I slowly bring my finger away from my ear, and I glare at Sorka, who sits with her legs crossed on her desk, smiling. My eyes narrow. "You BITCH!!! He was my friend and you killed him!!!!!" Sorka shrugs her shoulders. "Yeah. So? Im gonna kill you guys, now, too." She says, and she snaps her fingers. The men move in on us, and I look at Jon. "Maneuver 97?" I say, and Jon nods. We run to opposite sides of them, and criss cross between them. I pull out my gun, and Jon pulls out his. We both fire them at the men, who still are turning around to try to get a placement on us. They fall, and we stop running. Jon high fives me, and I turn to Sorka. She grins. "Wow. Im impressed. But still, you havent finished yet." I hear a sound from behind me, and I turn to see two more men grab Mercy and Lui. I whip back to Sorka. "You hurt them, and-" Jon steps forward. "I swear to god, if you lay a finger on Lui, I will rip out your fucking intestines and use it for a bungee cord, bitch, and then I will carve out your heart and use it as a baseball for batting practice." I step back from Jon, eyes wide. Jeezus, he means business. Sorka puts her hands up. "Fine. Ill just have them hold them. Not hurt them." She turns to look at me. "So, Spenser, what are you going to do? Are you going to save your brother and your girlfriend?" I look at her, and smirk. "Yes." I turn, and raise my gun to the men holding Lui and Mercy. I pull the trigger, hitting the first one in the head. He falls dead, letting go of Mercy. Then Mercy turns and shoots the other in the face, letting go of Lui. I turn back to Sorka, only to find she has a gun in her hand aimed at us. I stare her down. "Okay, you have us alone. Now what?" I say, and she sighs. "You know you killed my boyfriend, right?" She says, and Im sort of taken aback. "What? I mean..." She groans, and then shakes her head. "No, no, not you." She points to Jon. "You. You killed Kyle." Jon frowns at her, crossing his arms. "He hurt my little brother, and he was a deceitful son of a bitch. He killed two of my friends, and almost killed Spenser's girlfriend and MY LITTLE BROTHER! OF COURSE I FUCKING KILLED HIM, YOU SHIT!" Jon yells, and Sorka laughs. "Okay, then I guess we're even. But, I still do have to kill you all." She raises her gun at me, and I start to pull out my gun, but Jon steps in front of me. "No." He says, pulling his hand gun from his holster. "If you want to hurt my family, you have to go through me." I put my hand on Jon's shoulder. "Jon....." He turns to me. "No, Spens. You, Mercy, and Lui stand back. I will take care of this." I take a few steps back, holding Mercy and Lui. Jon raises his gun, and points it at Sorka. "Okay. Now what?" He says, and she smiles. "Well, now I shoot you." She says, and Jon smirks. "Nope." He says, and he pulls the trigger of his gun. I turn Mercy and Lui away from it. Two loud bangs go off, and I look back to Jon. Sorka falls to the floor, a bullet though her forehead. I smile, and look at Jon, still standing there. "Jon! You did it!" But then, the gun falls from his hand, and clatters to the floor. I look up at him, and hold my hand out a little. "Jon?....." I say, and I let go of Lui and Mercy and run to him. He falls backwards, and he collapses in my arms. I look down at him, and see a growing blood stain on his shirt next to his heart. "Jon, oh god...." I whisper, and I look at Mercy. "Call an ambulance." I say, and she nods. Lui drops to his knees, and holds Jons head in his lap. "Jon, please. You and I are such a good team. You're the best guy ever. So please dont die." Lui says, and Jon smiles, then grimaces. The blood seeps through his shirt, and I press down on his wound, his blood making my hands red. He looks up at me, then at Lui. He smiles at both of us, wincing from the pain. "Spens......." He whispers, and I hold his hand. "Jon, its okay." I hear a helicopter coming, and then Mercy comes running back over. She points out the window. "Thats the med flight. The hospital is five minutes away. They got him." She says, and I look back to Jon. "You hear that, Jon? Youre gonna be okay. They're gonna take you to the hospital, and you'll be fine." He smiles, and then the window breaks. I look over to see the helicopter hovering next to the window, and the EMTs climb in. The run over with a stretcher, and lift Jon onto it, taking him from our arms. They run him back to the chopper, and Lui runs with them. "Im gonna go with him!" He yells over his shoulder, and I nod. Lui climbs in and sits next to Jon as the EMTs hook him up in the chopper. The pilot looks back at them. "Okay, we're two minutes out, and the emergency crew is awaiting our arrival." The helicopter lifts away, and flies off towards the hospital. I look at Mercy, and she hugs me. "He'll be okay. I know he will." She says, rubbing my hair. I sigh. "Yeah. Lets get to the hospital."
I hold Jon's hand as the chopper touches down on the hospital roof. The EMTs lift Jon out of the helicopter, and rush him off. Another one hoists me up, and sets me on the ground. He looks at me. "Good luck to your brother, kid." I nod, and run off after Jon. They wheel him into intensive care, and the doors close before I can enter. I sigh, and sit down on the bench outside. I lean forward, holding my head in my hands and praying that Jon will be okay. Then, I hear footsteps running down the hallway. I look up, and I see Spenser and Mercy running towards me. They slow down, and look at me. "Where's Jon?" Spenser asks, and I nod towards the doors. "Intensive care. He'll be alright, I hope." Spenser and Mercy sit down, and Mercy puts her arms around me. "Lui, it'll be okay. Jon's strong. He'll pull through." I lean my head on her shoulder, and I feel tears well up in my eyes. I start to cry, and I wrap my arms tightly around Mercy. She pats my head. "Its okay, Lui. Its okay."
4 Hours Later
As I sit talking to Spenser, a doctor comes walking up to us. "Are you here for Jonathan Dennis?" He asks, and I stand up, eyes wide. "YES! Is he okay?" I ask, and the doctor smiles. "He'll live. He pulled through, and the surgery went well. He's in his room now, but he's asleep. You can go and see him, but he needs to rest." I nod, and thank the doctor. I sprint down the hall to Jon's room, and screech to a halt in front of the door. I look in, and I see Jon, a bandage wrapped around his chest, laying in the bed. He looks so small, like the kid I knew when I was four. I smile, and walk in. I crawl up on the bed next to him, and lean against him. He stirs, and slightly opens his eyes. He gazes to the side, and meets my eyes. He grins, and I hug him. He wraps his arms around me, then winces. He leans back again, and I sigh. I lay down, and close my eyes. I cant be happier that Jon is still alive.
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