we do so, we will have completed our mission and we need to move it or lose it. Once we're all clear, we blow the building. Any questions?" I look around the table, and looks of determination and strength meet me. I nod, and everyone goes off to rest and get ready for the execution of the plan tomorrow. Mercy pulls me aside. "Spenser, I need to talk to you about something. I've been trying to tell you, but I haven't gotten the chance." She says, in a quiet tone. I meet her eye. "What is it?" I ask, brushing her hair out of her face. She glances to the side, then brings her gaze up to me. "Spenser, I'm pregnant."
My eyes widen. "What?" I say, somewhat bewildered. She smiles. "Yes. I found out a week ago, and I've been trying to tell you. We're going to have a baby, Spenser. You're going to be a father." I take a deep breath and soak in everything she just said. I can't believe it. I'm gonna be a dad. Then I realize something. "Mercy, you cannot go on this mission. Its going to be too dangerous for you and the baby." Mercy shakes her head. "There is now way in fucking hell that I am letting you go in there without me. So don't you dare try to talk me out of this." I smile at her, and caress her cheek. "I love you so much, I just don't want you to get hurt." I say, and she puts her hand on top of my hand cupping her cheek. "I have you to protect me." She kisses me, and then walks away, smiling at me over her shoulder. I sigh, and go to my room. I lay down on my bed, closing my eyes and letting the many thoughts in my head swirl around. I eventually fall asleep.
I get up early, before anyone else. Its still dark out, so I try not to make a lot of noise. I pack my back with my machette, my handguns, and my other knives. Lastly, I throw a mini gun into the duffel. I drop it on the floor next to the kitchen counter, and pull a Monster energy drink out of the fridge. I crack it open, and jump up onto the counter. I sit sipping my drink, and Lui walks in, yawning and rubbing his eyes. "Hey little man. How'd you sleep?" I ask, and he smiles at me. "Good. Today's the day. Archive is going down." He smirks, and I grin. Spenser walks in, and turns the coffee pot on. "Mornin'." He says, and I pat him on the back. "You ready, bro?" He turns to me. "I need to talk to you. Now." he says, and pulls me into the living room. He looks over my shoulder. "Lui. go wake Tom up." Lui nods, and runs upstairs. Spens turns back to me, and his face is serious. "What is it?" I ask, and he sighs. "Mercy is pregnant." I gasp, and grin. "DUDE! You're gonna be a dad?! That's awesome!" I say, and he smiles a little. "Jon, I need you to help me keep her safe. Today we cannot lose her. Not only am I gonna be a dad, but you're gonna be an uncle. So we need to protect her today, okay?" I nod. "Of course." I say, putting my hand on his shoulder. "Always."
I throw my duffel bag in the back of the van. Tom grabs his laptop, and Lui climbs in. Mercy sits down in the front with Tom, and smiles at Spenser and I. I shut the van doors, and walk over to my truck. I open the door, and slide in behind the steering wheel. I sigh, and glance over to Spenser. "You ready for this, man?" I ask, and he nods. "Yeah. Let's do this." I turn the key in the ignition, and follow Tom in his van. After an hour and a half of driving, we slow to a stop in an alleyway. Spens and I hop out of the truck, and Lui and Mercy climb out of the van. I look at them. "Okay guys, I need you to help Tom set up in the van, and then meet us at the entrance. Got it?" Lui nods, and so does Mercy. I turn to Spenser, and we head off down the alley.
I take Tom's laptop and hand it to him, and he hooks it up to the moniters in the back of the van. I hand him his headset, and he gives me an earpiece. I put it in my ear, and he hands me three more. "These are for Mercy, Jon, and Spens." I nod, and look up at him. "Keep an eye on us, okay?" I ask, and he smiles. He ruffles my hair, and I smirk and grin as he does. "Always, kid. See ya on the other side." I turn to Mercy, and hand her the earpiece. She puts it in her ear, and we go to meet up with Jon and Spenser.
Rounding a corner, I see Jon crouching behind a pillar, and there are four guards on duty outside the Archive entrance. I run over to him and Spenser, and hand them the earpieces. They put them in their ears, and I tap mine. "Tom, come in. Do you copy?" I hear static for a moment, then Tom's voice crackles over the earpiece. "I hear ya Lui. Good to go." I give Jon the thumb's up, and he points to the gate. I grin and nod, and pull my rocket launcher out of my bag. I stand up, and aim the sight at the entrance. One guard happens to look over at me, and shouts, "HEY! You aren't authorized to be here! I need you to drop your weapon!" Wow. These guys are really stupid. I raise the rocket to find my target, and I pull the trigger. The rocket flies towards the entrance, and I hear the guards and other personnel screaming as the rocket explodes and a bright ball of fire engulfs the entrance. I smile, and wave to Spenser, Jon and Mercy. "Let's go!"
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